Next guy: devin oliver mclarry devin is a 6'3 tigger who had natural black hair but dyed it white because it looks cooler he is a very athletic person and his body does reflect that he weighs 240 pounds but it's mainly muscle weight he also has blue eyes
Devin the Rebel (Diapers)
devin would shake his head and shout, "no! no! no!" michael and devin laughed extensively. from the corner of his eye, michael watched as devin nervously put on his diaper.
Around the Bend Part III
Before she could say something, devin walked in, his tail dragging on the floor. like otter, devin was only wearing jeans, but devin's wasn't as worn looking. he sat on a stool next to michelle and let his head hit the counter.
Around the Bend Part V
devin's ears twitched when he heard a small crash. "s-someone's in there..." devin whispered, almost to himself. otter nodded and began to creep inside, signaling devin to stay put.
Max and Dee - Chapter 1: The Stalking
devin asked, not sure of what max was referring to.
Long Road Ahead (Diapers)
Matt kicked the ground and looked at devin. the fox offered his paw to devin, and the equine forgave him by grabbing it and standing up. relieved, matt opened his arms for a hug, and devin unhesitantly leaned toward the fox for a hug.
Little Grove 2
Millicent making light on devin's situation. devin smiled "yeah that's true." devin agreeing with her.
From Un-caring to passionate
In the middle of the movie alixas turns to devin and says "i'm having a great time devin" she in a quietly happy voice. "me too" was his reply.
Found at the Yard Sale (Diapers)
Derrick was in the same weight class as devin, so they were going to be paired up for several skirmishes after this one. devin managed to pin that big guy down. he pinned him in a way that his crotch was right in devin's face.
A College Life Chapter 1 Part 4
(mean while up at devin's dorm.) "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." said devin as he quickly pulled his key he accidentally placed into the light switch out. "ouch... damn that fucking hurt.
A College Life Chapter 1 Part 3
"devin!" blurted josh. "it's good to see you to josh i came back from my fathers business trip early." said devin.(the other gray wolf.) "so who's your new friends?" asked devin.
John and Geoff: Chapter 2
devin smirked as they proceeded out the door. it was only a short walk from the townhouse before they reached devin's car, they both got inside and were on their way to go meet up with there friend at a local club.