A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: chapter 5
#5 of A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug
i am so sorry to those of you who actually enjoy/read this story and who've had to put up with my inabilty to update on a regular basis. I've been so busy recently and feeling really depressed because of it but I finally managed to find some time this weekend to write this chapter. Anyway I hope for some strange reason that you might enjoy it Rate and comment please ^_^
A lion's tail and a Bear's hug: chapter 5
I'm dreaming of a white christmas
"Hey dad, it's me Bjorn" the bear said, holding the mobile to his ear as he stood up from his chair and started to amble idly around the room. "Yeah I know its 3AM but I don't give a shit right now. What would you say if a gay fur was staying in your house?"
Lejon looked up from his hospital bed as Bjorn listened to the reply from his father who had evidently been woken up by the badly timed call.
"Huh, that's exactly what I thought you'd say" Bjorn growled into the mobile "Well do you know what dad, it's for that very reason that I didn't bring my boyfriend, a beautiful lion, back to your place for Christmas. His family disowned him and he had no one to spend Christmas with. Thanks to you I couldn't go back to your place and it was on the way to his place that we were attacked.... Yeah by a gang; with knives. No I'm fine, stop pretending like you give a shit. But my lion is here in a hospital bed next to me needing a blood transfusion to keep him alive. I just hope you're happy to know that another man's blood is on your hand because of your petty prejudice."
Bjorn was quite while Lejon heard his father shouting at him down the phone. Lejon tried to reach out a paw to comfort his bear but he was too weak and his paw barely reached past the edge of the bed.
"You know what dad; I don't care if you're 'surprised and disappointed' that I'm gay. I don't even care if you don't want to see me anymore cos I never really thought of you as a father in the first place. Goodbye" With that Bjorn hung up the phone even as his father continued shouting down the phone.
"Bjorn... I'm sorry." Lejon stared as a tear started to roll down his cheek
"Nah don't be sorry for me, it's my step mum who has to put up with him. She's the one you should be sorry for" Bjorn sat down in the chair and pulled it closer to Lejon's bed. He took Lejon's paw in his and gently stroked the golden fur and the soft pads.
"Lejon, I know this is all new but I think I might love you" Bjorn whispered shyly.
"I feel the very same way" the lion replied smiling weakly at the brown bear who'd done so much for him in the past few hours. "Oh how come you were allowed to stay in here, shouldn't you have been moved out or something?"
The bear ruffled the fur at the back of his head while a cheeky grin played across his muzzle
"Oh, well when they had finished giving you your stitches, they left you in here and I was allowed to wait with you. And when the nurse came to tell me to leave I gave her the most pissed off look I could give and she just walked the other way. I know it wasn't nice of me but I just wanted to make sure you were ok." At that the bear leaned over Lejon and gave him a kiss on his small feline nose.
"Anyway, Lejon you should get some more sleep. Your body needs to recover and it does that best while you're sleeping"
"Ok, but only if you go to sleep as well, something tells me you tried stay awake the whole night but eventually fell asleep" The lion gave Bjorn an enquiring stare which cause the bear to blush slightly.
"I might have tried to..."
"Alright, well I'll be fine, so just go to sleep, Bjorn" Lejon said, smiling up at the bear. And although the bear still looked slightly worried, he bowed his brown head and closed his eyes to try get some sleep.
Lejon spent 15 more minutes awake. He couldn't help but think about all the mistakes he'd made in his life all of them which lead to him being here in a hospital bed barely strong enough to move his paw. He hated hospitals; all his worst experiences had been in hospitals. Eventually his demons lulled him into a troubled sleep where they continued to haunt him.
"I'm sorry Ma'am but your husband is in a coma. We don't know if he'll ever wake up" Lejon opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital and saw his mother. She was crying, but why? Lejon looked about and the room seemed to come into focus it was only then that he noticed a doctor, a middle aged badger holding a medical chart, standing next to his mother with a paw on her shoulder trying to comfort her. Then Lejon noticed his father lying in a bed. He had bloody scars all over his face, bruises around his eyes and his nose appeared to be broken in three places. The doctor shot Lejon a venomous glance which made Lejon's blood run cold. Why was he here? He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to relive this again. He saw his mother turn to him and utter the words he'd heard her mutter hundreds of times. Those exact same words in this exact same place. He even found himself mouthing the words as she said them.
"Lejon, look at your father, and look at what you've done" Then against his will he started crying. He cried every time he heard the words. Then the room changed but it wasn't his father in the hospital bed. Tears clouded his vision and he couldn't make out who it was all he could hear was himself repeating the same words over and over again.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
Lejon felt a paw on his shoulder and he turned to find himself in another hospital, but this time he was the one in a hospital bed and Bjorn had his paw on his shoulder giving Lejon a worried look. Lejon breathed a sigh of relief as Bjorn stroked his cheek and the little tuft of fur which grew at his chin; hardly a beard like Bjorn's, but Bjorn couldn't help but stroke it.
