Search for Geneva's heart chapter 2
I will put more to this as I get more typed up. If you would like a notification when more has been posted, let me know and I will message you. Also, the awesome photo was done by my FB friend ^.^
As we flew over the tree tops, our home slowly disappeared behind us. Looking forward, I prayed silently to Fenrir that we make it back in time before the village was forced to move. An sharp pain stung my heart as my throat tightened with sorrow. It's been ten years and yet the pain feels like it happened yesterday. The memory of the past filled my mind without wait.
_ "Mama, papa, wake up," I whined shaking them trying to get them to wake. "They mobing on without us, please wake up."_
_ "I am sorry little one but they have passed on into the void," Rhonda apologized gently who is now the elder. "Here, we will take them and their belongings with us. Once to the new homeland we will give them an proper burial with the rest."_
_ "But they was fine before bed...," I started to cry as tears fell down my cheeks. Placing my parents on the wagon, she gathered the few boxes of belongings._
_ "I know little one but things happen for a reason," she said trying to calm and comfort me._
_ _
"Corina, it's not healthy to think of the past on an mission," Orin softly scolded brining me back to the present. My eyes were burning and puffy from unknowingly crying.
"I'm sorry Orin," I replied quietly. "Just remembering the last time we traveled and I don't want the pups of this litter to go through what I had to."
"I know Corina, I know," her voice died down slowly remembering how we met. I spotted her mothers body a few days after losing my parents. From that day on, we've been together. We was about halfway through the forest as the sun started to set and Orin's speed has been decreasing slowly a few hours ago.
"Orin, find a clearing and we'll camp," I ordered as Orin's muscles slowly started to tremble. Letting out a low growl of disapproval to the idea of camping, she started flapping her wings harder. Growling deeply in my throat, I kicked my heels into her side making her let out an high pitched but short roar that was more of an yip.
"Okay, landing," Orin informed as her gain head looked down at the passing foillage below. Her head swirveled back and forth as she looked finally finding an suitable campsite. Letting out a high- pitched whine of approval, she tilted her wings slightly heading towards the clearing. Slowing her speed by flapping her wings against the direction she was headed in with circular motions until midair above the ground. Landing with a heavy thud she jarred me some. Once settled, I looked around at the clearing Orin had chose for camp.
It was an nice grassland clearing that the deers, elk, and other herbavors kept low. There was random flowers scattered about everywhere making it look pretty. Along the tree line surrounding the opening had a few gaps where the animals walked through at. There were different speicies of trees and shrubs all around us.
Settling down, Orin got into an laying position to allow me to climb off her back with ease. Stretching my arms above my head, I relaxed and lifted myself off her back. Swinging my leg over, I slide down stumbling as I landed. Hearing Orin snicker behind me, I ignored her regaining my balance and stretched out my sore muscles. Once stretched, I relaxed again and slowly pulled the wrapped up weapons down letting the rope pull my jerky sack down with it.
"I'll be back in an moment but while I'm away, dig us a hole for a fire," I ordered setting the sacks down.
"Okay, but if I see an easy meal, I'm going to take it," Orin informed me as she stood. While she stood, I left for the woods around us for some fire starters. Trudging through the shurbs and tall grasses, I looked for any branchs or twigs along with dried grass. Hearing movement in the rustling grass, I froze listening carefully for where the noise came from since the wind wasn't blowing. Whatever it was moved again. Noticing it was in front of me to the left, my attention focused on it. As a deer came out, I relaxed as it froze seeing me. Not moving an inch the deer continued on its way to the clearing cautiously glancing at me with each passing moment.
Once the deer disappeared, I contined gathering the wood as a roar filled the air and then the sound of many sqwauking frightened birds. A smile crossed over my lips knowing it was Orin who caught the deer. Picking up the few rotten logs I found, I headed back to the clearing. Exiting the woods, I seen Orin laying down, her massive head over the brown, white, and red carcass of the deer she was feasting on.
"Leave me some of that," I scolded lightly. "I don't want to have to eat all the jerky before finding them foxes." Rolling her giant eyes she stopped eating for an moment. Seeing where Orin dug the hole, I dropped all the debries I gathered into it. "Okay Orin, light it." Nodding while licking her snout of blood, she moved her head to where the hole was. taking in a small breath, she spit out a tiny blue-white flame letting it land in the hole. Within moments, the hole started smoking and then busrt into red and yellow flames.
"There, it's lite Corina," she informed as I cut the only intact leg on the deer. Raising up holding the leg in my paw, I walked to the fire. Laying it across the hole, the flames licked it eagerly.
"Thanks Orin," I replied as the fire burned the hairs off the meat and cooked the flesh. Nodding, Orin resumed devouring the rest of the carcass at an leisurely pace. Turning my attention to the roasting leg, I rotated it every so often to make sure it cooked through to the center. Taking my claw, I cut into the hot meat to see if it was done. Smiling at the sign of little blood, I pulled it from the fire.