The Allure of Getting Big [PTRN][RWD]

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#32 of Patreon Stories

October reward story for WolfandNerd!

Ever wanted to be big? One wolf sure wanted to, and it was everything that he'd ever dreamed of~


To most people, the thought of gaining any sort of muscle mass would be a disaster, and they don't see why others would subject themselves to the rigourous intensive training needed to achieve such a 'grotesque' physique; they can't understand the appeal of wanting to do that to themselves.

To others, it's their life's dream to grow into impossible muscle beasts that swell wider than conventional standards could accommodate. They reveled in the fact that door frames bent to their will - most times literally - and that they required specialty attire to wear as an errant flex shredded commercial clothing to ribbons. Their immensity was their raison d'être.

Drew was solidly in the second camp. The wolf had long been thrilled by the idea of joining the ranks of muscle gods, enthralled by the thought of having that kind of enormity for himself. His problem, however, was that, try as he might, that tremendous size was simply unachievable for him, regardless of how much effort he put in the gym. Genetics were too much of a hurdle for him to overcome.

Overcome alone, that is. After a little digging following a tipoff from a source that he trusted, he discovered the site for a muscle growth supplement supposedly guaranteeing gains shortly after using it. That didn't really make sense to him given what he knew about how the body worked, but with a price tag that low for what it apparently offered he wasn't interested in missing such an opportunity.

He didn't even have to wait all long for his shipment to arrive either as the package arrived on his doorstep within a few days; for a company that he'd never heard of before that was mighty impressive! They must really be dedicated to making people as swole as possible, he figured.

Brimming with eager anticipation, Drew couldn't wait to get to using it in his pre-workout ritual - the previous supp that he used just didn't cut it. That was until he actually read the packaging and noticed that it said that exercise wasn't necessary for activation. He froze in place as he took that in, needing a hot second to fully process the instructions, but the concept intrigued him. It was high time that someone came up with a product like that!

With his tail enthusiastically wagging behind him, he made his way to the kitchen where he normally started preparation for the day ahead. He hummed as he added the powder to a shake mix that he got ready the night before so as to make his day easier. Sometimes it paid to plan ahead.

The same could be said for following directions. His mind completely on autopilot, he didn't even question it when he added a few scoops to the premade mixture, solely thinking of what he was going to look like after the fact. Had he paid attention he'd have noticed that the container only said to use a single scoop per serving as any more than that was untested. It would've made for good reading material as he downed the shake in a couple gulps.

Nothing was felt for several minutes after the fact, with the lupine wondering if the product was a scam to trick people like him into forking over money for easy muscle mass. Truthfully he had no idea how long it was meant to realistically take, but the idea of fast bulk was so enticing that he'd hoped that it was relatively immediately. There must actually be some truth to saying that 'good things come to those who wait'.

Or not. To his surprise he felt a heat begin to bubble up inside of him, the sensation making him regret his choice of wearing sweatpants now, but he pushed that to the side as he realized that this must be the product's doing - there was no other explanation. His face lit up as the awareness hit him, and he rushed back to his room to see how true it was. The full-sized mirror leaning against the wall told him everything.

His chest swelled before his very eyes, going from flat to defined within seconds, his mind nearly unable to process what he'd just witnessed. The material of his T-shirt pushed out slightly as it made room for his burgeoning bulk, the sensation completely sublime. While deep down he wasn't sure if he really wanted to go this route seeing as so many people that he looked up to managed to acquire their gains completely naturally, he felt nothing but pure catharsis from finally observing any progress on his body.

And then Drew's pecs tensed from the intense thrill of growing bigger, only to notice that they managed to retain their size while at rest - he was still going! Each of his pectorals bloated into thick mounds of beef that forced air from his nostrils as his heart almost pounded out of his chest. He couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him, but his hands proved that he wasn't being deceived. This was years, if not decades of work, being handed to him in seconds!

The size of his chest had him enamored, drawn to the dense muscle mass that showed past his collar, relishing in the firmness that he'd only dreamed of at that point. Bringing his arms together puffed out his pecs, displaying prodigious bulk that the behemoths in his local iron pit possessed, which he'd been completely envious of. He'd longed to have what they built-up; if only they knew it was this effortless.

And fondling them felt amazing, making him understand why all those gym hunks constantly admired themselves. While not the biggest set that he'd ever laid eyes on, his pectorals were still far larger than a lot of other people's, giving his hands a lot to squeeze. It tickled him that he couldn't even cup one with a single appendage, indicating just how massive he'd grown in such a short amount of time. This was only the start of his ascension and he couldn't wait for the rest.

That wouldn't take long as his back got in on the action. As if in the blink of an eye he felt the musculature on the rear of his torso balloon like the front, contorting the fabric of his shirt as it adjusted to make room for all his new canine heft. Moving his arms around let him experience them rub against one another as they continued their expansion. The sensation excited him, and he couldn't believe just how in love he was with himself now.

More and more his back swelled, the surface appearing hilly as his musculature inflated like being connected to a compressor. It forced him to grow outward in all directions, with his traps rising up the sides of his neck and nearing the base of his ears, his lats flaring out broad and giving him a secondary width that his shoulders were forced to keep up with, and a depth that continually stretched his shirt as the fabric approached its limits. Now that was a torso to be proud of!

Not content with the rest of his upper body having all the fun, Drew's arms followed his body's example by accumulating mass like they were hoarding it in the midst of a shortage. In an instant his spindly arms exploded in size, the power bulging within them distending the sleeves of his shirt. Every inadvertent flex bunched up his biceps as they grew to the size of baseballs before shooting right past the mark entirely. Heh, every swing that he hit would be a guaranteed homer if he played now.

