Vera's Revenge

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Found this hidden in my files from 9 years ago. I'll have to do a summary late but this is just a short story.

"Run!" he yelled as he pushed her out the door into the cold winter wind and out into the woods. Her blood ran cold with fear as an gun was fired and the horrible scream of her father filled the air as she fled from the place she once called home. All she heard was the pounding of her heart as she dodged through the heavy fir trees that surrounded their property. Suddenly, the scent of smoke filled her nose and she stopped to see their home going up in flames through the small gaps in the trees as the wind blew harder. Tears burned on the edges of her vision as she heard angry voices shouting and the trees being set on fire.

Oh god, she thought as she quickly turned to get away when she was knocked down into the freezing snow. Shaking her head to clear her vision there was a big, hairy, dog standing a few feet away snarling with glistening with fangs showing in warning.

"Move and I strike monster," the canine growled at her. Slowly she stood showing she was no threat to the dog as she trembled from fear. Suddenly, the dog lunged at her. Fangs forming, nails lengthening into claws, and eyes turning amber she back flips and transforms into a giant red wolf then tackles the canine causing it to cry out in pain.

"After it you idiots!" a mans voice came from behind carrying a loaded gun. No longer in full control of her actions, she runs as fast as she can to get away from the hunters as gun fire echoed through the woods. A burning pain scraped her hind leg but she pushes on running fast as possible pushing past her limits as her muscles burn with exertion. Coming to an abrupt stop she finds she is trapped standing at the edge of an ledge to a 30 foot drop into icy waters.

What do I do now? she thought to herself starting to panic like the young 10 year old pup that she was. Turning to the sound of low laughter she sees the men who killed her father and set fire to the area.

"Heheh, thought you got away didn't you pup? We can't kill you cause you'll be no good to us dead," he grinned evilly as he stared at her through red eyes. He was a tall muscular man holding a long rifle. His hair was cut short and seemed to be red as well but she couldn't be sure as the smoke started to burn her wolfen eyes. He wore jeans and leather jacket but something was off about him. It was his scent. He didn't smell like a human but what was it.

"Wow boss, I'm surprised we trapped it so easily," said a man coming up on the right holding a flame thrower. He was a little on the heavy side his rolls hanging over his pants and down into a blue sweater he wore to try to his stomach. His chest and arms were build though as he waved the heavy weapon with great ease. His short hair was black as the stormy night.

"That's why he's the boss and not you, Morvit," said a third man coming up on the left side. He didn't hide the fact that he wasn't human at all. He wore a white tshirt and a pair of navy blue shorts. His hair was dark brown, straight, and pulled back into a ponytail. Strangely, all he carried was some rope.

"Vicktor, one more smart comment and I-", Morvit started to say anger in his voice.

"ENOUGH YOU IDIOTS!" roared the one they called boss causing her to flinch. "We are here to catch THAT!" He pointed to her as his eyes seemed to glow brightly. "What's your name anyways pup?" He grinned as he stared her down as she crouched into the snow trying to avoid the burning smoke.

"V-Vera", she said through her wolfen voice of growls but didn't know if they understood her or not. Then again she really didn't care if they did of not, all she cared was how to get away.

"Vera? That's a pretty name pup," said the boss as her ears pricked knowing for sure none of them was human. "Sorry, Vera, but this is strictly business. They want you alive for whatever they doing and I plan to take you in that way." He pointed the gun towards her and in that instant she forgot all her fears of freezing to death in the icy waters as she made a jump off the ledge and into the ragging river below. Coming up just long enough to get air into her lungs she heard three angry roars from what could only be zylamorth's. Her father always told her they were a dangerous group but so rare no one bothered to fear them. The had two pairs of dragon wings, the body of an big anthro cat like a tiger, and fur that resembled their hair color.

