Drakensang Chapter 5
#6 of Drakensang
"Bring my gun and a handful of silver, By the sea we will gather for the fight, It's been so many years, So many tears, We have lost once before, Now we'll settle up the score, When our cannons will roar REVOLUTION !!"
_ - The Revolution - Chris De Burgh _
The space flashed briefly, as Dragonclaw exited Möbius space, and entered the star system; cyan waves of electric charges washed its hull and died down. All ZP-units folded back to their idle position, before main sub-light drive has been engaged.
Commander on the deck - stated Jamison formally, when the doors to the commanders nest have opened - We have arrived safely to the system. Reading starships Yokozuna and Cassacata supported by eight destroyers, four missile frigates, sixteen corvettes and few orbitals from defense fleet.
Hail the orbital control - Said Kyle sitting in his chair, behind the main tactical console
Channel opened, sir.
This is Prince Commander Kyle Garathy of a starship Dragonclaw, responding to your priority-one distress call.
The view from the front sensors on the main screen has been replaced abruptly by a rotating symbol comprised of a dragons head within upside-down triangle - the logo of the Dragonclaw and emblem stating of Kyle's nobility. Soon it was replaced by the face of the colonial governor - a chubby man with a forehead few times narrower than his face, which gave him the looks of a very happy frog.
Good to see you Dragonclaw. - he said - Good to see any friendly ship in fact. Our long range sensors has picked up three AI battlegroups on approach towards us. Their ETA fifteen minutes.
Any other responses?
Carriers Hawknitz and Acuna with their escorts are on the way, but they're too far to be of any use. - said the governor - Their ETA is twenty six minutes.
They wouldn't do any good against the capitals... - mussed Kyle. Three battlegroups; make it two capital ships per group... Six to one...
On one hand underestimating one's opponent was really a bad idea, but on the other, overestimating was equally bad; or even worse. You should never show your opponent what you're truly capable of; simply because someday you might encounter more than you can handle. If knowledge was power, then to be unknown was to be unconquerable. At least in theory.
Okay - said Kyle finally after longer thought - Form up in Phalanx around the battlecruiser...
Um... Battlecruiser, sir?
The commander has not yet finished speaking - interrupted Jamison - You will do well listening to him.
Kyle casted a sidelong glance at his first officer, realizing just how much he'll be missing him. They have come to a point that they understood each other without words, and Kyle almost hated himself for having to replace him. But that was the way of things. He became aware that his own whims should not stand in the way of Jamison's career.
..Phalanx formation. - he resumed - The Dragonclaw will take up position behind the moon, where will be undetectable for any approaching hostiles. They'll come here, see a light cruiser and destroyers forming around Yokozuna. Clearly a defensive fleet, and won't risk damaging capitals on such insignificant target. When they'll send out their escort to deal with you; you'll signal us; the Dragonclaw will came up from below them and take care of the capital ships. After dealing with them, we'll engage the rest. You're the anvil, I'm the hammer.
If I may... Are you certain they'll fall for that? - the governor doubted
That's an overgrown calculator with God complex - said Kyle - It does not act on hunches, premonitions or a warm fuzzy feelings in the tummy. It calculates. If it won't see us, will assume were not here; in fact were not supposed to be here. Our presence here is mere coincidence. Be grateful, or be silent.
Immediately after he said that, the screen flashed back to the tactical view.
Nice timing - Kyle approved
Been practicing- responded Jamison
Ok. Let's not waste anymore time. Set course to two-nine-six-five, lower ecliptic. Engage at full speed. Passive sensors only. Sound general quarters ship-wide, be ready for battle stations immediately on my command. And don't forget to mask our gluon trail.
Already on it, sir.
"General quarters. General quarters." - announced the speakers - "All hands at your stations. Talon pilots report to hangars, by your crafts immediately; stand by for launch clearance. This is not a drill, I repeat: This is not a drill."
Most of the pilots were at the mass hall at the time of the announcement. They immediately dropped anything they were doing and ran to the hangars; the maintenance teams were already prepping their YF-22 Barracuda Heavy fighters for launch. New ordnance was being attached under their wings; Gauss cannons recharged and rearmed, and fuel cells replaced with fresh new ones. Everything seemed so synchronized like in a clock.
