Two Friends [Chapter 1]

**_Chapter 1_** Mark knocked on his friend's door. _I hope he's doing alright._ They usually hang out for awhile after school, talking about what's going on around the world, what's happening at school, and so forth; but today, however,...

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Two Freinds [The Lost Chapter]

**Hello there, Traska here.** **What I have for you is a lost chapter in Two Friends. It was originally written to be an 8 chapter series, but I shortened it down and made it into 6 chapters. This lost chapter is chapter 4 of the original 8.** ...

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Two Friends [Epilogue]

**_My last chapter and final chapter to Two Friends. I hoped that you enjoyed reading my story and I thank you for reading it. I might have another story up soon, so tune in for that._** **_And Thank you again for reading Two...

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Two Friends [Chapter 5]

**_Chapter 5_** The next morning Mark woke up and sat up on his bed and stretched. He quickly got out of bed and pick out his clothes to wear for the day. He went to the bathroom and took a shower, humming and singing a joyful tune. After he was...

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Two Friends [Chapter 4]

**_Chapter 4_** The next day at school the lunch bell rang and kids flocked out of their class rooms and into the school's halls. Tom left his math class with relief after a long and boring lecture. He walked across the school's halls to the...

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Two Friends [Chapter 3]

**_Chapter 3_** Tom woke up; he blinked a few times trying to regain hold on reality once again. He squinted as his eyes burnt from the lack of sleep. He looked around his room trying to figure out what exactly woke him up. Another series of...

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Two Friends [Chapter 2]

**_Chapter 2_** The next day, before Mark and Tom's first class in the morning, Mark noticed that Tom was nowhere to be found. He wondered if Tom was even at school. _I hope he's alright, I hope I didn't upset him too badly._ Mark took out his...

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With Love Comes a Cold Fire

_Something I made while I was at work on my lunch break. Though I haven't completed it yet, I thought I would post it anyways to get my point out about how I feel going through two really good relationship that I let slip through my fingers._ _Side...

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The Musician's Writer [Chapter 4 (part 1)]

**Hey babe... babe. \*nudges\*** **\*Snore\*** **Nico....** **\*groans\* ** **I finished the story.** **Mmmm?** **I finished the story.** **\*wakes up\* FINALLY!** **\*blinks\* ** **'Bout time you finished! \*looks at clock\* And THREE...

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