Who Would have Guessed?

Story by Dragonborn3 on SoFurry

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Who Would Have Guessed?

By Dragonborn3

I watched the images on my computer screen intently, breathing heavily, my hand poised to act at a moments notice. I groaned when I heard my dad's car pull up outside. Why now, when he was just about to get to the good part!?

Sighing my frustration, I paused Wanted and went help him unload the groceries. I had been waiting to pause the movie because I had hear that if you stopped it at just the right moment, you could see a ghost. I should have known my concentration would be blown! Every time I was doing something important...

Now, I've read stories like this before, and I know this is usually the part where I tell you about myself. My name is Jake, I'm a Sophomore at Kail Heights High School, and I'm an Arctic Fox, though you probably wouldn't guess that since my summer coat is in. I've been told I've got piercing brown eyes, but I can't see how that color could have that effect on people. I'm not really tall or especially short, and I'm pretty average in the looks department too. I've been asked out on a lot of dates, but I've never actually been on one.

I bet that seems strange to you, right? You're not the first to think that. A lot of my friends think the same way, but I've managed to fend off their questions(and blind dates, ugh) by telling them I'm just not ready. The truth is, I am ready, but finding the right person is going to be hard.

You see, I've got this secret. It's a pretty big one too, at least for this part of the country. If it got out...

But I digress.

Anyway, I was helping put the groceries up when I dad looked at me.

"Jake," he said, "do you have any plans for the weekend?"

I groaned inwardly. He was wanting to know if I had a date!

"Jared's got a party tonight that I was thinking about going to." I replied as I shut the fridge. "His parents are going to be gone, but they told him he could have the party."

"No parental supervision? If I didn't know Jared was a good kid... Anyway, think you'll meet someone?"

"Yeah, maybe." I sighed, leaving the kitchen and going back to my room. I wish he would get over the fact I'm not dating anyone. I pushed the thought out of my mind as I went to my closet for some fresh clothes to wear to the party. I may not be going there to hook up, but that doesn't mean I wasn't going to look good.


"Hey, man!" My friend Jared, a panther, said as he opened the door, immediately blasting me with music. "Glad you decided to come!"

"I was bored and there was nothing on TV." I knew he knew I was just teasing him, but he acted insulted anyway. It was like a game we played. "Okay, maybe there was something good on, but I couldn't miss out on one of your wild parties, could I?" I relented.

"Dude, there is nothing better than one of my parties!" Jared exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. I shook my head and went inside. People were everywhere! I'd never seen this many at one of Jared's party before, and I had to stop to take it all in. I shouldn't have stooped. I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"Hey there, want to go upstairs for some fun?" It was a wolf asking, and I pushed away, shaking my head no. The wolf shrugged and moved on, seeming not to care. I let out a breath I didn't realized I'd been holding. I hadn't expected to be hit on so soon, and it was unsettling. A few nerve calming drinks later, and I was dancing and having fun again. When I sat down to rest, Jared came over and sat next to me.

"Hey man, I saw the wolfy hitting on you. One of the rooms upstairs is empty, and it's got a good supply of condoms, so why not go and have a romp?" Maybe the question caught me off-guard, or maybe the drinks had been spiked, but that seemed like a pretty direct question.

"I don't want too."

"Oh, come on! Are you telling me there isn't one person here you'd do?"

"Nope, not a one."

"What about that fox with the cute tail? Or that Dalmation? You could add some spots of your own, if you know what I mean." He winked, but I was starting to get annoyed. "There's a good-looking-"

"Will you just stop? I said there wasn't anyone!" I said loud enough to make a few people look over. My face grew hot and I looked down.

"Dude... Dude!" That last one was more of a whisper. Suddenly Jared pulled me to my feet and dragged my upstairs to his room, kicking out a threesome for some privacy. My heart was pounding to the music that could be heard through the door. I looked up and saw that Jared was staring at me in a mix of awe and shock. My stomach was in a knot now. I knew what he was going to ask.

"Jake, are you...?" He asked. My best friend had figured it out! A horrid feeling swept through me and I buried my face in my paws,

"Jake, man, I didn't know. I won't tell anyone, I swear."

"Y-you won't?"

"Nah, man. I'm not a jerk." I feel the bed sag as he sat next to me. "It's, uh, gonna be a weird for a bit though. You know, knowing you swing that way."

"You don't hate me for it then?"

"Why should I? You've been my best friend since, like, the crIB: " He places an arm around my shoulders and smiles. "At least I know why you always act so weird when changing for gym class!"

"Jerk." I laugh as I punch him. "You know, I've got something to ask you now."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Why have you been watching me change?"


The next day I woke up earlier than usual. I could hear my father moving around downstairs making breakfast, and even though I had just woke up I was wide awake. I was going to tell him today. Since Jared knew, why shouldn't he? I got dressed and went downstairs to sit at the table.

Have you ever been scared stiff(no, not that way you pervs)? That's what happened to me. I couldn't look at him, so I just stared at my plate.

"Uh, Dad? I've g-got something to t-tell you." My voice was shaking, but I steeled my nerve. I would do this! "It's kinda important..."

"So stop mumbling and tell me all ready." He said as he sat down across from me and started eating. "You haven't been secretly married for the last few years, have you?"

"Dad! Come on! You know I'm not married!" His joke made me relax and found I could look at him now. "Besides, you would have noticed the ring by now. Where would I hide it?"

"Not the same place you thought your magazines were safe, I hope." My smile vanished so fast it was like it was never even there.

"W-what m-m-magazines?"

"The ones you have hidden under you bed. Is that what you wanted to tell me?" His voice was serious, and I was staring at my food again, suddenly a six-year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"How long have you known?" I asked quietly.

"For about a year now. I saw them when I was putting some of your books back in your room."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I figured you'd tell me sooner or later, and once I got used to the idea I stopped worrying. I like to think I'm a reasonable-"

"Except when it comes to your Reese Cups." I cut in. I saw the start of a grin but otherwise my comment was ignored.

"I like to think I am a reasonable fox, and it's not like it's something I didn't, um, try at one time."

"What!?" This was the first I had heard of my Dad ever doing the things I wanted to! "What are you talking about?"

"Heh, your dad was a wild fox in his day, and I wasn't picky when it came too... companions, but I did settle down."

"Dad, I'm sorry, but I do NOT want to hear this!" I told him, paws over my ears.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, you can snoop around my room looking for my magazines." The tone in his voice, oh I wanted to throw something at him for the joke. He knew this was uncomfortable for and was making it worse!

"Ugh! No thanks! In fact, lock your door when you aren't in there!" I did not want to think about my dad's magazines. "Look, are we okay here? I need to go find brain soap or something."

"Yeah, we're okay." He was laughing now, finding my embarrassment hilarious. "One more thing though, does anyone else know?"

"Jared kinda figured it out at the party last night. He wanted to know why I hadn't, uh, done anything with a wolf that was flirting with me. He pointed some others he thought I might like, and..."

"He figured it out when you still said no." My father finished for me.

"Yeah, but he's cool with it."

"That great. You know you're a real lucky fox, having a friend and dad who understand, right?"

"I know. Thanks."I walked back to my room, feeling a lot better now than I had before.

That's it. That's my big 'coming out' story. I know some of you, if not most, aren't as lucky as me. I hope you have great lives, I hope you are happy despite having people close to you thank don't understand. But it gets better, really.

My name is Jake Core.

I am an Arctic Fox, though you can't tell during the spring, summer, or fall.

I am a Sophomore at Kail Heights High School.

I am straight and people are okay with that.

So how many of you thought I was gay? (^_~)?