Search for Geneva's heart chapter one

Don't make a sound, I thought as I waited for the doe to come a little closer. My bow was drawn back as far as it would allow. The tension on the flexible wood I figured would have snapped from the strain I kept it at. My stone head arrow was pointed...

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Search for Geneva's heart chapter 2

As we flew over the tree tops, our home slowly disappeared behind us. Looking forward, I prayed silently to Fenrir that we make it back in time before the village was forced to move. An sharp pain stung my heart as my throat tightened with sorrow....

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The Winged Warriors (part 1)

"Ready m dragon quickly!" yelled Lord Harthgar. "Sir, the warriors are awaiting you outside the main gate," reported Peter, the lords' loyal servant, "do you want them to wait for you or attack the invaders?" "Have them attack if the griffins get...

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Werebeast Saviors

"Lord Caim, there's an elf and her body guards at our gate. Shall I let them in?" asked Norm. Unlike the warriors, he looked like all the other peasants around the land of Onia. He had hair as black as a starless night. He wore blue jeans, a white...

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Vera's Revenge

"Run!" he yelled as he pushed her out the door into the cold winter wind and out into the woods. Her blood ran cold with fear as an gun was fired and the horrible scream of her father filled the air as she fled from the place she once called...

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