The Beginning Of The Unknown. Chapter One. (The Takeover.)

Story by Finalhours on SoFurry

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The fox girl sat on her roof, Watching the moon ride the sky with her freind Gilan. "Why are we up here again?" She asked leaning back to look at a diffrent patch of stars.

"Because, I need to show you something." The squirrel said. "Watch the horizon to the east, You'll see what." He told Vitany with a smirk of satisfaction on his face. The vixen sighed and and sat forward again, Her mind elsewhere.

"Here we go!" Gilan said with excitement. Suddenly the ground shook tremendously.

"Shit! What was that! I'm gone!" Vitany said, Jumping up and running to the window they had used to climb onto the roof. She felt a hand grab her shoulder.

"No you don't!" Gilan said, Cackling manically.

"What is wrong with you Gilan?!" Vitany said, gasping in pain as his claws dug into her shoulder. The night air turned suddenly cold, From Summer to Winter.

"Gilan isn't here anymore, His body is mine now!" The former Gilan said, His voice had changed.

"Then get the fuck off my roof!" Vitany screamed, Pushing the thing backwards towards the edge of the roof.

"Why?" Gilan's voice broke through as he slipped backwards off the roof. The vixen heard a sickening thud and the sound of bones cracking. She looked over to the east, Her tears blurring her vision.

"What is your problem!" She screamed into the chill night air. She gasped in shock, Watching as a tall black tower rose in the distance to the east. A rumble shook the world, A voice deep and malevolent, More so then what had possessed Gilan came from the distance.

"The world you have known is over. Your souls are mine to take!" It said.

"But there is hope young one." A voice said from behind her, Sweet and melodic. "I'm sorry for your loss, But if revenge is what you require then tell me so." Said the woman with wings.

"Are you an angel?" Vitany asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Yes my child," She said with a smile. "Take these and my blessing with you, Save this world." She said as she faded from this plane of existence.

"Thank you." Vitany said as she felt a current of electricity course through her. "You can control fire, You will aquire more powers and weapons on your journey." The Angel said before she left, Leaving a sword of silver in the place she had once stood.

________________________________Part Two.____________________________________________

As the vixen walked out of her front door she noticed the sky had turned black and red. Locking her door she walked down the street, Hand on the leather bound hilt of her sword. "I'm here you bastards! Come and get me!" Vitany yelled into the night air. The darkness stayed it's distance, Feasting on the unlucky souls they had managed to catch. Her nerves on edge she continued to walk east towards the tower.

"Bitch, I'll get you!" Something howled from behind her. She whirled around her weapon poised in front of her. A dark shape ran across the asphalt, Teeth bared at her It's red eyes burning with hatred.

"Bring it on!" She growled, charging towards the demon. The demon jumped towards her as she swung her sword to soon, It's mouth connecting with her left arm, Biting into her. Pain shot up her arm. "Asshole!" She screamed in pain, Stabbing it in the back. The world went black as the devil took one of it's own back to his realm. She grabbed her bloody shoulder, Walking towards the nearest house, Hoping to find something to fix herself up with.

"Hey! Let me help!" Said something from in front of her.

"Get back demon..." She said, Raising her sword up half heartedly as she lost more of her lifes blood from the grevious wound.

"I'm not a demon!" It said as her vision darkened fully, She fell over and fainted from the loss of blood.

________________________End of Chapter One._____________________________________________