Search for Geneva's heart chapter one

Story by silverfang689 on SoFurry

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The cover was created by a FB friend. Also, please give feedback on the story.

Don't make a sound, I thought as I waited for the doe to come a little closer. My bow was drawn back as far as it would allow. The tension on the flexible wood I figured would have snapped from the strain I kept it at. My stone head arrow was pointed straight for her heart but there was a few twigs in the way of my arrows path. She took another cautious step forward, her ears listening for me. Her instincts told her there was danger nearby but she couldn't pinpoint where. My heart was pounding so loudly in my chest from the adrenaline rush, my sensitive wolf ears couldn't even hear the leaves rustle as she brushed against them.

Suddenly, a horn was blown from the village and my paw slipped as I turned my head towards the sound. Not sensing immediate danger, I returned my view to my now fleeing, white tail waving prey as she jumped through the forest for safety. I spot my colorful, yellow feather tip of the stone arrow embedded into an tree nearby. Growling in pure frustration, I pluck my arrow from the tree and trudge back to the village. As I got near the forest edge, a small, flying serpent came towards me. I quickly recognized her as my dragon, Orin, in her small serpent form.

"Corina!" she cried out in her high pitched squeal of a voice. She was the size and length of an three foot snake. Her scales were pure white with a shinny silver mane that started between her rosy pink eyes and ended between her shoulders. She had two small forearms with tiny claws on her three short fingers. Her stomach had blue green scales that started from her chin and end at her tail tip where a flat, wide, fan-like tuft of fur resided. The fur was silver in the center then the same blue green as the scales on her underside on the outer rim. She had small straight horns only a few inches long.

"What's going on, Orin?" I asked as she stopped in front of my nose flapping her tiny wings frantically.

"Corina hurry to the center of the village," she replied in her high-pitched tone. "Sir drake and Madam Hailey is summoning all the pack members. Something horrible has happened!"

"Then what are we wasting time for?" I growled rushing past her as I sprinted towards the village center. As the center came into view, I saw everyone from the village surrounding the alpha's Drake and Hailey.

Drake was a very tall, very muscualr wolf-fox hybrid. He was the size of an average werewolf but had the fur and details of an fox. He had short, spikey, black hair. Around his body was his royal, orange cape made of lion skin. He wore tight fitting, red briefs.

Hailey was a little shorter than her mate, Drake. She was a pure werewolf with no mix in the bloodline. Her fur was as white as freshly fallen snow with a slender, delicate looking form. She had straight, silvery colored hair that stretched down to the middle of her back. She wore an orange lion skin bra as well as an pink skirt made of silk.

As I scanned the crowd, I realized just how serious the situation was. All the warriors were situated around the alpha's as an form of crowd control. Continuing to scan the crowd, I spotted the pack scouts, runner, shaman, healer, and elder.

The warriors were arranged by what weapons they use. The spearmen were on the ends of the podium the alpha's stood on. The tree on the inside of the line was two swordsmen and an archer. They were of either mixed or pure blood were canines. They had dingo, fox, wolf, or coyote but many was mixed and hard to know their breed. All the warriors wore red briefs, and the female archer a red bra.

The scouts were one of the easiest to pinpoint. They wore an green cloak at all times when in public. Around thier waist was an ram horn they blow to alert the village to danger. They're breed is from distant lands and across the great sea since they were dingos. They made perfect scouts with their slender and small forms.

The shaman and healer are mates in the village. The shaman is an coyote with light brown fur and blond, almost yellow hair. On his chest he wore a necklace of light blue sticks with colorful stings on the end like his native ancestors. He carried around an cane with buffalo horns on top and decorated with red bands and yellow beads.

The healer is a gray wolf with dark gray hair that traveled down her back. She wore a light purple tanktop and purple skirt. On her head was the skull of an caribou and around her waist was pouches of medicine and herbs.

The runner was an strange looking were canine but she was dangerous and fierce looking without weapons. Her breed was of an doberman from lands only heard of. She was cast out by them and accepted by our pack. She wore a blue bra with a pouch for carrying messages and red briefs. Her fur is black with traditional light brown markings. Her hair was a buzz cut of light brown.

The elder was easily spotted as well with her old, pink blanket wrapped over her arched back and shoulders. She wore an light blue top and an red skirt. She used an cane with upside down buffalo horns to walk and carried a story book. Being so old, she took care of the puppies in the pack during the hunts and working hours. Her fur is brown and her short cut hair a dark gray.

"Attention! Everyone, please be quiet!" ordered Drake as he called out over the chattering villagers. Once everyone was silent with the exception of a few whispers, Drake continued. "As you are all aware, something terrible has happened in the forest. The heart of our sacred tree, Geneva, has been stolen!" The entire pack suddenly burst out in cries of anger and fear.

Geneva was a mighty tree in the heart of the forest. The mighty tree stood so tall that its top towered above the clouds. The trunk itself was at least forty acres across. The tree had made an tunnel into its core to reach the high branches that grew from it. The heart was surprisingly a ruby gem the size of an volleyball near the trees center. The gem stored millions of years of unused energy inside it. The tree was the life force for the entire forest sending the stored energy where needed. If Geneva dies, the forest and the surrounding villages will die with it.