Going with the current she let it sweep her down quickly away from the zylamorth's before they could find her. She remained under water, only coming up for a few seconds at a time to get fresh air and dive back down. Once she was at a safe distance she surfaced and swam to the shore line. Her red fur soaked and starting to affect her body temperature she went to look for help. She couldn't howl or they would find and capture her for whatever it was they wanted her for. Running as fast as her stiffening limbs would allow, darkness threatened to take her down. Her vision started to blur as her movements became more and more sluggish until she collapsed into the snow not knowing it. She heard a voice but it seemed to be so far away when a shadow appeared over her and she blacked out due to the cold.

Slowly stirring as she woke, her body felt warm but was lightly bobbing up and down weightlessly. Her head spun as she tried to take in her surroundings and noticed that she was being carried by ... by something. Fear gripped her as she fought to get free from the grip and succeeded easily turning to face the zylamorth that she figured had captured her. Baring her razor sharp white fangs, she blinked noticing that the one who had been carrying her was a green dragon who was now in the snow grumbling lightly to himself. Gasping she quickly ran over to apologize and explain why she just did that to him as he raised up on his hind legs glaring down at her with icy blue eyes causing ice to run down her spine freezing her in place. She tried to think what she needed to say to the big dragon when he gently brushed the snow from his scales and spoke first.

"Guess I deserved that," he said in a deep voice jokingly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you ma'am. I saw you collapse in the snow soaked to death and I figured I'd take you back to my cave to get warm."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was being attacked by three zylamorth's," she spoke in her canine tongue as she started to cry. The tears burned her eyes as the dragon put one claw to her lips and hushed her.

"You can explain on the way to my cave and my kin can help find the ones who attacked you," he said as he gently picked her up like a new born puppy and cradled her in his arms. She explained how they attacked her home, killed her father, and set fire to the area. As she spoke, his rhythm in step never faltered, sped up, slowed down, and his expression stayed the same. "Here we are," he said as they reached the mouth of a brightly lite cave with many dragons of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Leading the way he announced he was home and that he wanted everyone to treat the pup kindly and fix her a meal and warm place to sleep for the night.

"You don't-," she started but got interrupted by his booming voice.

"There will be a hunt for 3 zylamorth's tomorrow at day break!" he announced loudly for all to hear. "We will eliminate this threat and avenge the demon wolf father's death. All males will come with me and all females will stay here to protect the cave. If they attack one of our kin they will come for us all in time. Am I understood?" There was a reply of snarls, roars, and battle cries as the rest of the cave filled with movement. Leaning down and lowering his voice he announced himself to be Dragoo, leader of the dragon. He assured Vera that tomorrow she would ride upon his back or be carried and she would be allowed to make the final blow to the lead zylamorth.

They all at together telling stories and comforting Vera for her lose along with what all she's been put through. As night fell all the dragons curled up into a big scaly ball of multiple colors with the youngest and eldest dragons and eggs in the center and the young adult to older adults on the outsides to keep them warm. In the heart of this was a bed made of hay that the dragons made for Vera. She had no choice but to accept it as Dragoo carried her to the center and gently let her drop only a foot away from the cushiony hay before speeding to the far end of the circle. Curling up she slept with nightmares of what happened earlier that day.

With a loud roar from Dragoo, everyone woke and started to move about quickly knowing what to do except Vera who woke tiredly from a bad nights sleep. Remaining still so not to be trampled she admired how they quickly set everything up. They all took the gets and youths to a special cave in the far back where a fire burned brightly with small holes in the cave wall. They set the eggs in the walls as the fire kept them warmer there. The older dragons brought food in from the forest for breakfast. Despite their enormous size, they surprisingly didn't eat much for dragons while Vera ate more than most. The sun was just starting to rise over the fir trees when three shadowy figures appeared in the distance.

"All dragons to battle positions now! Move it! This isn't a dance rehearsal now get going!" Dragoo ordered with a bit of a mean joke to get the dragons riled up. Approaching Vera he bent down onto one knee and asked, "Riding or carrying?" Too nervous to speak, Vera stood on her hind legs as Dragoo lowered onto his front paws allowing her to climb up his scaly back. Positioning herself above his wings she hugged his long, muscular neck so not to fall off during flight. Approaching the front of the group, they all moved aside to create a path for their leader without question or delay of movement. Once he was at the opening, he snapped his wings open and let out a mighty roar that shook the cave then took off. The rest snapped their wings open in rows as they ran out of the cave and took flight following their leader.

