Character Sheet: Eros.
A sheet that I filled out with the details of a new character I came up with for no other apparent reason than sheer cumulative boredom. I'd like to give people something to oogle at while I'm being apalled by writer's block (i.e: Lazyness), and I'd...
Chapter 11: Learning to Train
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with roles. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Chapter 10: Digi-Chaos Part 3
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with roles. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Chapter 7: Partners
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Chapter 6: The Digidestined of Blaze
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Chapter 5: The Plushy
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Chapter 4: A change in Events
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Chapter 3: Chasing Shadows
Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...
Programmed for Cute
This is a commission for Meister\_Li (FurAffinity). Cobalt is copyrighted to Meister\_Li. * * * Programmed for Cute, by DragonMasterX. It was the start of a new day, and Cobalt welcomed it with a cute little yawn emulated by her circuits as she...
Part 3.
Shiburo sat at his throne. The black scaled dragon emperor was now clad in quite a resemblance of his previous clothes, showing just how fast his word was attended to. His outfit simplistically comprised a bodily, long-sleeved robe tinted a light-blue...
Part Two
Part 2: "What is that?!" A citizen of the imperial capital pointed up high as a red speck with wings crashed outside of Emperor Shiburo's palace. The speck seemed to bounce as it approached the ground, keeping itself tied to the outer walls of the...
Platinum Light
This is a commission for FatesLover (FurAffinity). Warning: This story contains omni levels of macro growth and hyper proportions. Disclaimer: Bahamut and Tiamat's lore taken from Dungeon & Dragons. Platinum Light, by...