College Life: Chapter 10

_So it's been a while huh ^.^'' Uni's kept me very busy this term. (Plus trying to find work experience and whatnot hasn't exactly been fruitful or easy.) Uh... I don't really know what to say right now O.O To be honest, I'd almost completed this...

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College Life: Chapter 5

Howdy everyone. I am so sorry this chapter took me so long to upload, but prefecthood and exams as well as a weekend filled to the brim with spanish homework had kept me more occupied than I would have liked. As a result, this hasn't been particularly...

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College life: Chapter 1

_Uh yeah, well if you read my journal you'll understand that unfortunately I couldn't focus on revision and ended up spending a shitload of time writing this holiday (which I kind of regret now since my exams start in about 3 weeks). Anyway, here's a...

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug : Chapter 2

Hmmmm.... well see what you guys think of it. Any criticism is welcome constructive or not. I'm sure I deserve either :P . A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug Chapter 2: Age old Concerns Lejon sighed and leaned back in his chair. He let out a deep happy...

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 1

So yeah this is my first story on sofurry. It's not great and I'm really lazy. It's been so long since I joined and I really wanted to get my first story up. I'm still in school and have so much homework cos I'm in my last 2 years before I go to uni so...

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Catalyst Core (prologue?)

Hmmm. So yeah, I would've like this to be a series but if you read my journal you'll see that won't be happening. Ah well I hop some of you like it as a single short story. Um, if anyone spots any errors could they please point them out, I'd really...

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A lion's tail and a bear's hug: chapter 7

Sorry its been so long. I predict an upcoming spell of increased work at my school (well for me at least) so in the near distant future my uploads will slow down even further. However by skipping lunch these past few days I've been able to get my...

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A Lion’s Tail and a Bear’s Hug: Chapter 4

Wow, sorry to any of you who were waiting to read this. I've been so busy at school lately that I've not really had any free time. Add to that my slow typing skill and it makes it difficult to get chapter out on a regular basis (even though they are...

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: chapter 5

i am so sorry to those of you who actually enjoy/read this story and who've had to put up with my inabilty to update on a regular basis. I've been so busy recently and feeling really depressed because of it but I finally managed to find some time this...

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: chapter 6

Here's a treat for thos of you who like my story. I had the day off school today, had my homework finsihed at the weekend and finished all my new homework yesterday evening and this morning. (although I just realised I've lost like half of some maths...

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