The Musician's Writer [Chapter 4 (part 1)]

Story by Traska on SoFurry

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#4 of The Musician's Writer [Chapter 1]


Hey babe... babe. *nudges*



**groans* *

I finished the story.


I finished the story.

*wakes up* FINALLY!

**blinks* *

'Bout time you finished! *looks at clock* And THREE MONTHS LATE!


Chapter 4

Mid October had turned to end of November. The cold breeze of fall, mixed with early winter, washed over the city and a blanket of clouds surrounds the coast. Perfect weather for the collie, since the cold set him rather on edge; the grey skies placed the collie at ease, making him think better, were as the bright, happy light of day made him crazy and jittery; and where as the cold and depressing rain made him... depressed-as it would with anybody (or so he thought).

Speaking of the young dog, he sat in the cold outside his college, staring up at the sky and thinking. His right leg rested upwards with his knee close to his muzzle while his other was crossed under it. His light brown jacket was zipped up from the chilling weather and his black scarf swayed behind him in a small rhythm.

A vacant expression sat on his face as he thought, his mind drifting along with the complex thought process. His current thoughts, however, stood mostly around his actual crush on the striped feline he quickly became friends with.

"I wonder what he thinks of me? Do I act too gay? Or maybe he actually does like me... like that... but he's shy? Nah, it's not in his type... yet, it could be. I've never seen him act towards a relationship yet, so maybe he gets shy in them?" his mind echoed.

Ajax sighed loudly as he grabbed his head fur, pulling on it slightly.

"GRAAH! Why is this so complicated?! Love is a chemical reaction in the brain, it should be simple and reasonable... but it's so different than what I expected..."

He sighed once more, letting go of his straining fur and simply looked up again, a longing in his eyes.

"This feeling... it's new... I've got to learn to cope with it, but... it's hard! When he's near me, I just want to bury my muzzle in his warm, soft fur, and hug him tight against me, feeling his muscles, and hot body as I listen to his echoing heart beat and..."

He blinked and stared wide eyed in front of him.

"Wow, I sound hopelessly romantic..." the canine whispered. He shrugged and twitched his nose, losing himself once again in thought.

Many more ponderings would have come up to the young dog, but a quick glance to his watch told him he needed to get to class soon. Dragging himself up and picking up his black messenger bag as he began to trot himself across the campus to the English Language department and walked inside, searching for his small class.

Aj crossed the hall and entered the opened door in his classroom; already a few furs were there, chatting to each other before class even started. He sat down at his desk, close to the window, and sighed, looking out of it. His eyes then drifted off towards the class itself and he studied the different forms that sat there.

"Husky... Panther... Lioness... Crow... Otter..." he enumerated silently before flinching. "Wait, otter?"

His gaze fell on the otter sitting on the other side of the classroom, same row as him, but something about him made the collie's memories itch and he frowned as he watched him closely.

As the small Border collie began studying him closely the teacher walked in the class and alerted them all, making him twitch his ear and change his concentration on the orange tabby.

Class went on regularly, another assignment given to them and they were dismissed from the long period. Ajax, as he walked out, stretched his back and sighed, going out of the department and breathing in the cool air that hit his nostrils sharply.

He noticed the furs leaving the same department and twitched both ears as he saw the same otter, clearer than before now that his face was turned towards him, talking with a stallion.

This otter had dazzling green eyes, rather large and happy as he talked away. His light brown fur held golden highlights and his black coat covered up his, what seemed to be, swimmer's build. A tuft of white could be seen from his chest and thus, Ajax deducted, continued down to his stomach and crotch, to his inner thighs.

Said otter suddenly moved his eyes to the canine and blinked, smiling widely at him. His mouth moved a few syllables, as with the stallion, and he nodded goodbye. Ajax's eyes widened and he blushed, staying still as the webbed foot fur walked over to him and stood in front of him, around an inch or two higher than Ajax.

"Hey there! You take your studies here as well?" Riku asked, his smile still wide.

"Um, yes, I do..." muttered the stunned dog. "Pardon me, but who exactly are you? You seem familiar..." his nervous maw let go.

"Oh! I'm Riku, the otter who works at Furs, Paws 'n' Tails?" the otter suggested.

Ajax clicked and nodded, his eyes wide.