Of course Kyle didn't see that on his console, only status icons that were changing from red to green, when one after one squadrons reported their readiness.
Were on position, sir - said Jamison after awhile - There is no sign of our presence in the system. All stations standing by for your command.
Now we just sit, wait and hope for the best - said Kyle - Smoke if you have any.
"Too bad I'm an impatient son-of-a-gun" - he thought tapping his fingers at his console.
After the destruction of Earth population by the moons ninety years ago, UESA, the only surviving organization from Earth made a desperate attempt to rid mankind of their wrath. Unitology was banned, and every sign of their activity was dealt with severely. UESA High Command established on a new homeworld - Gaia forbade any attempts to travel anwhere near the Solaris star system, in order not to lure in their enemy.
Furthermore an advanced AI construct has been charged with finding a solution to deal with all outbreak possibility once and for all. Unfortunately, as it was with every quick and easy ways, this failed miserably. The AI that was supposed to save mankind was now its destroyer, just because it arrived to a conclusion that the only way to deal with moon threat was to sterilize the whole galaxy of biological life. Any trace of it. God bless the human ingenuity. If it weren't for Antharans appearance mankind would be but a faint memory.
They should be entering the system by now - said Jamison looking at the readings on his console - Too bad we can't say for sure.
Patience laddie - said Kyle mostly to himself - Wait for the signal.
It arrived not far after: a single fighter flew past them and disappeared behind the other side of the moon.
- That's it. Battlestations. Divert emergency power to sub-light drive. Heading two-one-nine-nine. Arm turbo-gauss batteries for a full broadside strictly on my command. Prep the main gun for ship-to-ship combat.
Dragonclaw came out from the shadow of the moon by its south pole, using the gravity well like a giant catapult, and heading to the place where the enemy fleet should have entered the system. And there they were. All six of them.
Kyle was wrong only on one thing - not all of the escort have engaged the battle closer to planet's orbit. Some lighter units have left behind to provide protections to otherwise vulnerable capital ships. They looked as if they were comprised of several cube-like sections, pieced together without greater concern. After all an AI construct lacked human touch of aesthetics and such irrelevant things like symmetry.
- Deploy the Talons one through twelve. - said Kyle - Detailed tactical view on me.
Holo-projectors placed on the ceiling around the commander's nest went downwards, enwrapping Kyle with holographic mist. He saw detailed images of YF-22 squadrons launching from the hangars aboard the Dragonclaw, as it were placed on him own body. He extended his arm, touching few of the smaller ships, marking them with targeting crosshairs.
Talon two, seven, eight; your targets have been marked. Engage hostiles. Talon five, six, nine: prep for the second wave. - he extended his second arm to mark the rest of the smaller targets - Talon one, three, ten likewise; Talon eleven, four, twelve prep for second wave behind them.
Beam cannons online - said Jamison - standing by for targets.
Kyle grabbed and pulled closer holographic images of the pair of hostile capital ships, positioned in the middle of formation, and marked certain subsections on them. He waited a few seconds until the fighter squads cleared the area in front of the starship.
- Fire.
The main gun of a planet-buster starship comprised of four force beam generators, placed outside the main hull in two jutting segments to the sides. Normally the generators were pointed towards the front section of the ship, containing special deflectors that combined the four beams into one ray, hollow inside. That ray fired at the planet surface, but it wasn't powerful enough to destroy the planet. Its job was of a different kind - to shield the main charge of antimatter from exterior conditions.
The ray created a sort of wormhole, through which the antimatter was guided to the planet surface, which once reached it, and ray dissipated causing the antimatter to came into direct contact with the surrounding matter and thus creating a powerful blast of energy and annihilating everything in near proximity. However when beam generators were used like independent cannons they served as very powerful ship-to-ship weapon.
The beams struck the hostile ships directly into designated subsections, cutting the starships in two halves. They exploded soon after, causing major disturbance amongst the fleet they were in.
The Dragonclaw emerged out from the cloud of the debris, flying from below into the center of formation. They timed it right. The whole formation went into disarray, and was unable to act appropriately to the situation. They were easy pickings.
- Stand by... - said Kyle watching how the images of the remaining four capital ships fell down on each side of him - Stand by... Fire.
