Natalie's Story. Chapter 3 Part 1. (The Follow Through.)

"Push!" The white wolf said holding her daughters' hand, she was obviously in pain but there was nothing she could do. "I'm trying!" Natalie said through the fog of pain. "Is somthing wrong?" Vincent asked with concern in his voice, both for his wife...

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The Beginning Of The Unknown. Chapter One. (The Takeover.)

The fox girl sat on her roof, Watching the moon ride the sky with her freind Gilan. "Why are we up here again?" She asked leaning back to look at a diffrent patch of stars. "Because, I need to show you something." The squirrel said. "Watch the horizon...

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The War Of Elements. Back Story. (The Beginning Of All Things.)

It's been millenia since the war started. This world of Shilaz has never had a full age of peace. I am Hildagu, The protecter of nature. My Duties have always been a hard one with the rescources of the land im supposed to protect dwindles so does my...

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Natalie's Story Chapter 2 Part 3 (The Recovery Factor)

"Natalie are you still awake?" Her mother asked as she entered the room "Yes im still awake mom what is it?" Natalie asked while she rubbed her would be child. Only a couple of hours ago they had been attacked by AC Corps. The vixen had proven she was...

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Holier Than Thou

Dark thoughts flew through Caitlyn's head as she sat there listening to the pastor explain to her that being depressed was a sin and that she needed to break out of her slump lest she be damned to the infernal dungeon of hell. "Do you understand me?"...

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The New Girl. Chapter 1 Part 1 (Reality Revealed.)

"Ashten wake up it's your first day at a new school." Her mother said waking up her Twelve-year-old daughter. Ashten groaned as she woke up instantly grabbing the hat that hid her most embarassing secret. "Why do you always hide your features?" Her...


Natalies Story Chapter 1 Part 4 (Revelations.)

Beep...Beep...Beep. (Morning already?) thought the onxy black fox as she got out of bed. she immediatley went over to her vanity and put in the ear rings she couldn't live without. after the vixen finished that she noticed a letter on her nightstand...

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