The Ancient Bronie - pilet - The Great Purge

This is me and the story of my life as the ancient bronie.

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Sarah held up the batter-covered piece of paper and blinked as she tried to read what she needed to do next. The paper was a recipe for homemade brownies that was handed down from her grandmother. She stopped for a bit to think about the old woman,...

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The Daily Howler: Visiting Chincoteague Virginia

For those of you who are equestrian minded, consider yourself a brony or have a pony/horse fursona i highly recommend visiting the island to see for yourself. the island was made famous by a book called misty of chincoteague authored by marguerite henry.

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The Ancient Bronie - chapter - awakening to the new world

#2 of the ancient bronie the anchent bronie wakes to the new world constructive criticism is ok but please don't hate. ---------------------------------------------------------------- sssssss. as the pod opened i thought about what might have happened

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Welcome To Equestria

It was every brony's dream come true to have the ruler of the mystical land of equestria pretty much right before you.

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#3 of the ancient bronie hey guys, or at least those who have read my ancient bronie story.


Zootopia: First Salvo part 6

A distress call has been received from the fishing trawler "prancing brony" a horse named "timely" who was working a knot board laughed out.... "someone needs a horse kick. "prancy brony?" talk about being original."

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler

"come on, be a brony! you can have lotsa fun in ponyville!" "what the hell's a brony, can't you explain something for once dammit?!" "hey, don't knock it 'fore ya try it!

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The Suitcase

He grinned as he rubbed his hand over it, the thought didn't even click in his head at how somebody knew that he was brony.

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Friendship is Pure- Prologue: A Page From History

Enjoy fellow bronies :3 prologue- a page from history most ponies learn the story of how equestria was formed at a young age, the story of how the three tribes, the pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies, came together in harmony.

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All About FluX

A sort of cutie mark for you bronies if you will. he is also great at the art of poi and his profession is welding for the benefit of every fur. and persons. flux is as friendly as it gets for you furs as well as for other people.

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All About FluX

A sort of cutie mark for you bronies if you will. he is also great at the art of poi and his profession is welding for the benefit of every fur. and persons. flux is as friendly as it gets for you furs as well as for other people.

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