I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Eight)

Another one. Things could get interesting, I dunno. Hope you enjoy. **I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Eight)** The imperialists have won and he was ecstatic for a resolution to these sordid ideological wars. The...

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Seven)

I don't know whether this is good or not. I've been feeling slightly morose myself lately so I figured that this could be a good way to express it. Here's hoping you enjoy it. Don't forget to comment and rate. **I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller......

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Six)

So here's a slightly revised and vastly added to version of this. The original posting was a bit weak and thanks goes to Orkinman for pointing out the problem. Anyway, here's something better. This bit can be a bit obscure if you've not read the...

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Five)

Here's some more. Same shit as before. **Part 5** Finally we emerge out in the courtyard where there are only a handful of people milling about. I spot an out of the way bench and guide her towards it. She's visibly shaken from the noise and...

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Four)

So yes, I'm continuing this and it's becoming... less inspired but there are things I'm still learning from its writing so it's not wasted time is it? **Part 4** The evenings are still cool and Miki is still with me. I would say the same for...

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Three)

I know I said that part 2 was the last one or the end or whatever. I just had too much fun writing it so I had to continue. So here's another bit that's not meant to make much sense, strictly speaking. But there doesn't have to be an end and it doesn't...

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Two)

This is the last of it. It is the entirety of the story and everything is in there. It's not incomplete. Excuse the grammatical mistakes and shit, I'll fix them at some...

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (One)

Here's a piece I started. It's not "designed" to be anything specific other than that it explores a certain inter-species creature's psyche and perception of the world around him. There's more to it than is apparent on the surface but all that will be...

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This is mine meaning it belongs to Will E. Fox etc. This piece is about a message and I would always like some feedback. A fox stands in front of a mirror and considers his own image. He looks at his black tipped ears and touches one of them,...

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Tail Underground: A contribution

This is something I wrote for Ian Rain Soulfox. Hoping to write a series from this. I like feedback. Will trudged through the snow covered streets. The white wet mass seemed to have piled up and around him seemingly and grudgingly soaking into...

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Tail Underground contribution part 2

This is part 2 of the Tail Underground series. It does not have much to do with the Tail Underground here but I'm working to it. Once again I like to get some feedback. If you liked or hated please let me know. The forest that stretched across the...

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Brothers Part 4

Well here's part 4 Once again I apreciate any comments. Enjoy I hope Wufy handed the shaft to Jarel walking next to him. "Imagine that Jarel, they shot a sharpened stick at me. It might have made me think they're hostile if it wasn't such a...

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