Blue: Chapter 18

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Cassiel groaned and opened her eyes again, seeing the bear standing over her with a worried expression on his face.

"Brown?" She said weakly, her voice barely a whisper. The bear took her paw at once, his eyes filling with tears of happiness, sadness, and relief all at once. He smiled down at her, his lip quivering.

"I'm here." he said, his voice straining from trying not to break down completely. "How do you feel?" She smiled at him.

"I'm so tired." He gently began to stroke the back of her head. She closed her eyes as he did so, enjoying the feeling of his touch more than anything in the world. He stopped suddenly.

"Try to stay awake, I have to go get Pink, and then Red wants to talk to you." Brown kissed her once before leaving her alone in the room, where she looked around. She liked it. It was small, but not uncomfortably so, and it had large windows that let in tons of sunlight. She leaned back into the floofy mattress and tried to relax. She was a bit nervous about talking to the other bear.


Red looked up as Brown entered his office. His brother had a grim expression on his face.

"Yes, Brown? Is something wrong? Did Cassiel wake up?"

Brown nodded "Yes. Pink's with her now."

Red looked confused "Then whatever is the matter?"

Brown looked down "I'm just worried, that's all. You said you wanted to see her?"

"Yes, I'll go down as soon as she's eaten something." He rose from his seat and walked around his desk, hugging his brother in a tight embrace "It's gonna be okay."

Freddy smiled to himself, and hugged his brother back "I know."


Red entered the fox's room quietly, not wanting to startle or scare her. She opened her eyes when he entered, and when he looked into them he could see that she was afraid. He could understand. She was in a new place with new people after all, and she was hurt. He sat down quietly next to her bed and gave her an encouraging smile, showing he wasn't someone for her to be afraid of. Her fear gradually decreased as she studied the bear, and was replaced by a sense of the almost tangible goodwill she felt saw in his eyes. He began to speak.

"Hello, Cassie was it? I know you're scared, but I need to ask you a few questions, though, I want to start by inviting you to stay with us as long as you need."

Her eyes widened "Really? You mean it?"

Red smiled and nodded "Of course. Now, would you mind telling me what you were doing inside the compound? I know it's hard, but this is important."

Her smile morphed into a frown as she remembered "They beat me. My father told them too, Then they threw me in the cell." A tear fell from her eye "He was mad at me because I didn't kill someone that he told me to kill." She began to sob, hard "He wanted to punish me."

Red's eyes widened as she spoke, but, seeing her tears, he began to sooth her immediately, softly stroking her cheek "Hey hey, shhh. It's okay now. Nobody's going to hurt you." She slowly calmed down, and nodded, tears still leaking from her eyes. Red's voice became even softer the next time he spoke "That will be enough for today, Have you eaten yet? You should probably have lunch." She nodded, beginning to like this place already, and smiled as he left the room, leaving her alone to sleep until lunch was ready.


Pink frowned as she looked down at the fox, who was sleeping once more. She'd never had a case like this before, and she wasn't sure if she was handling it correctly. Yellow walked into the room, carrying her lunch, and Pink told her to just leave it on the table, she had work to do. She started by giving her a fresh IV, then she gave the fox some painkillers, which quickly put her into an even deeper rest than before. Pink wasn't sure what else she could do. It seemed that only chance could decide what would happen next. She sighed and left the room, and told Brown, who was waiting outside, that he could go in now. He rushed into the room and took Cassiel's hand immediately, wanting to hold some piece of her to himself. Pink sighed as she saw the two through the doorway, and carried her lunch to the cafeteria so she could eat with Orange.


Gold and Green sat in their room together. Red had decided that since they spent so much time together anyway they could save some space by just sleeping together. Grey and Blue had also insisted due to the lack of sleep both were getting. Gold chuckled when he remembered this, smiling down at Green and nuzzling the top of his head. Green giggled and nuzzled the bear back, burying his face into the other's chest. They were so happy together. Little did they know, a white and black face was peering at them from the window.

A/N: Creeper alert. This chapter didn't turn out as long as I thought it would. Give me a break, I just got over writer's block. I promise to work on making them longer in the future. Until next time