Blue: Chapter 11

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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Gray came to the breakfast table groggy and tired. He swore if he listened closely he could still hear the bedsprings creaking. He sat down and proceeded to faceplant into his food, at which point Clyde walked in supporting White. Clyde looked at his brother as he and White sat down next to him.

"You okay there Gray?" Gray mumbled something unintelligible, causing Clyde's eyebrows to scrunch together out of worry. "What was that?" Gray didn't even respond this time. Clyde sighed and turned to White "I'll be right back." He supported his brother with one arm and half carried half dragged his brother back to their bedroom. White stared after them wide eyed. What the hell had happened last night?


Vio tossed the folder onto Red's desk.

"You'll want to see this."

Red looked up." What is this?"

"We found the name of the organization that ordered a hit on Green. Our hunch was apparently correct, They ordered us taken down as well."

Red frowned "Well, What is it then?"

"They call themselves Seraph, not an anagram interestingly enough."


"That's right. I'm still working on getting intel for them though. They don't appear to have HQs anywhere near us. It's all getting a bit difficult."

Red gave the rabbit a reassuring smile "We'll find a way."


Gray walked down the corridor to Black's room alone. He glanced around uneasily, something just didn't feel right. He reached Black's room and knocked softly on the door.

"Come in babe!" The bear called from his bed. Gray smiled to himself and let himself in quietly. Black hugged him as soon as he was through the door. Gray hugged him back. "I missed you." The bear said softly.

"I missed you too."

Black chuckled "We're hopeless without each other you know."

Gray smiled "I don't know what I'd do without you Black." His eyes filled with tears at the thought. Black felt the tears running down his boyfriend's cheek and stroked his back.

"Shhhhh. It won't ever come to that."

"I know" Gray still seemed doubtful.

Black pulled him into a kiss "You bet you know." He said as he pulled away. Gray blushed, loving the attention Black was giving him. Before they could barely be considered friends, but now they were as close as two people could be. Black pulled him into another kiss, and this time they didn't break away so quickly.


Orange sat alone in the training room smiling to himself. He liked to come here to be alone sometimes. To think about her. Yellow. He loved her, and she loved him. They were two parts of a whole, and would never let themselves be separated. That's what she walked in. The fluorescent lights glinting off of her feathers as if they were made of Gold. Orange stared at her in awe. Yellow blushed when she noticed his staring. She walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you." She whispered into his ear.

"I love you too." He said pulling her into a deep kiss that seemed to last forever. They both pulled away at the same time and stared deeply into each other's eyes. They were both madly in love. "We could go get some lunch. If ye want to tat is."

Yellow smiled at him and nodded "I would like that." They stood up together and left the room for the cafeteria, irrevocably in love.