MLP:- When Worlds Collide Ch1 Shipwrecked

Light began to stream into the bridge of the disabled airship; I awoke with much pain **_damn did I just get rammed by a dreadnaught_**? I could feel the aches all over as I surveyed the damage to the bridge something didn't feel right, for starters...

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No Time For Caution

All hands to battlestations! targeting, run shooting solutions for both port torpedoes and ion cannons. direct power to mac arrays two, three, and five, begin charging capacitor banks on all three.

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Ch 2 - Battle, Aftermath, Love Blossoms

Chief engineer slytherington didn't even try to answer - he was diving for the ladder from the bridge, getting back to the engineroom where his battlestation was. "pilot tufts! get me some altitude!" "aye-aye, ser. already rising, commander.

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Drakensang Chapter 5

battlestations. divert emergency power to sub-light drive. heading two-one-nine-nine. arm turbo-gauss batteries for a full broadside strictly on my command. prep the main gun for ship-to-ship combat.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 5

"lieutenant cross, signal all crew to battlestations, we are under attack." a few heads turned away from stations to look at her with surprise.

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Episode 2: One Lost Shadow

All hands to battlestations. mr. land, i hope you are still familiar with atmospheric flight?" "are you kidding?" land said eagerly. " i think i can figure out how to fly this brick through an atmosphere...should be a piece of cake...."

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Episode 1B: Shakedown

"all hands to battlestations, red alert!" harry said, getting out of his chair. "fara i need emergency power now." "you got it, sir," fara replied. "mr. land! punch it!" he ordered, walking up to behind the con.

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

Everybody report to your battlestations. we need to be ready for action in under twenty minutes." the crew dispersed rapidly, leaving harry there with fara and land. "i'm needed in engineering," fara said excusing herself.

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