"Oh! You!" he blushed. "Um, hi!" he waved quickly. Riku chuckled as he watched him with bright happy eyes, making the collie blink up at him.

"So, you're majoring in English Literature, or is that just another class they dumped you in?" he asked, throwing his paws in his coat pockets.

"I'm majoring in English literature, I want to be become a writer." he blushed as he spoke, smiling faintly.

"Really?" Riku smiled. "That's cute!"

Ajax blinked and blushed even redder as looked up at the otter with a curious eye. His mental process had already begun his scanning of the aquatic mammal.

"Seems nice... outgoing... he's smiling brightly, that usually means either great happiness, politeness, or he's thinking of something else... if he's thinking of something else, he would also "float" around, which he's doing right now, so percentage of intention behind act is up to 78%..." he quickly thought.

"You... you want something of me." Ajax stated to him.

The otter blinked and stared at him wide eyed. This kid was different...

"Uh, well, not exactly something of you, but rather... well... it's kinda complicated." he chuckled nervously, placing a paw behind his head.

Ajax raised his eyebrow as he watched the otter fumble for his words until he spotted an orange figure behind the otter and smiled brightly.



"Ugh, Jesus," sigh the tiger as he held his stomach with one paw and wiped away a tear with the other. He stood next to a golden retriever who stood a few inches above him. His golden fur, brushed straight, shined in the sun of the broken clouds. His pearly white teeth twinkled as he chuckled. "Are you serious?"

The retriever nodded and chuckled loudly. "I'm serious! My girlfriend is that weird."

"THAT'S NOT WEIRD, THAT'S RETARDED, JAMES!" Traska laughed. "No one holds a birthday party for their shoes!"

"Well mine does!"

"Then you need to get a new girl friend! That shit is retarded."

"Well, what am I going to do, I love her." James defended himself while rubbing the back of his head.

Traska shook his head slowly. "You are going to have one hell of a marriage then." The tiger said with a chuckle while he brought up his paws close to his muzzle, splayed his fingers out, and extended his claws. He then snarled and hissed while swapping at the retriever. "Hiss, hic hic!"

"Oh stop it, she's not going to be that bad!" James chuckled.

"SHE'S HOLDING A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR HER SHOES!!! OF COURSE SHE'S GOING TO BE THAT BAD!" The retriever waved him off and started walking away. "Be sure not to invite me to the purse-day party!" Traska yelled after him, chuckling loudly to himself. The Labrador shook his head and gave him the bird as he walked away. The tiger chuckled and took out his phone and looked at the time. "Aj should be getting out of class right about now."

He shrugged and started off towards the English section of the campus. Passing by furs that are just finishing their day, or moving on towards their next class. Many of them were walking with a group, talking about their day with each other and how so and so is this or so and so is having a party next week. But others, like the tiger, were walking alone.

Traska finally made his way to the "EL" buildings and strolled over towards the collie's class. "Traska!" Ajax called, smiling brightly. The feline smiled widely and waved as he made his way over towards his beloved friend.

"Hey Ajax," he smiled as he walked over and stopped by the otter and the dog. "How was your class?"

"It was boring," he sighed. "But on the brighter side, I'm that much closer to never doing this again." The tiger chuckled and turned to the other.

"And who's your friend?"

"You don't remember me?" Riku asked, slightly annoyed. The feline shook his head slowly, trying to remember, but failing horribly. "I'm from the club..." Traska still shook his head. "'Furs, Paws, and Tails'? I was the bartender."

"No. I'm sorry, I'm really horrible with names and faces." The otter nodded and Traska chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry."

Riku then turned to Ajax. "Well I better go," He placed a paw on his shoulder as he started walking. "I'll see you later."

Ajax stood in place and blinked, only mumbled words escaping from his maw. "Um... bye." The tiger growled softly through his throat as he approached the pup, acting like nothing happened.

"So, Aj. What would you like to do today?"

He took in a deep breath and sighed, looking up at the clouds above. He shrugged afterwards and twitched his nose, another one of his familiar ways that he was thinking.

"I have absolutely no idea..." he stated, his ear flicking.

The tiger chuckled, smiling brightly at the dog that stood innocently as he thought.

"One of the most annoying questions in the world, isn't it?"

