Moonlit Confession (By Moonlight: Twilight Tales)
"Here." Under the moonlight streaming through the kitchen window, Sam locked eyes with Yu's ruby ones, feeling his own face burn as he thrusted the handpicked bouquet at the rabbit. Yu glanced quickly at the lilies and orchids, then gazed back...
Ch 4. By Dawn We Meet Again
He awoke to someone embracing him from the back. _W__ho the hel-_ As he prepared to roughly disengage from the hold, he suddenly froze once he suddenly smelled cedar. _It couldn't be..._ Despite the darkness, he'd know that scent and those...
By Full Moon I Love You
Ch.3 Sam collapsed against a lamppost, a hot, wheezing mess from running full tilt for the last 20 minutes or so. His...well, everything ached, but it was worth every damn step. He didn't feel alone or worried sick any longer, in fact, he felt...
In Darkness I Hurt You
Under the cloudy night, Sam ran as hard as he could, tonight was one of those painful nights where missing Yu had become unbearable. Yu had left a few months prior to work in the mountains of faraway Dalwa. With how...
By Moonlight I Miss You
_'You big dumbass', Yu hugged Sam fiercely, then wiped off the wolf's tears and kissed him on the cheek, clasping his giant paws in his smaller ones. It was the night before the rabbit's departure. The rabbit wasn't sobbing like Sam was,...