Chapter 7: The Speedz
#7 of In Chaos
Sonic hated cars. Their speed was so slow, there were so many rules that the drivers had to pay attention to in order to use one, and worst of all, sitting in one meant your space was confined. Not that Sonic was claustrophobic, oh no; there were many crawl spaces he'd had to use to complete many a mission.
Sonic was a free spirit, so sitting in this car, being driven around town by a semi-senile cheetah woman who insisted on driving at least ten miles an hour under the speed limit, and crammed next to Edward and Edna... it was torture.
It took twenty minutes to get from Edward's house to the house he and Shadow were supposed to stay in, and Sonic noticed that he could have walked his slowest to this house and been there faster. It literally right down the road from Edward's house! He supposed the stupid rule of a one-way street that ran in front of Edward's house helped in delaying their arrival, but still...
As Sonic exited the car and stretched out his legs, he saw Edward's face light up. "Hey... I know this house!"
Sonic looked to his new friend. "Really?" he asked. "Who's house is it?"
Edward grinned. "I don't know the people that live here..." to which Sonic face-palmed. "But that house right there," Edward followed up, pointing to the house next door on the right, "is my best friend Pokeinfo's house! I hope he's up... dude never seems to be awake before noon anymore. I think Cynthia's wearing him out, to be honest."
Sonic blinked. He didn't know who this Pokeinfo was, and sure as hell didn't know who Cynthia was, and he hoped Edward would tell him, or at least introduce him after the moving in with this mysterious neighbor was completed.
Speaking of which... while Edward was exclaiming that Sonic was about to move in next to his best friend, Miss Corby had shuffled up to the front door and rung the doorbell. After waiting a few moments, the door opened with a creak, and all heads turned towards it.
Out crept an older female skunk who looked to Sonic like she couldn‘t be older than 22. She wore a light pink tank top and a pleated blue jean skirt, with a big ladybug printed on it, as well as a pair of shiny black combat boots. She greeted Miss Corby, who turned and pointed to Sonic.
Sonic's jaw dropped. This girl was gorgeous... and she was supposed to be taking care of him and Shadow while they were here? Sonic couldn't believe his good fortune. Screw the Chaos Emeralds! Sonic wanted her!
"Sonic? Come up here and meet your caretaker's daughter, Rachel." The order came from Miss Corby, and Sonic complied as steadily as he could. He closed his mouth so he wouldn't look like a complete and utter idiot, and started forward. Soon enough he was standing next to Miss Corby on the front porch, staring at this skunk.
"Well hi there, Sonic! I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you!" The skunk's smile would have been enough for him to cream his pants on the spot, if Sonic hadn't had enough control over his body. He took her hand and shook it, smiling as best he could under the circumstances.
Letting go of her hand, he stepped back and waited until she was engaged in conversation with Miss Corby again before letting his eyes roam over her. He took in everything he could about her.
He noticed her white tank top seemed to be two sizes too small. Her chest, while ample, wasn't ridiculously so, and the nipples that topped it seemed to be begging to be free. They poked out from her breasts, straining against the tank top, making Sonic aware that this girl wasn't wearing a bra.
Moving on from her chest, Sonic's eyes traveled down her torso, taking in the well defined stomach. Her belly button seemed to sparkle, and closer inspection would reveal that it was pierced! A singular, thin, silver loop could just barely be seen through her silky fur.
The skirt that she wore hung to about mid thigh, more respectable-looking than the one that Edna had opted to wear today. The blue jean that was used to make it was about as blue as you could get, the brilliance of the color surpassed only by Sonic's quills. Sonic could tell that the skirt was specially made to fit her beautiful tail, as it didn't seem to ride up in the back where her tail happened to be.
Sonic just about drooled. He couldn't believe his luck. Here was this beautiful goddess of a skunk girl, who was introduced to be his caretaker's daughter. He wondered what his caretaker looked like.
That puzzle would soon be solved, as another skunk appeared in the doorway. This time, the figure was male, and BIG. He looked like a bodybuilder, and Sonic guessed his age at somewhere around the mid 40's. He wore faded blue jeans with a thick leather belt, a white t-shirt that was tucked into his belted pants, and shined combat boots like his daughter, although his looked like they could be eaten off of. A camouflage hat rounded out the appearance. He looked intimidating, and it caused Sonic to take a step back.
His figure took up the entire doorway. Miss Corby smiled at him, and stepped behind Sonic, pushing him forwards. "This, Mr. Speedz, is Sonic. He's the foreign exchange student you'll be looking after for the remainder of the school year."
Sonic swallowed, looking up at the big man. He wasn't afraid of him, and not really intimidated either. He'd just never been in the presence of anything this powerful-looking that wasn't at least part machine too. When the man offered his hand, Sonic timidly took it and shook it as well as he could, unable to grip more than half of it. Mr. Speedz smiled.
"You can call me Jon, if you'd like, Sonic. I get so tired of people calling me ‘mister' all day long. It gets boring. Since we'll be sharing the same house for the next few months, we may as well get off on the right foot, eh?" Jon looked up to Miss Corby and smiled. "This will be all. I understand there's a second student staying here as well?"
Miss Corby nodded. "We've currently... lost track of him, though. Sonic stayed over at the Foxx's house last night, so he was easy to find. I'm sure Shadow is still in the city somewhere, perhaps just exploring. I think Sonic and his friends here were going to go out to look for him."
Jon nodded. "That's fine." Turning back to Sonic, he smiled. "Let me get you inside to your new room, and get you out of those school clothes. You must be aching for some freedom, eh? Once you're all changed, you can come back out here with your friends and go looking for your brother."
Sonic regained his speech skills. "Shad's not my brother, sir, he's more my cousin. But okay, and thank you." He thought for a second. "Can Edward and Edna wait inside while I get changed?"
Jon thought about it, and then nodded. "Sure."
Edward spoke up. "Actually, I'm gonna go see if I can't wake up Pokeinfo. But I'm sure Edna will be fine waiting for you."
Edna didn't say anything, just stood there looking awkward.
Let's skip ahead, shall we? Nothing really interesting happened when Sonic and Edna followed Jon and Rachel inside the house, and some 20 minutes later when Edna and Sonic left the house, Sonic in new, more comfortable clothes consisting of a pair of loose shorts and a white fishnet t-shirt. With instructions to be home by dinner, Sonic and Edna went next door to Pokeinfo's house, and with a light rap on the door, were let inside.
Edward introduced Sonic to Pokeinfo, a male lion cub and Ed's best friend. He looked like he had just woken up, standing there in just a flannel robe, and was slightly grumpy at Edward, complaining that he and Cynthia had been busy late that night and he hadn't been asleep but maybe four hours or so when Edward came calling.
Sonic made the apologies and explained the situation to Pokeinfo, asking the lion for his help in finding Shadow. Pokeinfo, while still tired, agreed, and went upstairs to put on some decent clothing. Ten minutes later, he came back downstairs in jeans and a black tee, and the group left the house.
It was Sonic's idea to check out the park first, so with Edward leading the way, the group headed in that general direction.
Shadow, having finished his stolen breakfast and washed up, headed back towards the tree where he had spent the night. He needed to get his bearings, find out where he was, how far he was from the school, and where that idiot of a faker had disappeared to. He also needed to find the other six emeralds, but figured that could at least wait for a while. In the back of his mind, he hoped and prayed he'd never see those bunnies again.