DragonZ Chapter 7 --End of Act 1--
--Call of Duty-- "Chancellor Black. For too long have my kind sat in the shadows and rotted. Well no longer shall we hide! Our GOD has commanded us to retaliate and we are too happy to oblige. Our GOD has commanded that The Ark be destroyed. He...
DragonZ Chapter 21
**---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act IV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** 21 --The Final...
DragonZ Chapter 18
18 --Let the Good Times...
DragonZ Chapter 19
19 ...
DragonZ -Origins- :Legend of the Twilight Dragon (1-3 both)
Hey loyal fans! Im introducing a miniseries that tells the backstory of some characters! This one was done by my ex-girlfriend so the credit goes to her. Two more things: 1-like DragonZ, chapters will be soon to come 2-when you criticize on...
DragonZ Chapter 16 --Act III--
----------------------------Act III--------------------------- ...
DragonZ Chapter 15 --End of Act II--
Sorry fans. I have been really busy with personal things lately and I couldn't find time to really sit down and work but here is 15! Enjoy...
DragonZ 2 Chapter 2
~The Investigation~ \>Adrian Raines (RETIRED) \>Estimated Time: 9:24:38 \>Location: Adiran's Penthouse We awoke the next morning to hear multiple people banging at our doorstep. Kiddo grunted and wiped his face and...
DragonZ 2 Chapter 1
~20 Years Later~ I drew in a deep sigh and listened to the constant nagging of Chancellor Black, he sounded like the testosterone filled Police Chef in those TV shows I used to watch as a kid. He was enraged at how my team and...