Bod Takes a Nap

He looked over to the bed, with air compressor on the floor nearby, and chuckled. "oh, bod. taking naps as always." he said, walking in and picking up all the rubbery shreds.

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Pink Handed

The compressor was running low on air by this point, but it still had some, so that was going to be enough. the motor kicked in at long last, and the flood of air stopped once this happened.

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Bod's Day Off

Before the dozing dragon could wake, a light sensor was tripped, and the gentile whirr of a compressor broke the silence within the room.

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What's The Matter Man

At the same time, feeling around with his talents for that compressor and it's buttons, unable to recall which switch or knob did what.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 1

"i was installing a large air compressor and air tanks in the fuselage and air nozzles in the wings, nose and tail in preparation for today.

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Cloud Factory

The large blimps hooked up to compressors with a bag of 'new experimental voodoo-loons!' written on the package.

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W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones

We climbed out, locked the airlock and turned compressors on, repressurizing the room, checking for more leaks. there was one, but apparently to a confined area, as soon the pressure began growing. we decided to seal it just in case though.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Eleven

His round, purple body swelled like somebody had stuck an air compressor up his butt, and i dropped him in my surprise. "quack!" he complained, rolling around on his back, but that didn't stop his transformation.

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

Countless volleys of urthean torpedoes and compressor beams slammed into their shields. on the bridge, the deck suddenly pitched upward. "damn!" phoenix cursed, "g-stabilizer two just overheated and shorted itself out!

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Summers Beginning

Note they will be holding her at the peer five miles away i had screeched the tires on the pavement and started down the street i thought for a moment do i really trust them i did a u-turn back to the garage and opened the chest picked up my 9mm and its compressor

The Allure of Getting Big [PTRN][RWD]

More and more his back swelled, the surface appearing hilly as his musculature inflated like being connected to a compressor.

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Episode 4: Surprises

Harry barked, scrambling into his command chair only to nearly be thrown out of it as urthean compressor beams slammed into the ship.

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