Confessions- Part 3
"Hey, Tirra said you wanted to talk." Rayne lay flat across the bed. "So did you want to talk... or talk?" He smirked and Shade knew he was hoping for a chat about any recent dirty deeds or one night stands. Shade cleared his throat uncomfortably...
Confessions- Part 2
"Hey, Tirra," Shade greeted the white-furred lup?n girl as she appeared in his bedroom, a bouncy and very lifelike hologram. She was wearing sleek aran-style clothing, the blue color matching her eyes, and the patterns in her fur were multicolored...
Confessions- Part 1
Shade was alone when he woke; for once in his own bed, on his own ship. He stood with a groan and a stretch, dressed, and joined Ami in the cockpit of the ship. "Hey, where we headed?" he asked, falling into the seat next to her. "Got a...
First Day
Rayne had been through breakups before, but this one had hurt like hell, so to go from so down to being so thrilled was almost dizzying. He strolled out of the precinct with a spring in his step, making his way toward the landing bay of the spaceport....
Chapter 1: Meltdown
The blaring klaxon was a long, loud buzzer, broken by periodic silence. The thick material of the radiation suit compressed her fur around her, and she could hear her breath, sounding amplified all around her in the enclosed protective gear. Through...
The planet Enaza was a golden yellow color from space, it's surface covered in soft sand. These barren deserts did nothing to deter its inhabitants, whose sprawling cities were visible on the night side of the planet, dotting the dark half with...
The Quiver
Cobalt sighed as she sank into her chair, looking at the items she had gathered together on her workbench. She had everything she needed. Now, it was just a matter of getting it to mesh together perfectly. She could almost see it come together in her...
Session 1: Hired
The lizardfolk city of Tokiv Mior was bustling with midday activity as four individuals made their way through the streets, the crowd a shifting sea of green scales that flowed along the paved stone streets, patrons moving into and out of buildings,...
Ami typically didn't mind the waiting, but these last 10 hours, 24 minutes, 39 seconds, and 22 milliseconds had been insufferable. She sat in the cockpit, silently cursing the human-made cargo ship she was piloting, wishing she had remembered to...
Phoenix: A Reindeer Tale
The history to the driving force behind Santa's sleigh is a lot more complicated than anyone probably thinks. First of all, there were always more than nine reindeer. There were the originals, of course, the ones to pull the sleigh across the sky...
"Hey, I realize it's a bit late to ask this, but are there any negative health effects of being in hyperspace for days at a time?" he asked. "Not any you'd be worried about." she said. "You probably damage your health more being in this place than...
Part III: Escape
She realized the ordeal with the turrets had not only helped her tune her focus to become sharper than ever, it had solidified her change from Calla into Ash. She barely recognized her old self now, hardly remembered her own face. Now, she was all...