Natalie's Story. Chapter 3 Part 1. (The Follow Through.)

Story by Finalhours on SoFurry

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"Push!" The white wolf said holding her daughters' hand, she was obviously in pain but there was nothing she could do. "I'm trying!" Natalie said through the fog of pain.

"Is somthing wrong?" Vincent asked with concern in his voice, both for his wife and his almost born child.

"Not at all, she is fine don't worry." Her mother reasurred.

"Did we miss it?" Jinx asked anxiously as she entered the room, followed by Jason soon after.

"Not at all. The contractions just started." Nami said as her daughter gripped her hand more tightly.

"Just imagine how beautiful the baby will be." The vixen said jokingly. Vincent leaned over and kissed her, hoping to take her mind off the pain even for just a moment. "I know honey." Vincent whispered into her ear while smilingly slightly. "Jason come hold her hand." The wolf said anxiously waiting for her husband to take her place so she could see how far the baby had come, and to see if anything was indeed wrong. After Jason took her place she moved downwards to see how much longer it would take.

"Almost there honey! Just a little bit longer!" Nami encouraged at seeing her grandchild so close to being born.

"That's a relief." Natalie said with a hint of pain in her voice as she started to push harder, ready to be rid of this pain and hold the child she had bourne for so long. "One more good push!" The white wolf encouraged. Then all she could hear was the cries of a child... Her child!

"Hold on your not done yet!" Nami said with glee in her voice.

"Twins?!" Natalie said as suprise took over instead of pain. "I would be jumping for joy if it wasn't for the pain!" The vixen groaned as her head hit the pillow. (Two children... i wonder if thats a good thing?) Natalie thought as she continued to push. Then another babies' cry could be heard.

"Here's your little girl!" Nami said handing her the small wolf child, her child. "Vincent has the boy don't worry." Nami said as she laid down next to her daughter to get a look at her grandchild.

"Atleast you were right about the beautiful child part." Her mother teased as she pulled the blanket away from the childs' face and chest. "Just like her mother." Jason chuckled when he saw his grandchild.

"The only difference is the white at the hollow of her throat." Natalie said as she hugged her daughter close.

"Now imagine when you get to be called grandma!" Nami teased plucking the sheets away from her daughters' body so she could get up. "Know a name for her yet?" Natalie thought for a second, she had given it some thought but only one name came to mind when she looked at her beautiful little girl. "Grace." Vincent looked up at hearing this. "Does that mean i get to name the boy what i want to since you didn't follow any of the names we picked out?" He teased. Natalie nodded her consent. "Then his name is Caleb." Vincent said as he looked fondly upon his son.

"Well then now that you named them go give them a bath!" Nami teased as she opened the bathroom door. "Use the sink." She instructed as they went in.

"Just imagine if we have more." Vincent grumbled as he set about cleaning his son.

"It could be worse, you could be alone." She teased him and kissed him on his cheek.

"Guees thats true." He smiled fondly as he kissed her back proving that he didn't mean anything he had just said and that they would love each other forever even through the gates of hell.