A Blackhawk helicopter flew over the tall skyscrapers of present day New York City. The tall behemoths of buildings stood towering over the landscape, casting an eerie shadow. Glass was knocked out of the skyscrapers, and makeshift signs laid...
A Taste of Her Own Medicine
Christine finally yielded, and lay still in an over-sized armchair, having tried in vain to rest for the last hour or so. The macabre events of the last few days (especially poor Joshew's passing) had finally caught up with her mind, arresting her...
The Art of Caring for Horns
Tobias and his father walked down that old, familiar, well-worn path through the woods that they walked every so often. His father insisted that they do this even if the time was spent lecturing Tobias on his shortcomings, or, as his father put it,...
_Listen__ well little Toby, this tale has been passed down by The People since times long forgotten, listen to the story of A-River-Between, the first of his Kind, the first to hear Their Voice, and the first to share Their Wisdom. Long ago back when...
Couldn't Keep his Mouth Shut
Tobias Severna sat over the edge of the examination table, waiting in the lonesome, Spartan room for Dr. Chris Brownwell. As he awaited the physician, the pronghorn fiddled with his broken horn, partly out of impatience, but mostly out of comfort. It...
A Breaking of Brothers
The Truth sounded across Lehsunia, the Church's grand bell tolling the mid-day meal. In a classroom of the Mehnzilian Church's Academic Annex, the sonorous melody seemed to sound from the Wyranese Tower of the Moon, as the young pronghorn, Rolf...
Tobias quite enjoyed his time studying in the tribal lands. The air was fresher, the grass greener, and best of all his work wasn't confined to books and lectures; he actually got to use his legs. All in all, it was a must needed respite from the...
Forest Stroll - Commissioned from dog455
Original story posting: []( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kate was walking home one evening a companioned by no one. "Man that was some...
A Short Play Oft Rehearsed
_The two furs are getting ready for bed after a busy day. In the bedroom glare from the street light shines through the blinds, bathing the queen-sized bed in a dim glow. They crawled under the pile of warm, fuzzy blankets and...
Of Impropriety
"_Ae-iya- haw- Pull, and sink, stretch and rise, Ae-iya haw-"_ _ "Grow big and tough, bark-strips,little bark strips, for my children's clothes"_ _ "Ae-i-ya haw, Pull and sink, stretch and rise, Ae-iya haw-"_ _ "Sink once for husband, sink twice for...
A (Modified)Love Poem
I yearn for nature. That's just the way it is. My soul demands it, like the lungs demand air. I desire the gleeful cries of a magpie atop a fence post, I must have the spicy smell of fallen pine needles in the summer. I burn for hollow...
Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 5
_Before either of them could move they heard a loud creak as the door to Dirk's room began to open._ Dirk quickly flipped the blankets over Therese and lunged for his breeches. The door swung all the way open revealing the two lovers to the...