"What do you plan to do?!" she tried to growl out as loudly as possible being drowned out by the whistling wind.

"What else? Kill all of them and leave the leader of their group near death so you can have your revenge young Vera," Dragoo said telepathically to her, then spoke the same way to all his dragons. "Gang up, rip to shreds, destroy all weapons, and leave their leader with the strongest scent on the brink of death so Vera may have her revenge for her fathers death." The 20 dragons behind her roared out as they paired off into odd numbers making three individual groups. A group to the right, to the left, and right behind Dragoo as the zylamorth's approached quickly.

Seeing Vera on the dragon's back, the boss zylamorth signaled and they all drew out their weapons but in a instant a lightning bolt struck all three of them forcing their bodies to freeze up until the bolt finished. Watching their weapons plummet to the ground, the boss roared out in frustration and anger as they all charged towards the dragons. It happened so quickly all Vera saw was lightning, fire, ice, claws, fangs, and a multitude of colors as everything around her spun in mid-fight battle. The only sounds she could make out was roars, cries of pain, and the crackling of lightning.

"Hold on tight Vera!" Dragoo's voice came thundering inside her head above all other sounds. She wrapped her arms around Dragoo's neck and closed her eyes as she felt gravity disappear as the dragon spun in midair his roar of pain vibrating his entire body. He straightened back to normal flight but the vibrations didn't stop. Opening one eye only enough to see what was happening, Vera saw the lead zylamorth in Dragoo's clutches but both was bloodied. Next thing Vera knew, Dragoo and Vera was being slammed into and blood splattered her face. Opening both eyes now she saw that Dragoo's dragons were slamming their tails into the lead zylamorth's back and sides as the sped by. With each hit the zylamorth screamed in pain, slashing with his hind legs desperately at Dragoo who held him in a massive bear hug with his jaws around the zylamorth's throat under the jaw. Another pair of dragons swooped in below from opposite ends and looked as if they was going to collide with each other when suddenly they turned onto their sides. Within a split second each dragon had quickly and amazingly carefully bite off the zylamorth's feet as it squalled out loudly giving up the fight. Using his paws, Dragoo broke both sets of the zylamorth's wings with a loud snapping sound as it screeched. Letting go, Dragoo quickly kicked it away.

"Grab him and make sure he doesn't escape! Break his arms once you've landed and wait for us!" Dragoo ordered as his fleet of dragons captured the zylamorth and carried it to the cold, hard, earth. "Are you ready for your revenge young Vera?" Dragoo asked in a soothing voice. Nodding against his neck, Dragoo quickly descended to where they held the limp, dying zylamorth. Lowering down on all four, Vera climbed off and approached the zylamorth who killed her father.

"Y...yo.. you wi-," the zylamorth coughed up blood as it tried with the last of its strength to speak. "You will be caught or your pups will be. They will...," coughing more violently he took a deep shaky breath to finish his words before giving to death. "Will come for you no matter what you do." He grinned a weak, bloody toothed grin as he stared up at Vera.

"Let them come because I will be ready for them and they will meet the same fate as you!" Vera clamped her jaws around his throat and ripped it out in a quick sweep removing his windpipe. The dragons let him go as they all headed back to their cave until only Dragoo and Vera were left standing in the bloodied snow where the zylamorth fell.

"What do you plan to do now, young Vera?" Dragoo asked with concern in his deep voice.

"I plan to go out and find any of my kind, warn them, and hunt down the hunters," she answered as she turned to him. "If you'll allow one of you dragons to go on a trip that is." She grinned up at him as he smiled down at her and picked her up like the pup she used to be until moments ago when she made her first official kill. They flew back to the cave to bid their time as they looked and warned other but the hunters never came. So they lived in harmony and peace spreading the warning down to each generation that came to never let their guard down and that revenge is always bitter sweet.

The end.