A Dragon's Poem
I'm a knight-y kind of guy. I scoop them up as I fly by. From their steeds what do I pluck? This tasty morsel that, more often than not, is surprisingly plump. But I've been known to stray back to the common pray, Dining on the fatty creatures,...
A Dragon's Memoir I
It's a funny world we live in, at least from my perspective. I, like many of my kind, are the demons of earth and sky, and thus we are hunted till the day we die. So is the life of a dragon a meager existence because of this? Does every moment have to...
A Milky Delight
Rastaban's white scales cut through the morning canvas, the sun just peaking over the horizon and turning the sky purple and orange. His webby fringe shuttered and fluttered as the wind ripped past it and his ears. Pink eyes scanned the ground bellow...
Sarah and the Glutton Gryphon
The village was bustling with activity; even in as morning fog still lingered around the edges of the village wall. The Elder stood on the porch of his grand hut, leaning on his staff for support. His eyes had long since begun to fade away, leaving him...
Two Tales of Sarah the Falcon
Her name is Sarah. Born into a tribe of gray feathered woman, and black feathered fella. They were the Rapax, a tribe of tall and strong Peregrines. And for them life was indeed a precious thing. They took little from the land, Lest they suffer...