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#1 of A Wolf is Born

My take on the Beastars anime.

In an alternate universe, Legoshi is the charismatic, yet shy and soft-spoken, son of exotic hybrid fashion model, Leano. He attends Cherryton Academy/School, an all-female education facility with only a handful of males attending as well. But the tension between carnivores and herbivores increases with the 'devouring' of an herbivore student. It's up to Legoshi and his girlfriend(s) to find and catch the suspect.

Cherryton School, Year One

There has to be a mistake here.

The young, male gray wolf swallowed back his unease as he stared up at the extravagant sign plastered on the front of the main building he stood before. 'Cherryton School' was what the bland, colorless letters spelled out. But that wasn't why the wolf felt like he was out of place; it was the fact that there wasn't a sign of a single male on campus. That, and the females were wearing rather...provocative school uniforms not suitable for an environment such as this. And despite having his best friend at his side, the wolf remained tense and unsure as he watched his future fellow students go about their day.

"Jack? I...I don't think this is right." The wolf turned to the sprightly, energetic yellow-furred labrador retriever next to him. She was a head shorter than he, reaching up to his chest. But what she lacked in height, the young female canine made up for in other fields. Her top hugged the curves of her chest, revealing the lack of a bra to hide and support the ample D-Cups she sported; her perky nipples poked against the fabric of her t-shirt. Trailing further down her body, the girl's hips flared out to a certain degree, giving her a somewhat hourglass figure that was complemented by her ample chest and hefty backside. All-in-all, Jacqueline, or 'Jack' to her friends, was quite the looker; not that the wolf would ever admit that aloud to her or quietly to himself.

Jack looked up at her tall, lanky friend with confusion in her bright, brown eyes. "What do you mean, Legoshi?" That this isn't the right school, or...?"

"I...I guess? I don't know." Legoshi sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of how to explain what was on his mind to her. He nervously eyed the females meandering around the school grounds. "It's just...there are alot of girls here."

Jack giggled and shook her head. "But Legoshi, I'm a girl, too."

"That's not what I meant," Legoshi defended himself, waving his hands back and forth. "'s just that..." He sighed and hung his head. "Nevermind. Let's get going and head to registration."

Jack lightly punched the soft-spoken wolf in the arm before skipping ahead of him. "That's the spirit, Legoshi! Let's start our first day of school with a bang!"

Legoshi stayed behind and watched as his childhood friend dashed off toward the main building, lugging her suitcase behind her. A small, warm smile touched his wolfish lips, before it quickly dissipated. He looked down at the bug tank tucked under his right arm, where his pet beetle, Rhino-Chan, slowly crawled along the habitat floor. It was a gift from his mother, whom he'd not seen for some time due to her career as a part-time 'exotic species' fashion model. She was well-known throughout town, but not her son, Legoshi. Which the young wolf was more than fine with. He'd prefer to not have any attention drawn to himself, be it because of his mother, or any other reason.

'Well,' he said to himself, watching Rhino-Chan go about his business without a care in the world. 'I better catch up with Jack before she says or does something out of pocket and makes a fool out of ourselves before our first day.'

With a soft sigh, Legoshi grabbed his rolling suitcase and sauntered off to where his friend disappeared, completely unaware of a pair of brown eyes observing him from the shadows.

Chapter 1

Today was not a good day for Nick Wilde. He started off late for work, and then as punishment for such negligence, Chief Bogo assigned Nick parking duty for the next two weeks. On top of that, Judy and a few fellow officers poked fun at him for...

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I'm Not a Hero...

**_Fox McCloud: Hero of the Lylat or Vengeful Killer?_** A pair of green eyes narrowed at the headline as they skimmed over the newspaper's front cover before it was crumpled and tossed into a nearby waste bin. A curse slipped from a toothed maw as...

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A Mother's Love Chapter 1

It was her birthday. Deborah Wilde always looked forward to this specific day. Her only child and son, Nick Wilde, always went above and beyond to make her day special, even when he left her years ago. From a movie that Deborah had a great interest in...

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