Nothing I can do
Hey all, here is a little something, a small piece of poetry in a whatever style. I figured I'd regale you with the inner workings of my mind while I wait on Maeve for the next bit of _In the World After_. It's kind of a downer, but try to enjoy it for...
Finding One's Way; Chapter 6 - Michael
I didn't want to die for some grand, stupid reason. I didn't want to die to make a point. I just wanted to die because I had seriously messed up my life, and I saw no way of making it better. I couldn't even decide who I was. My life made no sense. I...
Finding One's Way; Chapter 5 - Luke
_Why!? Why does this happen to me?_ I slashed my hands through the air with anger. Tears were now streaming down my cheek fur, which I tried to mop up quickly with me sleeve. The last thing I need is my parents seeing cry lines down my cheeks. _This is...
Finding One's Way; Chapter 4 - Michael
"Ahg! Not again..." I muttered as I woke up on a chilly Sunday morning. For the third consecutive night, I'd had a dream about Luke. I had dreamed about him in general, about us being together, and other things. I knew that it was so wrong for me to be...
Finding One's Way; Chapter 3 - Luke
Those couple of weeks after the dance and kiss with Natalie were challenging for me mentally. It seemed, as luck would have it, that even though there didn't seem to be anyone looking, everyone saw my escapade. Within a matter of days, the whispers...
Finding One's Way; Chapter 2 - Luke
I don't exactly know when I knew for-sure that I was gay, and it probably didn't help that I didn't really know about homosexuality in the first place. I remember struggling to place my feelings and decide whether they were good or not. All I know is...
Finding One's Way; Chapter 1 - Michael
When my alarm went off, I didn't jolt awake like usual. I had slept terribly last night and had been awake already when the alarm began to buzz. Groaning, I slowly reached over turn it off. At 6:30 in the morning, I was as good as dead to the world....
Any Given Day
"God..." Travis was done. Done with work; done with this city; done with life. If the world could be stopped, he would definitely ask to get off. This day, February 14th, a Thursday, hadn't started out any different from most. "Drive safe, please!"...
When the phone rang...
When the phone rang at midnight, I knew I would be dead before the morning. Nonetheless, I quickly gathered all that I could to defend myself; a heavy flashlight, my husband's baseball bat...whatever I could find. The phone kept ringing, relentless...