Example of a School Visit
Something that Ramiro would have heard when he was young.
Hello friends!
My name is [insert name here] and I am here to talk to you about Hyloprim. How many of you know what that is?
[Wait for the raised hands and smile]
That's great! It seems like some of you already know what I'm talking about then. However, for those of you who don't know anything about Hyloprim, this will be a good time to learn about something you will need to be taking very soon.
First off. Can anyone guess what sort of mix I am?
[Allow time for guessing]
That's correct! I'm a [state your species] and I work for AllHybrid, which is one of Alden's biggest companies. AllHybrid has been around since before you guys were born and we've been working hard to create an Alden where hybrids can live freely and do what they want. Part of our mission is to help hybrids like me and you to join the workforce and be productive members of society. Without them, I probably wouldn't be where I am today.
[Small pause]
To help us achieve this goal, we've created Hyloprim, which is a drug that regulates your hormones.
[Ask if anyone knows what the word 'hormone' means. After waiting for answers, wrap it up with a succinct statement such as 'they are the chemicals in your body that make you you']
As hybrids get older, the imbalance in their hormones starts to get worse and the young hybrid struggles to deal with the two competing parts of themselves. It's as if the two parts of your brain are constantly fighting each other, which, more often than not, this leads to violent outbursts from hybrids who cannot control themselves. But now Hyloprim can come in as a mediator to our warring brain and sooth the conflict. Many years ago, we would have been kept at home for their own safety. However, now we can just take Hyloprim!
Starting at 10 years old, the earlier the better, Hyloprim helps us regulate the hormonal imbalances in our brain so we don't act out. I've been taking Hyloprim since the drug was made 15 years ago. Because of that I have been able to be very successful.
[Talk about your accomplishments]
We all need to work together to create a safe environment for people like us. The first step is making sure that we are safe from ourselves. Because if we aren't, then how can we contribute to the beautiful society we live in?