Tales of Unova, Silver Shoreline
The rest of the day was silent. The morning held better promise. Terry crawled out of his tent. He put on his blue bandana, glasses, a blue shirt, vest, and cream cargo pants. Terry lit a fire and waited for his friends to wake up. Stormy was the...
Tales of Unova, Stormy Seas
This summer was jam packed with all sorts of events. As such, I haven't had time to write much. I hope you enjoy this update -QimmiQ It was a cool autumn morning. More gold, red, orange and brown leaves filled the trees. He strode to the door....
Tales of Unova, Elemental Extremities
I hope you guys enjoy =^.^= Suddenly the pokémon's ears swivelled towards their direction. "Aha, found you two." The lady said lightly. Nervously Terry and Florance walked over towards the woman. "No need to fear. My name is Martha." "Uhh... I'm...
Tales of Unova, Mission: Martha
Someone appears in this story ;) The Tales of Unova takes place a few years after the Journies of Martha; so certain characters have grown up. "Hi kids! My name is Professor Juniper, and from this day forward, you will be sent out to the...
The Tales of Unova, Autumn Anxieties
**Sorry for the long interval everyone, lately I am quite tied up with things. This'll probably be the most recent thing you'll see for a while. :/ However on a positive note, the Journies of Martha is still ongoing, I'm just adding into it with this...
The Journies of Martha, Contest with Candice
I had a lot of stuff to do lately, so I didn't have much time to write. As ever, please comment, give advice and enjoy. More to come soon. I decided to make this one extremely short. I'll be posting Part 3 soon ;) Hopefully this edit will make it...
Of Animals and Nature
This is just a heads up; I'm suffering of writer's block, and I'm hoping for ideas on how to continue. Could you please send in suggestions? Of Animals and Nature Once in a land, where the wind blew and the ocean pounded upon the...
The Continent of Shadows
I appologize how short this is; but its how I describe my world (howerever fictional) The Continent of Shadows The skies, the waters, the very earth died. It was irrevocable; all life was sealed. Sealed in darkness, fire, ice,...