Ch 4. By Dawn We Meet Again

Story by Tiyu on SoFurry

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#6 of By Moonlight

Finally ! It's chapter 4 of the By Moonlight Series, thank you, so, so, much for your patience!

Next chapter probably by 2023 (lol, nah, I plan to finish the series in the next 2 months), thanks again

to Ellard for the editing and review :) (Go check his stories out if you haven't already!)

He awoke to someone embracing him from the back.

Who the hel-

As he prepared to roughly disengage from the hold, he suddenly froze once he suddenly smelled cedar.

It couldn't be...

Despite the darkness, he'd know that scent and those comforting, arms draped about his chest anywhere. There was no way that person was here... he was halfway across the world from them. Was... was this another cruel dream? His blood iced over, heart jolting as the person behind leaned forward, brushing their coarser cheek fur against his silkier own, musk now permeating the cedar scent

But...what if it really isn't another dream...

He buried his face in those familiar arms wrapped around his neck, that heady cedar scent was definitely real enough. It really was *him* in the flesh. He tried to glance back, but found himself whipping back forward every time, frustration and fear welling up in his eyes.

They'd been apart for so damned long, and a measly 30 minute call every 4 days or so due to the distance had finally exacted its toll on him these past few weeks. And now, with the conflict drawing closer... he tried to turn around and fully embrace his lover but let out a strangled cry as he found himself spinning forward again of his own accord, chest boiling with grief and rage while the one hugging him tightened their embrace gently, in consolation.

"Dumbass, never leave again, I missed you sooo much..."

It was too much. He keened, grasping those arms tightly as his tears burst forth and scattered on their fur. He wanted to say "I missed you too", or anything, in fact, but even this his body denied him. Immediately shattered, scattered memories drowned his vision, remembering dreams of waking up in those arms, only to turn around and find nothingness, or to find him but then wake up alone, or to find him rotting and dead, or to find him alive, but angry or sad, or both.

Why goddammit, why...

Instantly, the tactless, cold voice of reason instantly sliced through his maddened thoughts, icily stabbing his heart.

...but you already know why.

A strange calmness instantly blossomed within and about him, and for once, he leaned back, enjoying the long-awaited embrace. When the doubtful thought came around again, though he felt nagging fear, it rang mostly hollow in his head. It'd gotten somewhat brighter too, he could finally see in the light-blue hues of dawn.

If I turned around now...

Seconds streamed into years as he began to turn about, his body no longer shackled by fear and doubt.

...would Sammy still be there?