Not to be outdone, his triceps had become swollen with delicious bulk, taking on that signature horseshoe shape that he desired so much. The guys in the gym had limbs that seemed capable of lifting cars, and their tris alone were more than twice as big as his arms. Those days were long in the past now that he got to experience that kind of beef for himself, loving how his form gave his shirt a run for its money. The tears forming at the base of his sleeves were just the icing on the cake of his scrumptious physique.

But, of course, what good would a muscle beast like him be if all of his body wasn't huge? His legs answered the call of growth, beginning their start into immensity. Barely any time had passed before his thighs felt the touch of soft fabric, hitting the wall of his sweats before he even knew what had happened. He could tell from a single flex that his quads had bloated out with rippling heft and was exactly what the mammothian cyclists who trained at the gym pursued - he could see why they worked their legs out all the time!

Not wanting to be left behind, his calves followed suit, swelling into impressive muscles in their own right, completely catching him by surprise as he'd never really considered them much before. They each tightened as his growth caught up to them, bloating out into the ideal teardrop shape that all gym rats strived for. Mmf, everything was coming together beautifully.

Coming around full circle, Drew's chest persisted in its expansion, bloating into absolute boulders of lupine bulk that he'd only ever fantasized of. His shirt certainly felt the heat as it struggled attempting to contain all of his enormity. More and more his pectorals flourished, forcing themselves to grow in all directions possible. That brought them scant inches away from his face, the temptation of giving them the attention that they rightfully deserved building up inside of him. He'd wanted to do this to someone for ages now, and he was more than thrilled to be his own first.

With admiration for his newfound musculature driving all of his actions, he let his snout be engulfed by his bulging pectorals, thoroughly ecstatic with the way that the gigantic slabs of beef trapped his muzzle between them without even trying. While he'd been watching his growth the whole time it only really dawned on him now that all of this gargantuan muscle mass was his, his soul aflame with fervent glee that he'd finally found a way to give himself what he'd wanted for ages.

He gave one pectoral a lick, his tongue stimulating the muscle into flexing and giving his shirt even more grief. More and more elation welled up across his frame, eliciting a moan of approval as he fell in love with his size. His hands got in on the action as well, feeling the might of his chest as he gripped both pecs and felt them nearly tear the front of his shirt off entirely. Goddamn, it wouldn't be long before that happened.

It wasn't just his chest that got him going either. His hands wandered around his swelling enormity, completely enchanted by how far he'd come - the bottom of his shirt had risen up his widening trunk and he'd had no idea until now! The wolf was joining the ranks of those titans at the gym at a rapid rate, becoming much too big for conventional clothing. It only made him want more size, _really_see how far he could push himself.

With his shirt having practically become a makeshift bra, it gave Drew's abs their moment in the spotlight. While already bloated from the impossible amount of growth affecting him, they'd tightened spectacularly, bulging into a grotesque set of cinder blocks that even the biggest of mass monsters would have trouble matching. They heaved with every breath that he took, a testament to the absurd power crammed into his core.

His back grew mountainous as the peaks of each muscle group rose high above the valleys between them. No more could he consider himself merely swole, he'd far surpassed that by every metric, closing the gap on being colossal the more that time ticked on. It electrified his nerves to know that he was well on his way to outclassing quite a few people who made working out at the iron pit their full-time job. Heh, all of his personal bests wouldn't even be sufficient warmups for him now.

The inconceivable amount of muscle mass packed onto his frame forced it to widen well-beyond his initial size, testing the limits of the shirt that he'd completely forgotten to take off. His cannonball-like shoulders had broadened immensely, pushing his width closer to his height - just about the only thing about him that hadn't grown at all.

His shirt wasn't the only thing threatened by his ever-increasing expansion. His sweatpants, too, experienced what it was like to try and accommodate ridiculous amounts of heft, the material contouring around his tremendous muscle mass as the fibres in his legs tore and repaired themselves almost instantaneously. In seconds his quads bloated past the size of watermelons, able to crush them with ease now. The thought of trying that did go through his head, but he'd rather prove himself by tackling something more impressive - like cars.

Even while still clothed, his legs were among the thickest that he'd ever seen in his life, putting tree trunks to shame both in size and strength. His calves in particular ballooned into the realm of obscene, widening past what he'd thought was possible. They engorged themselves on the growth energy deluging his form, broadening to impossibility as they swelled three times as thick as what professional bodybuilders could achieve. Maybe he ought to give that a shot one day...

While Drew had greatly enjoyed his fairly fast excursion into the territory of only the most titanic of society, all good things must sadly come to an end. That didn't mean that the fun was over as, even though his growth slowed to a crawl, it gave him one last thrill in the form of his shirt exploding, its failure to contain his swollen bulk nearly causing his heart to beat out of his chest. He grunted his approval at the sight of his own immensity in the mirror, his snout thoroughly nuzzled into his overly muscular pectorals.

Huge. Gigantic. Colossal. Monstrous. Those were all words that he'd describe himself as now. The front-row seat to his own ascension was heavenly, exactly the thing that he'd been asking for to lift his spirits.

Check him out! He couldn't even believe that what stared back at him in the mirror was himself, and he knew for a fact that the people in his life wouldn't be able to recognize him unless they looked closely. In fact, he kind of wanted to test that theory, getting the itch to hit the gym. Heh, wait till everyone gets a load of this wolf stud!

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