Turbo-Gauss batteries fired simultaneously striking at the two closest starships. The salvo wasn't merely as powerful as the previous one, but it did its job. Both starships almost instantly returned fire, but the Dragonclaw was already high above them. Their ordnance flew past each other and struck in both ships making them fall adrift and smash into the two outlying starships.
I can't believe it actually worked - laughed Jamison - This is just...
Don't get cocky now. It's not over yet - Kyle admonished him - Strap in, 'cause this time they had more than enough time to lock-on to us. Deploy all of the remaining Talons to perform massive bombing run on maximum area dispersal. They cannot form any kind of formation or their point-defense will rip them to shreds. Divert power from engines to shields. Bring the ship for the second fly-by.
Incoming fire - stated Jamison - barring one-eight-zero
I see it. - hissed Kyle. Automatic seat-belts firmly pressed him to the chair.
Dragonclaw danced around its central horizontal axis, turning around 180 degrees, and managed to fire from its beam cannons just before hostile salvo reached it. Most of the ordnance detonated before reaching the ship's hull, but few managed to get pass the shields. Bridge shook violently as they did.
Shields at ten percent. Hull breaches in front section. Air-locks sealed, so were not loosing air anymore. - reported Jamison - Fire control for the main cannon is off-line.
Dispatch engineering teams for emergency repairs. The ship must hold 'til the very end.
Incoming torpedoes; heavy load out! Bearing two-two-six-zero and six-five-nine-eight. Four... Make that six volleys. Twenty seconds to impact.
Fire countermeasures. - he ordered.
From the Dragonclaw starboard an port sides shoot forward a large sheet of nets composed of semtex high explosive meeting up with torpedoes and detonating them before they reached their destination.
- T-gauss batteries fire at will! Watch the IFF*!
Barracuda fighters poured from the sides of the ship like a water from the shower, firing their heavy missiles with 450 Kt nuclear warheads at their targets, braking-off and firing again, which combined with constant, relentless fire support from the dreadnought spew a fiery hell over the misshaped hulls of AI capital ships, turning them into but an empty husks scorched by a nuclear fire.
That was the mainstay of Kyle's tactic. While most of the commanders used more indirect approach, intent on preserving their precious commands, and minimize the potential threats to the capital ships, Kyle was just going right to the thick of it, guns blazing. A shock-and-awe tactic pushed to its limits. However unsuitable for prolonged battles was perfect fitting for Kyle's engagements, that rarely took longer than five minutes. This was his battlefield, and it was him who dictated the rules.
It always were.
In the end Kyle didn't go to the meeting at the barracks. Instead he went to the traders and employed himself as a caravan guard, and he had his first assignment the next day. After a few short introductions they moved on to the city placed far in the south. Kitharian** capital city, Mishran. Caravan master, boisterous tiger named Haurun, seemed like he just couldn't stay silent for more than three minutes, and it was getting on Kyle's very last nerves. However it was the very kithar who was footing the bill for this, so Kyle worked very hard not to let his annoyance be shown. So he laughed, but not too hard, on his jokes; grinned at the more stupid ones, or raised left eyebrow on those plain sacrilegious, exchanging meaningful glances with the rest of the escorts, and tried not to engage with long conversations with him,
He had different things on his mind anyway. His comrades for instance. Even though he still was pissed at them for that meaningless argument that made him separate from them, and all; but he became more and more aware, that regardless of that he still was their leader. Still was commanding officer of UESA Galactic Navy... Still was responsible for their fate. Apart from that he became painfully aware that he overreacted, and not even a little bit, but a lot.
He chuckled to himself, recalling how often he admonished people under his command for using their dicks for thinking instead of brains, and realizing that through the past few months he was doing just that. Ever since Wyndham.
Yup, enforced celibacy didn't do well to one's ability to think clearly. He was certain he wouldn't be so cocky, and lose his nerves back onboard the Dragonclaw if it weren't for that. Everything would be different. They would make preliminary repairs, and somehow manage to the nearest starbase. But now...
His ship!.. His beautiful ship!.. Beautiful, death-dealing, planet-busting star...
Hey, Kyle. - Haurun's voice pulled him out of his thoughts
Why is your wrist thing blinking?