Waiting for the pack to get the anger out of their systems, Drake waited patiently. I listened silently to the cries of the village as they shouted their multitudes of questions. "Who did it?" is one of the most common cries and another is, "Why would they doom entire villages?" None was being answered obviously and once the villagers realized this, they started to become silent once again.

"The ones who did this was an groupd of were foxes," Hailey announced in an soft but loud tone. "We are not sure why they stole Geneva's heart but we assume it's for money."

"What do you plan to do about it?" called out a males voice obviously challenging Drake and Hailey's leadership.

"We plan to send out our best warrior to hunt down these foxes and retrieve the heart," answered Drake making sure his white canines flashed every opportunity. The crowd remained silent at Drake's display of aggression that said, I'll enforce my position if you challenge me. "Now, everyone may go about their daily routine since you know what's happened. Just be prepared to leave if we run out of time."

The crowd slowly seperated with low growls and worried whimpers of the future to come in an months time. The warriors remained as did I with Orin resting on my shoulder. Looking up from the seperationg crowd, my eyes met with Hailey's and she slightly nudged her head towards the alpha cabin. Nodding, I started heading towards their wooden cabin as Orin flapped her wings following.

"What are we doing?" Orin asked in an whisper.

"Going to the alpha's cabin," I answered. "Hailey wants to speak with us. No doubt about retrieving the heart for our village." Flicking her forked tonuge in and out of her small mouth in obvious frustration, she remained quiet.

The alphas cabin is on top of the only hill in the entire village. the cabin contained an basement of dirt. The walls were all wooden on the top floor from trees in the forest around them and the floors were soft under ones paws. The first alphas had bison skins put down on the wooden floors when the place was built and the skins are changed when needed. The basement had stairs and walls made of mud and clay to prevent water from soaking through. The floor down there was cushioned as well but with hay from the open fields beyond the forest.

Letting myself in, I waited in the main hallway while Orin floated beside me. She was going on about something like how we shouldn't be inside or we shouldn't be doing this. She always complained when we was called out to do missions or when I do something many wouldn't normally do. I've become used to tuning her out in times like these.

As I heard the door open, the outside light poured inside, brightening hte dimly lite cabin. Looking into the blinding sight, there was two forms overlapping the other. These could only be alpha Drake and Hailey. Once they were inside their home, Hailey closed the door blocking out the harsh light of the outside world. Orin coward behind me, her tiny claws gripped into my fur along my neck as she poked her head over my shoulder.

"Thank you for waiting for us, Corina," Drake thanked me while his eyes burned into mine. He made sure his alpha position was known after todays meeting.

"Anytime," I replied then continued. "You want us to go out and find the heart, correct?"

"Yes," Hailey answered as she nodded, then helod out a small tuft of black hairs. "These were the fox hairs that was left in the tree. There's a few drops of blood from where the thorn vine must've cut it."

"We aren't sure of how many there are exactly," informed Drake as I took the hairs from Hailey. As I sniffed them remembering the scent, he continued, "Shouldn't be many because we would've spotted a large group." I held the fur hairs up to Orin's snout letting her get the scent as I nodded my understanding.

"We will return with the heart one way or another Drake and Hailey," I informed. "We will leave once packed." Bowing, I made my way for the door passing by them.

"Corina," Drake said in an dangerous tone forcing my body to freeze as my paw gripped the knob. "You have only two weeks to get that heart back here. If not, we will have this village pack up and move and you know how many deaths that will be in the end."

"Yeah, I do," I muttered as I turned the knob, opening the door letting the blinding light into the room. Squinting at the light, I closed the door behind us and walked to my tent like house while my eyes adjusted quickly to the outside light. Holding my ears to my neck to show my anger, no one dared speak to me as I passed by.

"So, we're going to have no say in this mission are we?" Orin asked whispering into my ear.

"We don't have much choice now do we, Orin?" I grumbled growling slightly. Looking down slightly, she remained quiet for the rest of the walk. Finally, I reached my tent.

It wasn't much bit it was home. It was four walls and a roof at least. It was nothing more than metal poles and giant bear pelts. The more money or good trades the bigger the tent could be. The only exception to this though was if you had a high rank in the pack because high ranking canines got a good sized tent. Pulling back the skin that was split down the middle for a door, we entered my home.

It wasn't much inside really. Just a bed made of grasses and a pelt, my weapons, pile of furs for trading, and some clothing in a dresser. Since I don't have any real material goods, no one bothers my tent unless to borrow a few furs. My important material goods were buried under my bed which only Orin and myself knew about.

As Orin got off my back and glided to my bed, I picked up my quiver full of stonehead arrows, the best bow I had, a dagger, and finally my spear. Sitting everything down in a line on the floor, I grabbed up one of the deer skins and laid it out flat on the floor below the weapons. Carefully, I picked up the weapons and laid them in the fur so nothing would break while traveling. Leaving the dagger out, I rolled the deer pelt around my weapons and cut off a long strip at the end. Once the strip was free of the rest of the pelt, I used it to tie up the rolled up skin nice and tight.

