DA in Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood: Part IV: No holding back

da was about to speak when he was hushed by bruno "no...there are no need for words now. go face your next challenge." da rubbed his neck before turning away and walking onwards. "and da? ...that was an excruciating battle."

Chapter 7: Confontations

#8 of duty reis meets marcus at the da's officer on his first day on the job. they have come to talk with the da and meet the latest member of the da's team.

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How to Raise a Dragon (Part 2)

"da-da!!" wilker didn't hear anything, so he continued to snooze away. "hey da-da! wake up da-da!" said the dragon again. wilker heard him this time and groaned loudly in his sleep, turning over and laying on his side.

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part V:

Lance and zephyr walked past da as he stopped "so what're you gonna do now?" da thought for a moment and nodded "gonna go challenge the elite four." lance's eyes widened as he looked to da "your serious...?

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Chapter 18: Don't Leave Me

da, da-da, da-da i can be so mean when i wanna be. i am capable of really anything. i can cut you into pieces when my heart is . . . broken . . .

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Undertale fanfic

X3 "da-da-da-da-dada~da-dada-dada_da_," hummed a small, black furred child as he scaled the mountains of miscellaneous garbage, making an effort to avoid hopping into the water, "dada-dada-da_da_~da-dada-_da_."

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Fentilus Kapitel 2: Ein langer Weg

„und da oben wohnt adriana?" „ja, sie hat sich vor vielen jahren da oben zurück gezogen," bestätigt baltilus, „und ehrlich gesagt, ich bin froh darüber." „warum das denn?" „naja, sie wird nicht umsonst als hexe betitelt.

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Briga de cervos

Quando o resto da mesa avistou o cervo aproximando, murmúrios chateados encheram suas bocas. sem dúvida, era kjell. um poderoso peso caiu sobre todos os amigos quando o caribu chegou perto da mesa.

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Believe – Chapter 12: Red

"but she-who-breathes-the-wind is da goddess of all, not just da foxes. we fox are the cleverest ones, sure we are, yo! we help all da animals, just like she-who-breathes-the-wind." imya looked at him with big eyes.

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The Chronicals of Kantori - The Dagger (German)

da die besatzung größtenteils alle sehr jung waren, wussten sie nicht welches wesen es war.

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Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 2)

But da silva and juan were talking again. "he says he doesn't know any way for kammy to return to normal," said da silva sadly. "but maybe we can find a way. i'm going to see if he can lead us to this spring."

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