Kyle frowned, looking at his hand holding the reins of a big lizard that was his mount and saw a blinking area on his armband. He didn't had his helmet on, so his RIG, or more clearly - SSAM in his RIG was notifying him about something important. He tapped once on the blinking area, and that brought up a wide holo-screen to his view.
It displayed a map of the area with his position marked in the center, and something else, a blinking red dot far to the east. A crosshair focused on it, and zoomed in, switching the map view to a digitized geo-displayfrom the side with red dot on the bottom of the gorge or something.
Something buried deep under the sea... A marker? It was impossible to trace it while still was not active. At least without geo-survey from orbit, and Kyle was quite sure his suit could not perform this. The answer came quickly afterwards, with information rectangle saying:
Callsign: The Dragonclaw
Establishing connection... Done
Communicator CL-32004 awaiting instructions."
Kyle blinked several times before he realized what was going on.
"Report Status" - He typed back on the holographic keyboard placed below the picture.
"Sensor malfunction! No reliable readings from aft section. Data corrupted."
On the display popped up a picture of the Dragonclaw seen from the side. Most of it has been marked with red color - presumably destroyed, but the bridge section, lower living quarters and closest to the bridge hangar appeared to be intact.
"Long-range sensors: off-line
Close range sensors: off-line
Fire control: off-line
Life support: 45% capacity
Emergency power at 60%
Awaiting instructions"
"Detailed life support capability" - He typed.
"Internal air pressure: nominal
Atmospheric consistence: 20,946 % oxygen
0,0354 % carbon dioxide
78,087% nitrogen
0,9127 % minor elements.
Atmosphere suitable for breathing.
Lifesigns: ZERO.
Awaiting instructions"
"Hangar status"
"L1 Hangar breach detected. Air-lock sealed to prevent water from flooding surrounding compartments. R1 hangar functional. Gravity tethers still operational. Two squadrons of YF-22 ready for deployment.
Awaiting instructions"
"Reduce power consumption to minimum." - typed Kyle - "Preserve Life support operational status at all cost. Await further orders issued directly from the nest."
The holo-screen blinked once and disappeared.
What? - asked Kyle noticing that everyone was looking at him
What was that all about? - asked one of the draconians from escort
Family business - responded Kyle - Nothing of significance.
So you can talk like that with someone far away?
Maaaaagic. - said Kyle waving his fingers at him - Now pay attention to the road, will ya?
How can I be sure you didn't set up a trap for us just now?
You can't. And you shouldn't.
You're asking for a real ass-whoopin', you know that? - snarled the draconian - you're acting like a fuckin' badass, but look at you. Not a scar on your rosy skin. You're a rookie if I ever saw one. I advise you not to test my patience, or I shall test your skill.
Won't that be fun... - said Kyle indifferently looking straight in his eyes
Relax - Haurun butted in - We're all friends here, right?
Draconian gave him long taxing stare, but apparently decided to let it go, because he sped up his mount a bit to move in front of the caravan. He didn't turned back to look at Kyle again.
- A bit bossy, aren't they - asked Haurun - I know it all too well, but they're fearsome fighters, and there are few who would dare to challenge them.
Kyle could only shrug at this.
Back in the Drakensang Rak'Shi was just waking up. She yawned widely stretching her arms and wings out while sitting up. Seeing empty space on the bed, and feeling that dazedness she started to miss him. Kyle was about to return today, and she just couldn't wait to cuddle up to him, and... Well, do some other stuff...
She slowly rolled out of the bed, and went to the window to open it up, but resigned in the half way. There was a bathtub waiting to be filled with hot water. It really was a better way than a sun, to rise her body temperature.
After filling the bathtub, she slipped in the steamy water, letting out a soft chirr while the heat started to stream in, soothing her stiff joints. She couldn't remember when was the last time she felt like that. Probably it was when she still had her mate. Before it became obvious that she couldn't have young, and he threw her out. That was something she had suppressed deep down inside her. After all, she knew him whole her life. While they were still very young they made a vow to each other, that they'll be together, and rise their offspring, and he just replaced her with a... She dismissed that feeling before it could spoil her mood. That was then, and this is now. And now was Kyle... She was quite surprised at how easily she grew fond of him. As if all it took for him to say few fancy words, and act so nice, and she was really sorry for not being able to lay eggs for him.
