Final Chapter: The chase ends.

It was time to face the facts. His father's shadow over the land had grown yet again. Xenorosth cursed loudly in his dark lair. Yes. Dark. He noticed he was in the darkness a lot lately. Yamizephyr had grown on him a lot. What sort of monster did this...

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Summertime nights (chapter 2)

They started to walk to john's place, going to get his beach stuffs. as they walked forward, chatting happily, the long way didn't feel as long it was. when they reached john's house, lin's phone rang. - ...yes? she said to the phone.


Love after all - Page 3

I could hear John gasp, but I was afraid to open my eyes because his reaction might be nagative. I was expecting him to get up off the bed and leave. But he didn't, what he did was both unexpected and enjoyable. He kissed me on...

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Love after all - page 2

John smiled softly at my last comment and than kissed my finger softly. I smiled and sat up, climbing into his lap and putting one arm behind his neck and laying my head on his shoulder, looking out over the ocean. Finaly...finaly John was mine. He...

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Dark Moonlight

#1 of dark moonlight **place - belmont beach** it was a nice peaceful day at the belmont beach. everyone was having fun. everyone except me, noctis callahan, a lone black wolf.

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tigers on the brain part 5

I would break the nearby boulder on the beach near the cliff. i always do so i definitely can win. "sure i'm down with it."

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Forever in love

And the one that caught his eye was the beach. at dinner harikamaru announced that they were going to the beach. "the beach!"

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Love after all - Page 6 - John

I thought for a seccond and than got dressed, if there was a party on the beach than chances are that tai would be there. i walked out of the house and closed the door behind me before walking down the beach towards the music.

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Chapter 30, or Next Time on Wolves' Legacy (END)

He stood up on the sandy beach and turned to where ifrit and eshdar were talking to each other.

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A Day at the Beach

Kai's hand and they finally walked off the beach.

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