Battle Fur Freedom - Chapter One: Thieves and Flags
In the dead of night, in a medium sized apartment in some alien dimension, the famous Cooper gang gets to work. The night before, they were sucked through a wormhole along with many others by a robot entity calling itself "the Mastermind", who...
The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition
Paris, France. Cooper Gang Hideout. 7:30 PM Local Time. Murray parks the Cooper van into the hideout's garage and closed the door. As Murray began to take some of the canadian treasures out of the van, Dimitri came to greet them. "Cooper! Long time,...
The Interpol Files: Beware, the Shaman
Somewhere outside of Montreal, Canada. 11:29 PM local time. After getting off the boat, Murray stopped the van on a cliff to check the engine. After such a rush from the police, he wanted to check the engine and the shocks to be safe. While he was...
The Interpol Files: Full Moon Menace
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Abandoned apartment. 4:02 PM, local time. A large figure dressed in a heavy coat breaks down the door to a derelict room. He steps in, carrying some suitcases. He places them on the ground and takes off his hat, revealing...
The Interpol Files: Prologue
Paris, France. Interpol HQ. 8:30PM, Local time. A young, aqua-green wolf in police uniform and an eyepatch walks through the front doors. He awkwardly stumbles through the doors up to the front desk. There, a lime-green parrot secretary glared at him...
Jewel's House
A few weeks after meeting Jewel at the mall, we finally were able to get our parents to agree to a date over at Jewel's house. Turns out, they lived only a couple of miles outside of the town where I live. I managed to pack some things to bring over:...
Love in the air
I was at the mall one day. My mom was doing some shopping at one of the bigger malls near Ottawa instead of the mall we go to in Cornwall, near the US border. I prefer the bigger malls because there is more stuff to pick from. For example, when I...
Double Lives
It was another day in the large metropolis of Strongcliff, inside the cafeteria of the illustrious Vertriver private school, lunch was being served. At one of the tables sat two friends, Dominic Tanner and Harvey Beck. The two of them, from first...
Battle Fur Freedom - Prologue
The Cooper Gang Hideout, Paris France. 8:09 PM local time Sly Cooper, the famous raccoon master thief takes some time to sleep. Even a master criminal has to rest for a little bit. Meanwhile, his lifelong friend, Murray the hippo, works on his melee...
The Interpol Files: Ice-Cold Betrayal
Somewhere in north-eastern Siberia, 9:00 PM Local Time. Murray struggled to drive the van through the snowy wastes of the Russian wilderness. There were no offical roads that lead to where they were going. In the days leading up to this trek, the gang...
An Ode to Canada
There is a country I call home, One that sits on the Earth's frozen dome. It's Canada, land of snow and ice, But one I wouldn't give it up for any price. It's a land where I'm free to think, do and be who I want, Although, I prefer not to...