Of Animals and Nature

Story by QimmiQ on SoFurry

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This is just a heads up; I'm suffering of writer's block, and I'm hoping for ideas on how to continue. Could you please send in suggestions?

Of Animals and Nature

Once in a land, where the wind blew and the ocean pounded upon the shore; there were two kingdoms. One was of dogs, loyal and homey. The other of cats, sophisticated and fickle. Each depended on another for survival. Dogs needing raw resources; there is none on the ocean island where they live. The cats needing fish. There is almost no nutrition in the desert in which they live. They did have access to resources; a wider selection of food, water, and resources. But information travels much quicker on mainland. Cat traders sell valuables and information; whilst dog traders had huge varieties of fish and other seafood for sale.

All was well then. Until two people disappeared. A cat and a dog; each kingdom was blamed. Until they both found they were missing someone. War was almost called out; they thought they were holding one hostage. The two kingdoms were tense; they held a meeting. Two monarchs in one room, fighting for the truth. Each explained they didn't have the missing person, but almost to no avail. But then the next day the two people were found together stuck in a cave, by the beach. They had fallen in a fissure. They had been forced to co-operate together to survive. By fishing and catching passing fish and game.

Two years later; the kingdoms were still tense. Mistrust covered the land.

"Why is this so?" thought a wondering vulpine. The fox was white, clearly from the Polar Regions. The fox had just heard of the strife; and shook his head in sadness. What unease over something like that! They both came back alive at least; it could have been so much worse. Strolling along he noticed, rather sensed a pair of eyes on him. He took note of that, but carried on; he was used to such stairs. His fur was a clean white, but cropped short because of the heat. Only his tail fur wasn't cut, he couldn't reach all the sides evenly. So he just left it the way it was. He didn't mind it now; anyways it looked kinda good on him.

He kept up the walking speed to a constant pace. All the time feeling those pair of eyes on him. The staring orbs sending silent, uneasy shivers down his tail; that wasn't an ordinary stare either. He shuddered as his hackles rose instinctively. He thought about drawing a dagger, when he saw ahead of him an alone figure; a dog. As the fox drew closer he could make out iron grey, white, and black fur; setting distinctive markings. Rather broad and average height; hinting a life of hard work. When he was mere feet in front of the dog he realised it was a husky. Icy blue eyes intense, against a rather soft face; contrasting. Walking up to the taller canine he asked for directions in a soft voice; he was asked to repeat himself louder. "Uh, do you know where the nearest town is?" "Follow the trail; turn left at the nearest post." "Thanks." He said; he was about to leave when a hand stopped him. "Where are you from? I can easily tell your not from anywhere close to here." "I just travel around. Seeing the world that's all." "Good I hope so. I'm in charge of keeping the peace in this area, so don't go causing any trouble. Got it?" "Y-yes. Thank you." The fox said a bit nervously. "Name is Steele, you?" "Uh, John. Nice meeting you." "What are you talking about? I'm going with you, I have no more business here." "Sure..." the fox trailed off.

They started walking; an hour later they reached the post. They turned and started in their new direction. They approached the town perched on the sea. Buildings being sprayed by the ocean's breath. A town amidst the meeting of land and sea. Somewhere in the distance there was singing, mixing harmoniously with the pounding waves. "Finally here." John said with a slight smile. "Yeah; lovely. Now don't cause any trouble." With that he lumbered off.

Walking along absently, the fox watched the people go about their lives. Merchants, farmers coming in, physicians, and many other people. It was loud, but lively; happy callings. Walking uphill to a small restaurant; John was admiring the view. Never before had he ever seen something like this! The wind, the blue ocean, the baron surrounding coast. It looked perfect, something he should paint when he had the chance. He could smell coffee, herbs, fish, meat from the butchers, and the salty scent of the ocean. He noticed Steele overlooking the town. His eyes scanning the entire town; not missing a single detail; the fox wondered how long he had been guarding the town.

Absently he drank from a mug of coffee.

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