Food For Thought
Far from the city, a ram named Aouzy was taking a hike in a forest. The forest was fenced up but Aouzy, looking for an adventure, hopped the fence and explored it. For a forest that was seemingly off limits, it had paths which Aouzy decided to follow....
Mooing Over Spilled Milk.
"Ugh, you drank all the milk AGAIN?" Anna groaned at her lover, Rebecca. This was the 5th time this week that Rebecca had drank all the milk. Anna loved cooking, but she could never getting around to doing so, since all of the recipes she wanted to...
The Balloon cake
Pinky, being the hungry pig she always is, could not wait for her cousin to bring home the groceries. She instead insisted herself to find something to curb her hunger until he got home. Looking through the cabinets for something to munch on, she could...
Ram Girl
"Hey lambchop, I'm going to hang zout with Nat, don't burn ze house down." Pinky said to Aouzy, as she was heading out the door. Aouzy was finally home alone for the first time in months. His sister was at a daycare for the whole day. Realizing he...
The Deer Trance
The Deer Trance It just started out as a misty and chilly morning. A young teenager named Austin, was taking a hike through a forest. This forest connected to his backyard and yet, he never thought to explore it. Austin needed some time away, he...
Udder Disaster
Aouzy was home alone one day, relaxing on the couch. While kicking back and watching T.V, he felt his stomach rumble. He knew that he had to grab something to eat. He leaped up and ran to the kitchen. Aouzy swung the fridge open and grabbed a tall...