A River's Journey, Chapter 1
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Well, since Rio's Story doesn't seem right to me anymore, here is a different version. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **Chapter 1 part 1: It Begins** I told my mom I wasn't going to sleep that night, told her I was going to stay awake to...
Who needs a Bunny?
The wind was warm that night as a winged creature flitted through the sky, visible only when it passed in front of stars or clouds. It was looking for a safe, secluded spot, though it wasn't sure why. Only that it must fly quickly and land soon....
On the Throne
On the Throne The king sat up in his bed, watching the moon as his mate slept on. The day had been a hard one on them both. A new law had finally been passed and, as he had expected, it caused all the cretins it targeted to go on one last...
Obrimos, Mage The Awakening
_Houdini stepped through the horrid ruins with a steel in one hand and a taser gun in the other. Dangerous and useful in anyone's hands, but vital tools for him. He'd already had to destroy a guardian ghost, proof this was some ancient mage's sanctum,...
A Bad Boy
One thing he couldn't run away from was his dreams. Nearly every night for four years, he'd had one nightmare that kept him crying in his sleep until the sun light woke him up. His was tired more often than night. If not for the occasional feral cat or...
Rio's Story
Disclaimer: I do not in any way own pokemon.\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* This is the first story I've ever written. So I've decided to give it a theme...
First Snow
The pup sat on his balcony watching the tiny little flakes of cold drift lazily through the air. Normally the cold wouldn't bother him, but with the bracelet suppressing his magic he was shivering almost violently. He always watched the first snowfall...
Don't You Get It?
_Dear First Love,_ _That night we spent together, in my room, was one of the best nights of my life. It was the first night I trusted someone enough to be so close in such a way. It may have been the first and only time we did anything, but I had...
Boy Bands and Giant Rats
Dear Reiji, Sorry it's been so long since my last letter. I know it's only been a week, but it's been crazy around here! I met a boy named Hau and he seems more preoccupied with getting food in his mouth than anything. Still, he's a good...
New Beginning
Dear Reiji, Alola is a pretty exciting place so far. The trip here was kinda boring, but what could you expect from a plane? Wish you could've come here with me though, even if we could've only held hands on the flight. I trust you in the sky more...
Who Would have Guessed?
Who Would Have Guessed? By Dragonborn3 I watched the images on my computer screen intently, breathing heavily, my hand poised to act at a moments notice. I groaned when I heard my dad's car pull up outside. Why now, when he was just about to get...
Trial with Fire, Chapter 2
**A Traveling Companion, A Burning Heart** As I sat there against Ponyta with Vulpix curled next to me, I tried to think up good nicknames for the both of them. It was getting dark by the time I had settled on names they liked. I named Ponyta...