However stupid it sounded, everything appeared to be just like so.
She dived deeper into the hot embrace, leaving just her nostrils above the water and in a very short time all her thoughts just melted away, replaced by the sheer joy of the moment.
Relaxed and full of energy she dried herself with a towel, and exited the bathroom to gather her clothes, but stopped at the threshold seeing a blue scaled draconian casually sitting on the sofa in the room. He regarded her with a lustful glare.
What are you doing here? - she asked him coldly, covering herself with her wings.
What's that for? - he laughed - I've seen it all multiple times already.
What are you doing here, Tir'Gar - she asked again more tartly this time.
Well, well, well - he said looking around the room - Business must be going well if you can afford for all of that. A hut bath, hot meal...
She snorted loudly and came to the large chest of drawers to get her clothes on. There was something else inside. Something that Kyle left for her in case of trouble.
It's been days since you came to me - said Tir'Gar standing up - I am waiting for my share. Or maybe you have forgot about our little business agreement?
I've already told you - she said uncovering Kyle's sidearm laying under her robes - I'm through with that. I didn't change my mind since then.
I remember the first time I've met you. - he said slowly coming up to her - Abandoned by a mate; so scared and lost. It was me who gave you food, and place to stay, and I asked only one thing in return... Obedience.
Rak'Shi turned around with pistol in her claws, remembering what Kyle have said to her.
"Just point and pull the trigger. Watch out though, it is noisy and has very nasty kickback that can knock you down if you're not used to it. But only a few things can withstand that kind of firepower..."
I mean it Tir'Gar - she said trying to hide her nervousness - Get out, before Kyle finds you here. He's not forgiving. At all.
Kyle... - he said freezing at the spot - Yeah, I heard about your mammalian boyfriend... You seriously want to tell me that you prefer that smooth-skin rather than a true drake? Don't make me laugh.
She switched the fuse with her thumb, and hearing a loud click she pointed the gun at the blue draconian with a firm set on her muzzle.
Go. And never come back. - she snarled - I'm done with you and all that shit you've got me into.
You don't have the guts to use that thing - he said focusing on the gun. He didn't know what that was, but her behavior suggested it was a weapon of sorts. - Why won't you put it down. After all we're old friends, right?
Were anything but friends Tir'Gar - she said
He made one step closer to her, and the gun fired. The noise was deafening, and she felt like she was kicked by a banthus in the shoulder, but she managed to hold the pistol in her paw. Tir'Gar was lying on the floor, squeezing his head, where .50 calliber bullet have shattered one of his horns; ricochet have broke one of the bones in his wing, and scraped the wing membrane, and lodged itself in the stone wall. The blood was pouring from the wound onto the wooden floor.
GET OUT! - she roared, partly from anger, and partly from shock - GET THE FUCK OUT! NOW!
She came up to him, grabbing his shoulder and throw him out of the door.
- You'll pay for this! - he roared when she was locking the door behind, panting hard from shock, when he slammed his fist at the door - Do you hear me!? You'll pay!
She took a few steps back, and sat on the bed full of anxiety still pointing the gun at the door. And she was sitting like that, completely naked with a pistol in her claws when Kyle has returned later that afternoon. He felt bushed, even though the large lizards came out to be a lot more comfortable than horses, still it was a three days trip one way. At that point he cared about nothing, but a hot shower, nice and tasty meal, warm bed to sleep in, and a gorgeous and willing dragoness within it.
What he saw, entering the room however was anything but that. For starters, there was a large bloodstain in the middle of the room floor, a bullet hole in the wall, and empty bullet shell nearby the chest of drawers. But most importantly Rak'Shi was sitting on the bed, much like Sha'Rae was sitting when she woke up in the cave, realizing that she slept in his embrace.
Rak'Shi didn't say anything at first, just got out of the bed and came to him, and cuddled him, pushing her snout under his chin, crooning softly all the while. He delicately extricated the gun from her paw flipping the fuse back into safe position, and putting the pistol on the table before returning the hug.
Are you okay? - he asked softly, rubbing her back soothingly with his fingers
I've been better - she responded after a short pause
Do you want to tell me what happened?