"You ok, Lejon?" Lejon realised his own muzzle was wet with tears. God how many times am I gonna cry in front of him; I must look so pathetic. Lejon wiped the tears away and looked up at Bjorn. Lejon couldn't help but chuckle a bit; Bjorn's head was directly aligned with one of the hospital lights so it looked like he had a little halo around his head.
"What's so funny?" the bear asked letting the sides of his mouth twitch up into a small smile at the sight of Lejon looking slightly happy.
"Nothing, I'm well so long as I have my guardian angel here with me" he reached out and found that he had the strength to hold onto Bjorn's paw. Hmmm ok, well I guess hallucinations aren't too uncommon when you lose as much blood as he has.
"Ok hun, whatever you say" The bear said as he leaned over and kissed Lejon lightly on the lips. Lejon returned the kiss and smiled up at Bjorn.
"I'm not hallucinating if that's what you think." The lion said sticking out his tongue at the bear "You're big head was blocking out the light so it looked like you had a halo"
"My head's not that big" the bear said with a mock frown as he moved his head out of the path of the light to temporarily blind his feline friend.
"Bitch." The lion said cheerfully as he closed his eyes and tried to adjust to the light. "What time is it anyway? Shouldn't there be some natural light at this stage?"
"Its, uh, about nine o'clock. And yes there is natural light; not a lot but it's still a pretty sight" Bjorn quickly pulled away the curtains to show a view of the outside world covered in a small layer of snow. "Merry Christmas Lejon" Bjorn walked over and kissed Lejon lightly on the lips again.
"Thank you. And a very merry Christmas to you to, my love." Lejon's face smile suddenly fell, "Ughhh, does this mean I have to have a hospital Christmas lunch?"
Bjorn laughed: "Yeah I guess so, but I could always pop over to KFC or McDonalds and get you something which doesn't taste like shit if you want."
Lejon beamed a huge smile at Bjorn:
"That would be lovely. Sorry to be picky but could it be something chickeny, but not chicken nuggets, and without bones." The lion asked cringing at how fussy he was.
"Sure, and don't worry that's not picky, you should see me when it comes to food. Anyway, you probably want breakfast. Do you want a hospital or a proper breakfast?"
"Oh I'll just go with a hospital breakfast; I don't want you spending too much money if you don't need to" Lejon reached out and stroked Bjorn's paw, ruffling the soft brown fur slightly. A nurse, a rather slim grey hare, came in and saw the two male furs but didn't seem to care that they were holding hands.
"How are you keeping Lejon?" The nurse asked in a kind voice.
"Oh I'm feeling very well thank you. I'm feeling much stronger than I was at 3AM" The lion said with a slight smile noting the nurse's confusion at the time he had mentioned, "But, uh, I'm kind of hungry, is there any way I can get some breakfast?" the golden lion asked politely.
The hare gave a slight chuckle and then turned to walk out of the room "Of course you can, I'll go get some for you"
"Thank you!" Lejon called as she walked out of the door. Then he turned back to the bear and looked into his eyes. He had such pretty brown eyes. At the same time Bjorn was looking into Lejon's eyes. He couldn't help but notice the vast amounts of detail to the Lion's blue irises and how pretty it made Lejon's eyes look.
"I love you, Bjorn" Lejon said happily.
"I love you too, Lejon" The bear replied as he leaned in to give the lion a kiss. Their lips touched and then opened as their tongues tentatively explored each other's muzzles. Neither of them had tongued anyone before and they both liked it. Lejon began to lick the fleshy underside of Bjorn's tongue and Bjorn murred contentedly as he felt the raspy feline tongue licking against his. After about half a minute later the two lovers parted.
"Hmmmm, well that's one thing I can cross off the list of things to do before I die; tongue a really hot bear." Lejon said with a grin.
"Oh? And what else may be on that list?" The bear asked giving his golden lion a cheeky smile.
"You'll find out sometime in the future" Lejon winked at Bjorn. At that moment the nurse walked in with two trays gave one to a rather surprised Bjorn and opened a special table in Lejon's bed and set it in front of him.
"Sorry boys we were all out of breakfast so it looks like you two might be having two Christmas lunches today." The nurse smiled and left the room.
Lejon looked down at his plate and over at Bjorn who was looking at his plate with mild loathing.
"Ah well I guess some things were just meant to be" Lejon said as he stuck his tongue out at a disgusted looking bear and got ready to eat his breakfast.