By Full Moon I Love You
#3 of By Moonlight
CH.3 of the By Moonlight Series.
Under the full moon's radiance, in a park far away from home, Sam remembers how he and Yu became lovers.
Finally! Ch.3 of the series, 1 more chapter to go!
I hope you've enjoyed the series so far, please comment and fave, and check out the previous chapters as well!
Sam collapsed against a lamppost, a hot, wheezing mess from running full tilt for the last 20 minutes or so. His...well, everything ached, but it was worth every damn step. He didn't feel alone or worried sick any longer, in fact, he felt refreshed and alive.
Where was he anyway? He'd been running aimlessly since he left the house, just to get away from it all. Slowly lifting his head, he gasped. Round and whole once more, the moon gently imbued the park with its warm, milky hue. In the middle of the glistening, dreamy landscape, Sam saw the proud, ancient steam clock, glinting in the moonlight, where under its eaves he and Yu had their long-awaited first kiss.
Where was he?! Sam tore through the bushes, sniffing and scanning for a sign, any if at all of the rabbit in the park. Damnit, damnit, DAMNIT.
He had finally mustered up his courage to acknowledge that he did _ have feelings for today, when he and Yu were out for one of their daily runs, he confessed. But the rabbit froze, the shock on his face quickly melting into tearful heartbreak, and immediately dashed off. He cursed himself for not catching the rabbit in time, he couldn't just _not chase after him now, he had to salvage what was left of their friendship...and to apologize for hurting Yu.
He sniffed the air again, too many scents bogging down his hu- wait, there!- the faint smell of strawberries. Making sure he was down-wind of the aroma, he loped carefully towards the clock tower. Round the corner, he spotted a familiar black-tipped ear...and his heart dropped into the depths of the earth as heard his childhood friend stifle his sobbing. He couldn't help it, his body moved on its own as he lunged forward, hugging Yu tightly to his chest-and in that moment, he finally felt whole. He felt tears hotly flow down his cheeks as he confessed to Yu again.
'I love you.'
Yu didn't resist, surprisingly. Sam nevertheless still felt the rabbit's lithe but leanly muscled body quivering against his own hulking form.
'Please, Sam...'
_Still so small, yet strong, yet so delicate..._He leaned down, resting his muzzle between the rabbit's folded ears, cradling the rabbit's head as he inhaled that comforting, strawberry scent.
'I'm sorry Yu. But even if you don't, I love you. Even more than a brother.'
'Samuel, stop jok-'
How could he think he was kidding about this? He hugged the rabbit tighter to him, slightly angered.
'I mean it. You've always been there for me, man, especially when I fuck up...and I know you do too.'
Yu stopped fidgeting, and Sam smelled his unease. The rabbit buried his muzzle deeper into Sam's broad chest, gripping his biceps tightly, and he smiled as he felt Yu's face begin to burn, almost hearing the sizzle.
He heard Yu sigh, long ears smouldering pink as they crumpled over his svelte back. Despite it all, Sam grinned wider, for all the denial and posturing the silly long-ears did as his 'bro', he'd caught Yu ogling him from time to time. Oh god... He bit his lip as he remembered catching glimpses of Yu's crestfallen face when he'd introduce him to his girlfriend at the time.
'S..since when did you know?'
'I..I've known since I moved in with you.'
He stifled a giggle as a gurgled squeak escaped Yu's lips, and he winced as Yu gripped his pec fluff harder. Sam grinned, it was rare to see the rabbit's vulnerable side...and for good reason, it was too cute. Ruby eyes suddenly locked onto his from below.
'But aren't you straig- what about Nora?'
That question slashed him like an iced knife...but he persevered. He hugged his best friend closer, expression grave as he replied.
'Yu... remember how you taught me about being true to myself?'
'Yes, at least 56 times... but I don'...'
'I..broke up with her....cause I finally realized ...I love you.
Yu pulled away from his fluffy chest, staring aghast into his eyes.
He sighed, looking away as he gripped Yu's shoulders firmly. Nora was the best ..and last girlfriend he would ever have. He really liked her of course, and the sex... but ...compared to Yu...he realized he didn't love her at all. She was understanding..well after the fight at least, but it also broke his heart to see that wistful, teary smile she gave him on their last morning-after. However cruel it was he had to wake from that short and beautiful dream once it finally dawned on him that the one he truly loved was Yu.
'Wh..but you and her got along so wel- ...mmph,'
He had muffled the confused rabbit with a kiss- he felt Yu go limp and there was an electrical bliss as their tongues danced. Seconds unfolded far into the endless night sky as the clock tower tolled joyously while they embraced.
An eon of elation later, he pulled away from Yu, grinning as his tail wagged furiously.
'Believe me now?'
His tail suddenly drooped, heart collapsing as he saw the tears streaming down Yu's cheeks.
'God-DAMN it, I'm such a fucking idiot...I hurt you agai-'
He blushed, furiously, as Yu cupped his muzzle in his soft paws and drew him down into another kiss, soft, full lips against his own and that gentle tongue. Another eternity later, they reluctantly broke free from each other, Yu beaming beautifully in the moonlight, tears glistening in the silver hue.
'No, dumbass...I'm just...really, really happy...'
He reached out and gently wiped away the tears from the rabbit's plush cheeks.
" it's just.. all this time I hated myself for having .. feelings for you...and for being so jealous and hurt when you kept getting new girlfriends...'
"I'm so sorry Yu, I..I...fuck, I wasn't being honest with myself eith... '
A paw brushed against his lips, the rabbit smiling as he shook his head.
"Sahhh, Sammy, neither was was my fault...I know what, I'll take my own advice too.'
In the brilliance of the moonbeam, Yu secured his paws around the wolf's own, and to Sam, his beautiful rabbit shone like a moonlit divinity. Sam felt his heart drum wildly. As Yu spoke again, blessing the wolf, no one in the mortal realm could ever hope to surpass his joy.
'I love you, Sammy...more than anything or anyone else in the world.'
_ Oh shit..._
The wolf jerked awake from the memory, frantically digging through his jacket for his phone-Yu must've finally gotten signal in that godforsaken part of the world he was in, thank god.
Shit, shit, shit-there, yes!
_ _He swiped the screen frantically to reveal...
'...A spam number...a fucking spam number...'
He threw his head back and howled, a sonorous, miserable note that stabbed the night. To hell with noise ordinances, he just missed Yu so goddamn much. It didn't help that for the last 6 months they could only talk for half an hour by phone every 3 days or so as the rabbit was working in the remote Dalwalian mountains, and now to hear about the uprising...
Sam crouched down, hugging himself tightly.
Please, Yu, you gotta come back for me...
_ __ _His eyes sizzled as misery and fear welled up in the suddenly dizzying darkness.
I can't lose you again.