Tales of Unova, Mission: Martha

Story by QimmiQ on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of Unova

Someone appears in this story ;) The Tales of Unova takes place a few years after the Journies of Martha; so certain characters have grown up.

"Hi kids! My name is Professor Juniper, and from this day forward, you will be sent out to the broader world!" Juniper beamed.

The universe began to sway in Terry's eyes. Everything was out of focus, he needed to calm down. He took several deep breaths to centralize himself.

"Terr, calm down." Florance put her hand across his shoulder. Immediately he felt a whole lot calmer. Flo had that effect on Terry. Somehow she could always calm him down without any effort. She reminded him of a cool, summer forest.

"Thanks." Terry said. "No problem." She smiled. They stepped forward simultaneously, Professor Juniper told them to pick one pokeball. Florance chose first. Terry looked down, there were two bright red pokeballs to choose from; just one could change his life.

He hoped for Snivy, but any one of them would be fine with him. On the spur of the moment he chose the rightmost pokeball. He clicked the button, and a blue otter-like pokémon appeared in a haze of white like.

"Oshaa!" the otter cried out. The otter looked up at Terry, he saw himself reflected in the black orbs. It was not an image of the present, but rather the future. He knew it; he could tell by the stirring in his soul. He saw himself and the pokémon grimly staring off in a direction.

Professor Juniper handed Flo and him a device; the fabled pokedex. They thanked her and she told them to fill up as many pokedex entries as possible, it would immensely help out her research on the origins of pokémon.

Terry flicked on the pokedex and examined his pokémon with it. "Oshawott, the Sea Otter pokémon. Thescalchop on its stomach is made from the same element as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade." It chirped.

Florance clicked her pokeball. A red pig-like pokémon burst out in a white burst. "Teeppiiig!" it called out joyously and promptly tackled affectionately into Florance's leg. "I shall call you Joy." Flo beamed at the pokémon. Terry was surprised, you could nickname a pokémon. He forgot about that; what should he call his pokémon though?

Terry tried to come up with a name for his diminutive friend. He saw the Sea Otter pokémon's striking blue fur and his mind pulled him to a beach near a deciduous forest. "Tidal." Terry said aloud, he found the perfect name for Oshawatt. Waters to endlessly flow up and down the coast, pounding down rock to sand; the power of the tides, very fitting for Terry's new partner.

Flo looked at Terry and grinned. "Isn't it customary to battle?" she asked. "Is that a challenge you're asking Flo?" Terry said. "Why not? It'll improve our skills." Flo slyly grinned. "We will, but first I want to spend time with Tidal. I want to get to know him better." Terry said.

"Sure. As will I." Flo replied. They both profusely thanked Professor Juniper and left. Terry walked back with Tidal; Terry vowed to himself that he'll keep Tidal out of the pokeball as often as possible; judging from the content expression in its face.

Terry walked in his home; he was treated with a pleasant surprise: his father had made his favourite dinner. There were plates filled with spaghetti and meat balls. He sat down with his father and tucked in. Tidal was given pokémon food; Terry wondered what it tasted like, however he was too full to care to try some.

He sank into his favourite couch and sighed contentedly, all was well. He looked at Tidal and grinned. "So, I'm Terry. For the moment I guess you're called Tidal, do you have any objections?" Tidal shook its head. "So, you are called Tidal then." Terry beamed.

Terry got up from the couch and hugged Tidal. Tidal responded with a chop to Terry's head; he then shoved (lightly) Tidal into the couch. Soon it was an all out scuffle. Laughter could be heard throughout the house.

Terry's father walked in the room. "It's been a while since I heard you laugh." He commented. "Dad, it was like what, a day?" Terry said, in a tone that only teenagers seemed to pull off perfectly.

"Okay, okay." Terry's father raised his hands up in defeat. "Dad, now that I have my partner I can leave. Don't worry, I'll come home every once in a while." Terry said solemnly. "It's okay. I can manage living alone." His father told him. "Sometimes I wonder about that." Terry said. "Oh shush." His father admonished.

He ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with his father and Tidal. It was only after dinner did he remember that Florance wanted to battle him. Terry felt guilt well up from his stomach. Florance was the kind of person who would wait devotedly until whatever instruction had been fulfilled.

He told his dad that he had to leave. He picked up Tidal and his backpack (essentials; tea, coffee, kettle, berries, food, etc) and dashed out the door. The flight took him a total of fifteen minutes.

He eventually found Florance standing close to a streetlight. He saw her stare up at the endless, beautiful stars. Her back was bathed in light; her face was dramatically lit. She looked a bit sad. He walked over towards the streetlamp.

"Sorry I'm late. I got carried away." Terry murmured. Flo looked down from the stars. "It's okay. I also forgot." She said. "What's bothering you?" "Nothing, Terry." "Flo, I can tell when something's bothering you. Can you please tell me?" Flo seemed to slump down.

"I have to tell you. Mother left last night, he said he was getting me a gift; something to help with the journey. She said that he would be here in the afternoon. She hasn't returned yet." Terry saw anxiety in her bright green eyes.

"She'll be fine. He has his own pokémon after all." Terry said as confidently as he could. "I know, but still..." Florance trailed off. "You need something to take your mind off your mom. Luckily for you I'm here." Terry added a huge goofy grin. Florance tried to hold back a laugh, but she was unsuccessful. Out of nowhere Terry jabbed Florance's forehead with his fingers. "Terry used Pursuit. It's super-effective." Terry narrated. Florance giggled a little. "Florance used Tickle. It's super-effective!" she countered.

Eventually Terry was "KO'd" by Florance's Psychic.

"Let's go home. Hang on, so your home alone then." Terry said. "Well... Yes. It'll be so quiet..." Florance said. Florance had this irrational fear of silence and the dark. It had to be both; it didn't affect her if it was one or the other individually. If it was both, her imagination would conjure up a multitude of horrible scenarios; leaving her too frightened to move, talk, or think.

"Flo, stay at my house for the night. I know you'll be terrified otherwise. First, let's write a note and leave it at your house." Terry offered. As they were walking to his house, they heard a car door slam shut. Terry was curious, he beckoned Florance to follow him.

They strode towards the sound. They saw an older teenager. She was wearing a rounded hat, a pokeball t-shirt, blue knee-length shorts and a caramel satchel. Beside the lady stood a small black, dog like pokémon. "Yena, do you detect anything?" She asked. Her voice sounded light, but clear. Terry looked closer at her. Her stance was firm, she carried herself in a confident manor. She was an expert.

Suddenly the pokémon's ears swivelled towards their direction. "Aha, found you two." The lady said lightly.

The Tales of Unova, Autumn Anxieties

**Sorry for the long interval everyone, lately I am quite tied up with things. This'll probably be the most recent thing you'll see for a while. :/ However on a positive note, the Journies of Martha is still ongoing, I'm just adding into it with this...

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Journies of Martha, Passionate Pokémon

I appoligize for the long interval. I have free time to write now, so please enjoy the update. Merry Christmas one and all! :) "You alright?" Martha called out. "Yeah, not to fond Ariados in general, bad accident when I was a kid" Jonathon...

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Journies of Martha, Tea Time!

Well, I finally got off my ass and wrote this. I'm starting off where I left off (and a paragraph or two before, so it might easier for you folks) Thank you to anyone who reads this :) "My Name is Martha; I challenge you to a pokémon ...

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