50 Shades of Black (goo TF)
_"Coldly calculated to pander to your shrieking demographic!"_ **- Twilight Rifftrax** * * * I glared at myself in the mirror. Dark hair, dark eyes, fatigued eyes unrelieved with a my morning dose of caffeine. "Only for you would I do this," I...
A Lykan 1
**Note:** This story is based loosely on the "Lykan Invasion" series by Nex Canis, and my previous "[Vanguard](%5C)". Reading the other stories is not strictly necessary, but would be an aid to comprehension. I'm tired of playing games, of...
Now it's found us Like I have found you I don't wanna run Just overwhelm me -Snow Patrol, "The Lightning Strike" H'kdi, Long-range Scout, was far from the Hive when it happened, the telepathic presence of its species local Great-Mind...
The Curious Tale of Jack Lime, once A Sailor, as related to Amelia Eames
The ACS series is inspired by The SCP Foundation. And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover; And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over. -"I must go down to the sea again", by John Masefield Amelia Eames...
DISCLAIMER: The authour makes no pretense of making a faithful representation of psychiatric medicine. Also, the ACS series is inspired by the SCP Foundation. Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up...
Burned on the Fourth of July
I know who I am, but who are you? You're not looking like you used to **-No Doubt, "Sunday Morning"** Monty stepped through the gate out of his yard, to find a middle-aged Hispanic man warming up a grill. "How are you not hot?" he said, and...
Sonny gets Mad Scienced
Sonny gets Mad Science'd by Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin 2009 Creative Commons By-SA-NC 3.0 +++++ It's not the valleys in life I dread so much as the dips. -Garfield +++++ The very best predators are cunning. They go after solitary animals,...
Soapy Eyes
I keep playing your part But it's not my scene Won't this plot not twist? I've had enough mystery. - **Jack Johnson - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing** The water cut out about halfway through her shampooing. "Great," Anisa growled. "Marcie, the pipes...
Ooh this could be messy But you don't seem to mind Ooh don't go telling everybody And overlook this supposed crime -Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean DISCLAIMER: I know that almost every character here should have Geordie accents. But...