The Legend of Wraith

Under a black, cloudless sky, a black furred, anthro panda growled. How much longer was this going to take. She'd been traveling all day searching for an angel that was rumored to be in the area. If she could convince it to add it's power to her own,...


Blue: Chapter 20

Raziel smiled his usual smile as he walked silently down the halls of the Seraph main headquarters, his slender arms, covered in black and white striped sleeves, swayed in time with his similarly shaped and covered legs. The white mime makeup on his...

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Blue: Chapter 19

Gold studied the intruder closely now that he had the chance. A black and white panda,around thirty, with a mean expression. His eyes were hard and cold, and his face seemed to be frozen in a horrible grimace. Gold scowled, why did he always have to do...

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Blue: Chapter 18

Cassiel groaned and opened her eyes again, seeing the bear standing over her with a worried expression on his face. "Brown?" She said weakly, her voice barely a whisper. The bear took her paw at once, his eyes filling with tears of happiness, sadness,...

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Blue: Chapter 17

Freddy sat beside Cassiel's bed. The fox had yet to wake up, and he was worried she never would. She'd lost a lot of blood after she'd been shot, and the injury still bled through the bandages, refusing to stay closed. He sighed. They were so close....

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Blue: Chapter 16

**A/N: Prepare your feels. That is all I can say...** White sat in the back of the car after Red left. He held the radio close to his face, ready to call Red should anyone else report a problem. He was also there to keep the mission log, so he was...

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Blue: Chapter 15

**A/N: And so cometh the action!** Freddy frowned as a sudden alarm went off somewhere in the complex. That wasn't good. He had no idea what it could be though. Had a fire started somewhere? Suddenly, a volley of prison guards rushed past their cell,...

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Blue: Chapter 14

A/N; Here's a special one, just for you guys... Freddy looked around, still holding the fox in his arms. She was so innocent, so fragile. He hated to think about how she must have ended up in a place like this. He gently set her on the ground and...

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Blue: Chapter 13

A/N: NEW CHARACTER! Mangle is introduced. Her codename is Cassiel, but we'll also call her Cassie. Anyway, let's begin... Freddy was jolted awake by the sound of his cell door opening. He squeezed his eyes shut and began to mentally prepare himself...

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Blue: Chapter 12

Freddy groaned as he turned over in his cell. His body was wracked with pain after thee interrogation yesterday. He maintained his pride, though, as they'd once again failed to break him. He slowly sat up, just in time to see his "breakfast" get pushed...


Blue: Chapter 11

Gray came to the breakfast table groggy and tired. He swore if he listened closely he could still hear the bedsprings creaking. He sat down and proceeded to faceplant into his food, at which point Clyde walked in supporting White. Clyde looked at his...


Blue: Chapter 10

Dylan melted into Gold's embrace as they stood in the bedroom that he shared with Gray and Blue. The other two were out at the moment, leaving he and Gold alone for a while. He slowly nuzzled Gold's chest, as the larger bear nuzzled his head in turn. ...