"Apart from: "What would you like for supper?" probably." the field dog replied, chuckling softly.

The striped cat's smile grew wider, Ajax's eyes flickering to it and making him blush, such as the nervous and shy canine he was.

Traska clicked, remembering something he had heard in his Math class earlier this afternoon. He looked down and the pensive dog and smiled, half heartedly declaring:

"I heard there's a party tonight."

A flick of the ear was all the young dog could muster, thinking whether it was actual safe to go to one of the many rumoured parties he heard of that ended with the police breaking in, too many drunken frat boys, and the possibility of getting raped by some hormone crazed woman who couldn't tell the difference between the collie and a rhino.

Although, this party could give the opportunity to not only get himself a "social status" amongst others, but maybe find a way to tell the tiger standing before him his true feelings, and perhaps...

"WOAH, TOO SOON." Ajax yelled at himself mentally. "...unless he doesn't mind..."

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked up at his feline friend, giving out a lopsided smile.

"I-I guess I could go...I mean, I don't have anything else to do for now..." he suggested.

Traska smiled wider and nodded, throwing his paws in his pockets.

"Cool! I'll come pick you up later!" the big cat offered.

All Ajax could do was nod.

"Later!" he turned around and walked away, waving his paw casually behind his shoulder.

"B-bye..." Ajax stuttered, standing there hopelessly.

A few moments passed before he lost the tiger out of sight and sighed, walking away towards the main building.

"...I'm doomed..."


As Traska walked away, and rounding a corning, and continuing on until he was sure that he was out of sight of the collie, he took his right paw out of his pocket and gripped the back of his neck with it. "Fuuuck..." he thought to himself. "What am I doing? He's not the type of person to go out on dates." The tiger blinked. "DATES! NO! I meant parties!" Traska sighed and stopped in his tracks and looked around, the gray skies making the world a shadow-less place which seemed to serve to tense the feline more; since the skies were clouded, the sun covered, the simple tool he used to know if people were to sneak up on him simply vanished, making him feel, as if, someone were to sneak up on him-he didn't like people sneaking up on him, no way no how.

"Hell, I'm not the type of person to be at parties," the tiger continued to himself. "....then what am I doing then?" Traska removed his paw away from his neck and stashed it in his pockets again. He looked around at the other furs that were moving on from their classes to another, or they have just finished their class and were moving on with their lives. "No time to stand around and just watch people, I have to-" Just then the tiger felt a presence behind him, making his ears flick, and a paw on his shoulder. The feline turned his head to see the otter smiling widely at him. The large cat blinked, confused slightly and what the otter was doing, but non-the-less he returned back the smile.

"Oh, it's you!" Traska exclaimed. The otter smiled brightly and nodded.

"Yup! Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, I was in a hurry."

"No problem, everyone has their places to get too." The tiger looked around before returning his gaze back Riku. "So?" There was a moment of awkward silence between the two before the otter broke the silence.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Riku." He held out his paw. Traska nodded, taking the paw in his, and shook with the otter.

"Nice to meet you Riku, Traska."

"Hey," Riku started, quickly changing subjects. "I heard you were going to I heard you were going to that party tonight, is Ajax also coming?"

The glassed feline raised his eyebrow and slowly nodded. "Yeah." He drew slowly. "I've invited him alone."

The otter's short ears flickered. "Well that's cool. Hope too see you there then. You know when it starts, right?"

"Uh..." The tiger quickly thought, looking up and drawing in a breath. "Whenever there's beer and whenever the rat feels like ending it."

Riku chuckled, almost giggling even. "Yeah, that's what I've heard too. Well I better get going," The otter started walking away. "Nice talking to you, Traska!"

"Yeah, you too," Traska blinked and shrugged it away. "Even if it was only like ten seconds, but ok." The tiger looked around again before he started off for his car.


"Great, now the big, ferocious, piece of a hunk tiger is going to be there with him." Riku shambled towards his dorm across campus. His highlighted moved with the otter's muscle, making his muscles, to what fur he had exposed to the open, pop out with ever step. "The bitch was mine first, I saw him first, and hell am I going to make it work!"

....It took you THREE MONTHS to finish THIS?!

Yeah, and?

*twitches nose* .....whatever.

.....Well I love you too, my beautiful puppy who's not even congratulating finishing my sections on our work.