Not really. - she said reluctantly - ...Kyle?
Do you... Want me? - she asked shyly
It took him a while to realize what she meant by that. He made her look in his eyes and instead answering he asked her back.
Do you?
Do I want me? - she asked frowning - You're weird...
I've slept with a dragoness - he said matter-of-factly with a smug expression.
Oh, come here you weirdo - she said and kissed him passionately - We've got stuff to do.
You want to do it here, with all that blood and all. - he jabbed - Talk about weirdness...
Have it your way then - she extracted herself from his embrace, and walked to the bathroom, pointing at the bloodstain on the floor with her tail - Clean up this mess.
Hey. You made it. You clean it. - he said walking after her
You want me? You want my body - she asked picking up a bucket and a mop, from behind the bathroom door, and handed them to him - Then guess what you'll be doing.
The bathroom door slammed shut, not allowing him to even argue. He looked at the door, then looked at the cleaning equipment, then back at the door.
I know I've screwed it someplace.... Tell me my dearest - he said putting down the bucket and a mop by the wall - Is there any window, I could get in?
Nope - came response - Only a door. And I'm not opening them, until you'll finish the cleaning. Come on, chop-chop. The faster you'll begin, the sooner you'll finish, and receive your reward.
Wonderful - he said, and grabbed the bed with a TK-module -Guess who is sleeping in the bathtub tonight.
Then all of the sudden he remembered that the bathroom door is opened to the inside, and not the outside, and was about to knock himself in the head at his own stupidity, but as Rak'Shi moved, or tried to move the handle he saw that the head of the bed is preventing it from going all the way down, so there was no way to open the door regardless.
Hey! What gives - he heard her voice and grinned to himself really widely.
Maybe it's broken - he jabbed, practically jumping on the bed, putting his right leg over the left one, and his hands behind his head in an over theatric display of mellowness.
Kyle, this isn't funny!
It is from where I'm standing - he said - Well actually I lied. Right now I'm laying.
Kyle! You #$#&@#$%)(!*** Open this door! - she banged the door several times, and tried to press the handle again.
It was you who closed them, remember? I just don't want to contradict.
Look. I've had a really tiring week and all I want to do is rest. - he said cheerfully - Now be a good dragoness, and let me sleep.
Oh, I'll show you a good dragoness... - he heard followed by a rather loud inhale
I wouldn't do that if I were you - he said even more cheerfully - Accidents happens, you know. Cleaning my gun, it fired, you know, and shot you... So sad...
She stopped sucking the air inside her lungs, and Kyle waited for the door to burst in flames. But they didn't.
You have no right to keep me here - he heard a little more silently
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you just offered yourself to me, have you not? Well to tell you the truth I am more than willing to accept...
That's a one hell of a way of showing it...
...accept - he repeated firmly - But I do have a few conditions. First of all: My word is law. Not that I am a despotic kind of guy, but I don't appreciate to be treated like a pushover. Second: Only me. Nobody else. Again, not that I'm forbidding you from seeing anybody; friends, colleagues, or such, but if I'll find out that you're cheating on me, I'll kick your tail so hard, you'll kiss the moon.
Anything else, my lord and sovereign?
No more secrets. I'm telling you everything about me; you are telling me everything about you.
Looks like I don't have a choice, do I?
There's always a choice. - responded Kyle, getting of the bed, and TK'ing it back in its place - But there are also consequences of your choices with which you'll have to deal sooner or later.
Rak'Shi came out of the bathroom, intent on making him as miserable as humanly possible, but she resigned from any attempt seeing as he put down the bed, while not even touching it. In fact she just stood there, with her eyes bulging out and her maw wide open.
What? - he asked seeing her expression.
You didn't tell me that you're a sorcerer - she stammered
I'm not. - he shrugged - Haven't you see a TK-module befor... Okay, that was a dumb question.
She looked at him for a longer moment.
Tell me all - she said finally.
Get dressed first. Lets eat something, and then I'll tell you, 'cause it's a long story.
*IFF - Identification Friend-or-Foe
**Kithar: the felines, cat-people.
*** You really, really, reaaaaally, really don't want to hear what she said. Trust me on this.