The Two Black Wolves
Pouncefield, St. Lovejoy's, and all other characters besides Drake and Kaizen are the property of Krezz Karavan, and are used with his permission. -- Pouncefield. A town of freedom. Home of the St. Lovejoy school, where every new day is...
Chapter 17: Oh, THAT Mental Examination
Jon was silent as he led Shadow through the school's parking lot to his vehicle, a beat up pickup truck that didn't get much use anymore, usually sitting quietly in the garage behind the house. Shadow was silent as well, having nothing to say to Jon....
Chapter 16: 20 Minutes in Math Class
Sonic rose from his seat just as everyone else was. He had tried to keep his eye on Shadow, but in the crowd of students, he had lost sight of the black and red hedgehog. Oh well. He had Edward and Pokeinfo to keep him company now. The three were...
Chapter 15: Cameo
Upon exiting the gym, Rhonda let go of Shadow's hand. The black hedgehog turned and looked at his new girlfriend, puzzled. "I'm sorry, Shadow," Rhonda began. "I'll see you at lunch, but I have gym now, and you have art. They say next week they're...
Chapter 8: The Day After
After a good hour, maybe an hour and a half of searching, Sonic and the rest of the crew found Shadow lounging in a tree. He seemed to be brooding when they found him, but didn't seem the least bit surprised. With a little bit of explaining from Sonic,...
Chapter 7: The Speedz
Sonic hated cars. Their speed was so slow, there were so many rules that the drivers had to pay attention to in order to use one, and worst of all, sitting in one meant your space was confined. Not that Sonic was claustrophobic, oh no; there were many...
Chapter 6: Make Like A Bum
The thud of Sonic falling to the floor was enough of a noise to wake the light sleeper that was Edward. He almost instantly popped up to a seated position in his bed, then looked for the source of the noise. That's when he remembered that he had a...
Chapter 3: Football Star
Let's skip ahead an hour or so, shall we? The principal gave Sonic and Shadow some spare clothing, and they spent the next hour figuring out how to put said clothing on themselves. The principal could find no shoes that would fit them, so instead he...
Chapter 2: Innocent Acting
_Okay, so where were we? Oh, right. Sonic and Shadow, through their own foolishness, have had themselves transported to the town of Pouncefield. Instead of trying to fins out about the town, Sonic (upon his arrival) sought out Shadow and opted to...
Chapter 1: It Begins
"Give it up, Shadow! You know you're never going to win!" shouted Sonic. His super form hovered some ten feet above the tallest tree in the forest, glowing brightly in the moonless night sky. "Don't be too sure of that, impostor," retorted an...