The New Girl. Chapter 1 Part 1 (Reality Revealed.)
"Ashten wake up it's your first day at a new school." Her mother said waking up her Twelve-year-old daughter. Ashten groaned as she woke up instantly grabbing the hat that hid her most embarassing secret. "Why do you always hide your features?" Her mother said as her daughter put the hat on that hid her fox ears. "Because everyone there is a human! You know what happened last time i went into a new school with my tail and ears showing." The vixen girl said tucking her fox parts into hideing making her look perfectly human. "Fine you'll wake up someday." Her mother said in defeat. after her mother left she grabbed her backpack,ipod and phone heading to the bus stop ready to be made fun of.
When she got there she saw the groups of friends already looking at her with weird looks like 'Who the hell is this chick?' So she walked over to a patch of grass and sat down waiting for the bus. "You look cute in those clothes." a girl from the popular group said walking up to her smileing. Ashten looked up at the girl with a look that was pure suspision. "Oh don't look so mean! you act like im going to be mean to you!" Said the human as she sat down next to her. "My name's Felicity." Said the human as she leaned over and whispered into next to where a human ear would've been. "How about boys? do you like that one?" she said pointing to one of the hotter guys talking to each other. Ashten looked at her in shock. She already had a friend unless this was some kind of trick. "You don't talk much do you?" Felicity asked with a happy tone in her voice. "Just because you were the first to come and talk to me doesn't prove anything." Ashten said sinking deeper into her defensive mood. "Oh fine! What proof do you want? I could've already told everybody you're a fox." Felicity said. "How did you know?" The vixen hissed through clenched teeth. "Your teeth. It's a dead give away. Why do you hide it? All the boys like that kind of thing trust me."
Ashten was in shock. She couldn't believe this somebody had figured it out already. "Boys!" Felicity said grabbing everyone's attention as she snatched the cap off of Ashten's head revealing the ears much to the shock of everybody. as all the kids surronded her she covered her ears with her hands."Why!" She screamed at Felicity as she handed her cap back along with a pair of scissors. "Now your tail. Go ahead! Nobodys going to make fun of you. Go ahead and do it behind the tree." Felicity said pushing her towards the tree. "But..." Ashten said but before she could say anything further Felicity grabbed her arm and tugged her to the tree. "Whats your name before i go any further." Felicity asked her. "Ashten." The vixen said as she started to lower the scissors to cut a hole in her panties and jeans so her tail could be free. when she finished she pulled her tail through it she walked out from behind the tree running it through her hands. All of their eyes running her over wondering what else could be hidden and other things she was sure of that. when the bus pulled up Felicity had already pulled her into the circle again as the popular boys surronded her talking to her as if she had been their friend since kindergarten.
"Ok everybody this is Ashten Meyers." the teacher said pulling her in front of the class telling everybody her name. "Go sit where you are comfortable." Mrs. Marie told her gently pushing her towards the desks. The vixen girl sat right next to Felicity with all the boys staring at her as though they were seeing Something truly unbelieveable. Honestly she didn't think she looked like much to be stared at but she was beautiful and the fox only adding to it. The boy next to her tried to talk to her but all he could say was. "Uhhhh." which she guessed was good for her. "Ok class pay attention." The teacher said as they all turned towards the teacher. " Ashten the book is you need is over there." the teacher said pointing at the textbooks on the other side of the room makeing her completly visible to be stared at. "Yes ma'am" Ashten said getting up aware of everybody staring at her ass as she walked across the room."Ok lets get started." the teacher said explaining the math they had to learn as soon as the vixen sat down. "I still don't understand why you try to hide your body it's to nice to be kept locked away." Felicity said pulling up her shirt tieing it behind her makeing her tummy visible. "Roll up you jeans abit so they can see enough of your legs." Felicity instructed. Ashten set about rolling her pant legs up her legs just below her knee. This caused all the boys to stare at her body now that it was more shown all beautifully sculpted. As first period moved along Felicity gave her more ideas about how to make her fit in more. the last one being the most important. "Let you hair down girl!" Felicity said grabbing the band holding it into a ponytail and pulling it off. as her wavy golden hair flowed to about halfway down her back she was a completley new girl showing enough skin to arouse and leave plenty to imagine.
"See? Don't you look so much better?" Felicity said after they were let out of class and all the boys in the middle school's hallway stared at her wondering what to do. "I guess since im turning enough heads." Ashten said looking down at herself her tits seemed so much bigger now that there was more to see she could imagine what would happen if she ever decided to start looking for a boyfriend but she thought it was a little soon for that. "But i think you need some makeup!" Felicity said pulling her into the bathroom. "Did the sign say co-ed?" Ashten said when they entered the bathroom. "Yes now come here!" Felicity said as she pulled her makeup kit out of her purse. As she set about putting the makeup on all the vixen could think about was what would happen if she had to go to the bathroom in here. "Ok thats good Ashten." The human said looking her up and down. "Im jealous i really am." The fox-girl was suprised at this. when a boy came into the bathroom and saw Ashten he looked like he was about to faint. "Hi Trevor this is Ashten." Felicity said pushing her friend towards the boy. but the vixen was shy enough that all she could do was wave at him. "Um hi." Trevor said nervously as he dry washed his hands. Before she could talk to him the bell rung signaling that next period was about to start. "Bye." was all she could say as she walked past him but when she looked back she stopped and saw a lump down his leg. "Trevor is that a tail?" Ashten enquired. He nodded reched into his pants and brought out a fox tail and took off his cap showing his ears to her.
She ran up to him "Whats your next hour?" Ashten said asking with giddy excitment. "Reading why?" Trevor said realizing what was going on. "Cool!" Ashten said tugging him along with her but she stopped halfway out of the bathroom. "Where is it again?" she asked in confusion. he chuckled a little bit as he made her realease his hand and grabbed hers without so much force "Just follow me okay?" he said leaving his tail still in full view and without his cap so were his ears. "Ok. sure thing!" Ashten said as her voice broke with excitement as he held her hand. this was the first other fox she had met other then her parents. when they walked out of the bathroom together all the eyes turned towards them with a shock seeing Trevor show what he really was and to be holding the most beautiful girl in school? forget it.
As the day wore on they talked to each other relating and becomeing quick friends. most of their classes were the same much to the joy of Ashten even though the other boys were jealous of him they didn't want to piss her off so they left them alone. as she got to know him better she felt a feeling in her chest. something she had never felt before and she knew just what it was. as word passed around that they had become friends the rumors had spread saying that the two foxes would be a couple. but she knew that it might go further then that and that she had hit exactly what she needed.
end of part 1
YAY! new story ^^ but i need to know if the settings good and whether to carry on or not. so comment