Story by Admiral Akio on SoFurry

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#7 of SAVAGE WORLDS: Ia'Swaa

These are the bare-bones characters for the small world setting, and can also be used as NPCs with very little work.

This is it!

In the future, I will be running roleplaying games as patreon events. This is one of the systems that will be up for vote.

Animal Warrior

agility d10

smarts d6

magic d4

spirit d6

fighting d10

r. fighting d4

stealth d6

survival d4

_intimidatio_n d6

streetwise d4

taunt d4

3 edges (Animal, Armor, First Strike), 2 minor hindrances

Hedge Wizard

agility d6

smarts d6

magic d10

spirit d4

tinkering d4

stealth d4

healing d6

arcane d8

molding d6

destruction d6

1 edge, 2 minor hindrances

Unseelie Fey

agility d6

smarts d6

magic d10

spirit d6

r. fighting d4

stealth d4

survival d4

destruction d6

molding d4

unseelie d10

bluff d6

streetwise d6

1 edge (flight), major hindrance (greedy)

Flower Child

agility d6

smarts d6

magic d4

spirit d10

swimming d4

survival d4

notice d4

healing d6

bluff d8

persuasion d8

taunt d6

streetwise d6

1 edge, 2 minor hindrance (pacifist and one other)

The Brain

agility d4

smarts d12

magic d4

spirit d6

knowledge(sci) d12

knowledge(hist) d8

knowledge(law) d8

notice d6

tinkering d6

riding d6

intimidation d4

1 edge (Linguist: 12 languages), Major Hindrance (Overconfident), 2 minor hindrances

The Spy

agility d8

smarts d8

magic d4

spirit d8

fighting d4

ranged fighting d6

stealth d6

swimming d4

notice d6

tinkering d4

tracking d4

unseelie d4

bluff d6

streetwise d6

1 edge (Assassin), major hindrance, minor hindrance


agility d4

smarts d8

magic d12

spirit d6

knowledge(hist) d6

notice d6

intimidation d4

arcane d12

destruction d12

molding d12

1 edge, major hindrance (elderly: can't raise agility or agility-related skills, -1 pace, +5 smart skill points), 2 minor hindrances

Driven Wanderer

agility d8

smarts d8

magic d4

spirit d6

fighting d6

ranged fighting d6

stealth d6

notice d6

survival d6

tracking d6

intimidation d6

streetwise d6

2 edges (Ranger, 1 other), 1 major hindrance (vengeful), 1 minor hindrance (wanted)