Mooing Over Spilled Milk.
Anna is fed up that her girlfriend Rebecca is drinking all of the milk, so she has a plan to get back at her.
Not really much I can say about this one, so just enjoy.
"Ugh, you drank all the milk AGAIN?" Anna groaned at her lover, Rebecca.
This was the 5th time this week that Rebecca had drank all the milk. Anna loved cooking, but she could never getting around to doing so, since all of the recipes she wanted to make needed milk.
"Oh come on Anna" She whined "Can't you just make something that doesn't need milk?"
"That's not the point, you always do this! How would you like it if I took all your favourite sweaters and ripped them up?"
Rebecca gasped, just the thought of her favourite clothes being ripped, almost made her shed a tear.
"N-no! Not my sweaters!" She said, hugging the sweater she was wearing.
"Then please, stop it! I swear I'll do something to you"
Rebecca approached her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Anna smiled a little, she couldn't stay mad when Rebecca kissed and made up. They went upstairs to their room and laid down in bed. Anna just stared at the ceiling, smirking. She had a nice little way of getting back at Rebecca. She made sure Rebecca drifted off to sleep.
Once was she dosed off, Anna crept downstairs. Luckily it had a carpet and Rebecca was quite the heavy sleeper anyway. Making her way to the kitchen, her eye caught the thermostat. She lowered it, snickering, Anna thought it would come in handy later. As she opened the fridge, she remembered there was no milk left. She sighed and closed it, making sure it was still quiet.
This was only making her want to get revenge more. Anna put on her coat and gloves, she slipped her feet into her shoes and went out the door. She left it open a crack, to let the cold winter air in. Anna made her way down to the closest convenience store. She shelled out the money for a launch jug of milk. Anna figured that they need this milk anyways besides her little prank.
"Thank you, have a nice evening!" The cashier winked to her.
"Thanks, don't worry, I will!" Anna smiled, exiting the store. She ran home as fast as she could, hoping that Rebecca was still asleep.
Anna creaked the door open. The house was still silent, which meant that she had time to set up. Taking a large glass and placing in on the counter, the milk filled half of the glass. Anna then opened a cupboard beside the fridge. She put her arms deep in it, searching and moving plates and glasses out of the way. She came across a white, unlabelled medicine bottle; this is what she was looking for.
She giggled, pouring the contents into the glass and filling it up. She left it on the dining table and got back upstairs. She lay next to her lover, resting her arm on Rebecca's back. She smiled and thought to herself, "This will be good".
After a short nap, Anna was awoken by Rebecca's yawning. She ruffled Anna's hair then shivered.
"Hey Anny, it's pretty cold in here, I might have to put on some socks." She said, putting on 2 pairs of socks.
"I went to the store earlier, that might be why. I have a little something for you at least" Anna replied, trying not to smile.
They ran down the stairs like it was Christmas. Anna was eager to get Rebecca to drink the milk.
"It's all yours!" Anna said, presenting the tall glass to her. Rebecca smiled and thanked her, chugging the glass down. She cringed a little and looked at the glass.
"That tasted a little weird.."
"Oh, heh, must've been from sitting out so long." Anna bluffed. "Hey, how about we watch a movie?"
Rebecca nodded. They headed over to the couch where Anna turned on the T.V and switched to a movie channel. When they were sitting down, Anna rested her head on Rebecca's shoulder, with her hand on her chest. A few minutes of nothing had past and Anna was about to fall asleep again, but she heard Rebecca grunting. She took her head off her shoulder.
Rebecca looked at her socks, they looked swollen. "Oh god, they hurt, I hope it's not frostbite." She whined.
She reached over, pulling it off.. Rebecca gasped and kicked her feet out at what she saw. Well, they weren't feet anymore, they were hooves. Rebecca was scared yet at the same time, Anna was amused. Rebecca's hands were quivering as they shifted and cracked, joining the fingers together. They turned black and hard. She held her stomach, as it bulged outward into a round shape. Her skinned pulled in different place on it, making long skinny udders.
Anna chuckled, squeezing an udder and then pulling. It produced a spurt of milk. Rebecca's body then got thicker, her butt lifted her off her seat and onto the floor. It stretched out her panties, a long piece of skin stretched outward from her massive butt, and a small tuft of fur grew on it. Her ears got larger, getting pointy in shape. Her sweater did rip and tear in some places, but this was the least of her worries.
Her nose flattened, and then pushed from away from her face, her jaws followed.
"Wh-a-ats happening to MOOOO?" Rebecca, the cow mooed out in fear.
"Ha ha! I got you back for drinking all of my milk you little cow!" Anna said, rubbing her girlfriend's large back. Rebecca mooed back, still in shock of her new body.
"Don't worry, you'll be back to normal in a few hours or days. But it doesn't matter, you make a cute cow!" Anna smiled, kissing her cow girlfriend on the lips. Rebecca rubbed her head on Anna's in affection.
Rebecca had fun with her new temporary body. She mooed loud and held her head up high.Though she was embarrassed, she was proud to be Anna's little cow.