The Fall A Story of Young pup

The chow chow looks at him and says "this area is under korean control and that's all i can tell you" the chow chow growls a little but truly doesn't want anything to happen to this little boy and father.

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What is Love? - Part 2: Chow?

"chow?" he asked himself quietly to keep anybody from hearing him. "is this who i truly am?" he inquired the inanimate picture. realizing he wouldn't get a reply, daniel observed himself in astonishment.

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What is Love? - Part 3: Ending?

With this nametag on the collar and on his neck, he no longer had to be daniel, he could be chow. the name fit better considering he was now a wolf. no wolf was named daniel. a unique wolf was named chow if he was lucky enough.

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When Fox Knew

I was sitting in the chow hall. eating my fill of the morning's gruel. say what you will of the chow hall food, but it's not as bad as the holos would make you believe. and this hatchling of a falcon sat down. he slammed his tray down.

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mis furonas

chow gato naranja lobo gris mary popins nota : el esta realemte muerto por una epidemia revivida de una forma extraña dando sus ojos nergos con luz en sus ojos con otras epocas ( otros personajes ) dando luz que el es otra especie o

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Chaos Pokemon Chapter 5: Chaotic Reunion

-chow chow! amy-oh chill out you two. with that amy moved the camera a bit revealing a small rabbit and fairy started to move into the camera. tails-hey cream! cream-hey tails! amy-it sure is good to see you two in one piece.

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Chaos Pokemon Chapter 5:Chaotic Reunion

-chow chow! amy-oh chill out you two. with that amy moved the camera a bit revealing a small rabbit and fairy started to move into the camera. tails-hey cream! cream-hey tails! amy-it sure is good to see you two in one piece.

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Catnundrum. Chapter One.

Around the chow chow's head was a very mane like circle his face seemingly sunken into because of it, puffed up and out due to the tight work shirt he wore. "samuel."

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"Welcome Hooah!" Chapt 1- Welcome to Ft Jackson

The last thing i wanted was to stand out by being last in the chow hall. i stood at parade rest and looked around at the area now that it was daylight. the buildings were faded brick with landscaping around them.

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The Fall a Story of a Young Pup part 3

The first chow chow standing in front of the water snarls at him, looking down at him in disgust. he kicks dirt at the pup. "what you doing here?" the other soldier sits up smirking.

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A Hero's Tale

Hey, you want to come with me to chow?"??i ask her. i don't normally eat with people. i like my alone time but today i want some company. she agrees and we head off to chow.? we get there and there's a line. "i hate lines," i tell her, "follow me."

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