Cherryton School, Year One There has to be a mistake here. The young, male gray wolf swallowed back his unease as he stared up at the extravagant sign plastered on the front of the main building he stood before. 'Cherryton School' was what the...
I'm Not a Hero...
**_Fox McCloud: Hero of the Lylat or Vengeful Killer?_** A pair of green eyes narrowed at the headline as they skimmed over the newspaper's front cover before it was crumpled and tossed into a nearby waste bin. A curse slipped from a toothed maw as...
ST: TDF Chapter 1
"This is stupid." She ignored the complaint from her companion and teammate, and continued staring at the screen in front of her. Fox McCloud, leader of a ragtag group of mercenaries known as Star Fox, studied the report sent to her by General Pepper....
SF:TDF Prologue
In the far reaches of deep space, far beyond the reaches of humanity's tainted reach, lied a small cluster of black and red oblong objects, stationary and patient; waiting for an unsuspecting ship to cross their path or line of sight. 'Good things come...
Crossroads: Prologue
Allison Wilde was a woman of many things. A divorcee, a hard-working individual in the sprawling city of Zootopia, an outcast to society, and a single mother. Being a vixen, in a world where predators were seen as monsters and a ticking time bomb, she...