"Orin, you stay here," I ordered picking up a few skins. "I'm going to go to the butcher and trade for some jerky for the trip." Orin nodded and curled up into a white scaly ball. Pullin back the flap, I left the tent and headed to the butcher. I once again laid my ears back to make sure my time wasn't going to be wasted on pleasentries. The air started to smell of smoke and raw meat making my mouth water. Finally the butcher came into view.

The butcher had a special place to cook. He had walls made out of special bark that was able to be straightened out flat. He had three walls and each wall had their own shelf to hold the meat on. In the two corners was a barrel each full of random jerky. In the center of all of this was a desk he used to chop the meat on or just do business over. Right outside of the walls was a fire pit which he used to cook meat when requested. There was also a box made metal which somehow dried the meat out.

As I got closer, I spotted the butcher. He was a rather large werewolf. His muscles were double that of an ordinary wolf's muscle build. He wore an smock at all times when in his shop. It was stained up and down with dirt and blood despite being clean. His fur was a gray with black tipped hairs. His hair was cut short and pure black.

"Hey Ben," I called out as he lowered the hatchet down, chopping off a chunk of meat at his desk.

Raising his eyes from his work he called out, "Corina, nice of you to come. How may I help you today?"

"I need a few pounds of jrky and something to carry it in," I answered dropping the pelts in front of him. "Will this be enough?" He made an grunting sound as the ful landed on his meat and hatchet. Slowly, he picked up each fur and looked them over closely. Holding them to his snout, took a big whiff of the pelt for any signs of rotting or souring smells. If they smelled, they would lose value. Next, he ran his paw down the fur. After his paw slide across the fur he looked for lose hairs attached to his paw. This also makes a difference on the value. He did this for the rest of the pelts.

"Once again Corina, you prove your skills," Ben praised. "I'll get you a pouch and fill it with jerky." He picked the furs up and drapped them on a pile already started. Moving a barrel, he picked up an pouch made of deer skin and started grabbing handfuls of jerky. Shoving the jerky into the pouch, he kept on until it was filled to the limit. The pouch held five pounds of jerky.

"You done Ben?" I asked noticing he was weighing the sack.

"Yeah, but I still owe you some meat," he answered. "Can I give you some cooked or raw meat to make up the difference?"

"Only if you got some cooked now," I replied. "Sort of in a hurry." Nodding, he took a piece off the fire pit and put it on an tree bark plate.

"Here you go Corina," Ben said handing me the plate. "Good luck on your trip and make them pay." Taking the plate, I nodded and grabbed up my sack leaving the butchers. Once again, I put my ears back quickly going to my tent. Carrying the meat made it quiet difficult to walk quickly and pay attention on where I was headed. Getting to the tent, I walked in without moving the flap.

"Welcome back," Orin welcomed raising her head. "I take it were ready to take off now?"

"Almost," I answered setting the sack down next to my weapons. Next, I sat down beside Orin and cut the cooked meath with my claws. "Here, eat real quick and we'll be off." I held the strip down to her as I ate the bigger piece of meat. Nodding, Orin took the strip and ate the meat fast as her tiny jaws would allow. Finishing off the meat, I got up and stretched out my muscles.

"Corina, I'll be outside the village waiting for you," Orin informed as she flew out of the tent. Not bother to reply, I grabbed up the weapons and meat along with some rope. Slinging the meat on my back and carrying the rest, I left my tent and headed for the edge of the village to met Orin. Stopping at the edge, Orin was no where to be seen. so I whistled an long tune and waited. There was the sound of wings flapping slowly as an shadow went over me first and then followed by a gust of wind. Landing in front of me was Orin in her mighty dragon form.

Orin's horns were now two feet long with a longer mane of at least one foot long. Her pink eyes looked like giant orbs while her tail looked like an turquise flame with an silver center. Her underside and chest scales were now solid plates of turquise. Her claws on all, now, fours legs were the size of an sword and as sharp as an freshly sharpened blade. Her body was the size of an elephant and her wing span now became ten feet long on each side.

"'Bout time you got here," I scolded lightly. "Guess I can't blame you though, been a few months since you last flew in your full dragon form." She laid down ignoring my scolding as I sat the meat and weapons down. Holding the skins, I sank my fangs in them making an opening for the rope to slip through at. Removing my fangs, I picked up the rope and slide it through the holes tying a knot on the ropes ends.

"And you scold me for taking too long," Orin grinned at me as I slung the meat over her shoulders keeping hold of the weapons. Rolling my eyes at the comment, I climbed up her leg and swung mine over her spine.

"Okay Orin, let's go," I ordered.

"Where to though? The scent is barely left, somehow they hid their scent Corina," Orin asked whinning.

"I guess we'll go the the savanna's and see if we don't find their scent there," I replied. "Whatever they used to hide their scent would've worn off by then and that's the closest area out of the forest." Nodding Orin slowly stood up, her body moving smoothly as I grabbed hold of her mane as if it was a pair of colorful reigns. Letting out an mighty roar, she took off into the sky towards the savanna of the felines.