DragonZ Chapter 16 --Act III--

Story by Azur the m0vi3drag0n on SoFurry

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----------------------------Act III---------------------------



>5 Days Later<

>1700 miles from Castle Ragnarok at Estra-Triage Coastline<

>>Kiddo's Journal<<

>>Journal Entry: #17<<

>>Date of Entry: 13 Mar. 2152<<

We found a nearby cave that snaked underground for miles and made refuge there after the attack. My people are in great pain and are loosing hope, they expected Adrian and I to protect them but we let our guard down. We had failed them and there was nothing no one could do about it.

I was heart-broken about losing the castle but, it seemed to have effected Adrian the worst. He hasn't come out of his room in days, no food, no drinks, he even locked Sasha out! I am still new to being the King but, Adrian is a Dragon God! That has to add that much extra pressure on him pour guy. I tried to talk to him yesterday but, he refused to speak.

If there was one good thing that came out of this...actually two good things. 1st: Masiaf, the Quatzecotal. Kind of shady yet trusting creature he is. Talks without moving his mouth (pretty nifty trick) 2nd: I know who my father was. Azur Garrus, the first Dragon God of Twilight. One question; Why did he pass on his abilities to Adrian and not me? I am a little jealous I'll admit but why him? Aw well. I guess father had his reasons. >>End of Entry<<

>>Sasha's Journal<<

>>Journal Entry: #56<<

>>Date of Entry: 11 Mar. 2152<<

It's been 3 days since the attack. A few cuts and bruises, nothing I can't handle. We found a cave on a coastfront. I offered Adrian to walk with me on the beach but, he has himself locked away in our room and won't let me in. I'm getting worried...we all are, even Falco who seemed to not exactly approve to work under him at first. God...to see Adrian bright and strong one moment then broken and shut out from the outside is too heavy, too drastic of a change.

I know him too well for him to change like this. I knocked on his door a few minutes ago begging to see him. Didn't work. I nearly broke down and cried right there at his door.

Then it hit me...something I have never felt before, something I cannot explain. It hit me like an invisible wave of feelings, not mine...someone elses. It felt distressed, out of place, and confused...I think it was Adrian. I felt something similar when Adrian knotted me the other night, not like this but felt someone elses happiness, love, and pleasure.

I have heard of these things happening to a few of my friends that had found their one true love! They told me that they could feel what the other felt. Shrinks call it Spirit Linking, a psychological and physical bond of a mated pair. They say it's a 1:200,00 chance it happens but, some of the locals told me something about this before the attack. I need to think about this. >>End of Entry<<

>>Captain's Log<<

>>Log Entry: #33<<

>>Date of Entry: 13 Mar. 2152<<

5 days...no food...no water...no contact with the others. I let them down...I've failed them. I've lost the moral. Without the moral, there is no point in even trying to strike back let alone retake Castle Ragnarok. If I am a Dragon God with limitless power...why do I feel so powerless? >>Entry Inturupted<<

>>UGAC. Capt. Adrian Raines

>>DragonZ Squad


>>Captain's Quarters, The Soul Calibur.

Selina came up on the holocron near me, "Sir?"

"Go away Selina...I don't want to talk."

"Sir please. We only want to..."

"I SAID LEAVE ME BE!" I shouted.

"SIR! YOU ARE BEING A COWARD AND INSUBORDINATE! You are lucky I haven't sent in a request form for another sutible Captain!" Dam...never thought she had such anger.

"Fine...Have your say then." I waved my hand at her.

"I have been monitoring everyone on the ship and the dragons in the caves. They have no one to guide them. Kiddo is doing his best to reassure them but, the dragons think other wise. They want him off the throne."

"That is Kiddo's problem not mine."

"WHAT?! How can you say something like that?! Kiddo thinks highly of you Adrian. Kelsey maybe his mate and close to him but no one knows him like you do. He loves you like a brother."

"Then he is going to be disappointed."

"ADRIAN WILL YOU FUCKING LOOK AT ME!" I turned to her. "You are not like your father Adrian. Don't follow in his footsteps."

I stood erect and enraged, "How DARE you look at my file! You know NOTHING about me or my father!"

"But I do! Adrian," Her voice calmed. "I know what happened at Terra 3 and how he betrayed you and the rest of your unit, it was horrible what he did to your sister..."

I cut her off, "Don't you talk about my sister...talk about my father all you want but you leave my sister out of this that's an order."

"She counted on you to be there when it happened, you couldn't reach her. Then when she counted on you being in the E.R. you showed up. You couldn't reach her in time because your father had gotten to her first."


"What I want to know is how did her and her unborn child die?"


"It showed that you were there when it happened. Why didn't you stop him?"


"Why Adrian?"



"STOP!" I broke into tears. "AAAAAHHHHHH HA HA HA....SAMANTHA!" I cried out her name. I couldn't hold the feeling in anymore. "Samantha...forgive me...I didn't know what dad was doing in the other room. He threatened to kill you if I ever spoke a word about it."

"Adrian..." Her voice was quite, almost a whisper.

"And that day on the balcony...huh huh I didn't know what to do. I was only ten, I didn't know what it would do."

"What are you...Oh my god!" Selina gasped in shock of realizing what happened. "Oh my god Adrian. I'm so...so sorry! I didn't want to bring up your past I was only proving a point."

"She was going to name him Adrian after me." I sat back down and rocked back and forth. "We were going to escape and raise him but daddy found out. Daddy slapped her and I tried to kill him but, Daddy moved and I shot Sammy instead." I pointed to my stomach. "Right here...I shot her right here. Right where Adrian was, Daddy saw what I did and came for me next but, shot him too."


I looked up at her and cryied less than before. "I killed my entire family." I layed my head in my arm and curled into a ball. Rough and smooth hands touched my back. I felt in my mind that Sasha was crying lightly. I looked up to see Falco, Peppy, Slippy, Fox, Kelsey, Wolf, Gun, Kiddo and Sasha leaning down staring at me.

"We understand..." Sasha whispered. An overwhelming happiness flowed through my body and my spirit. They had heard me but, they forgive me.

Falco held out his wing of a hand to pull me up, I grasped it firmly and was pulled up on my feet. I smiled at the group, "Thank you..."

"No. Thank you sir...Adrian." Falco spoke. We came close and hugged, and everyone else joined in and group hugged.

"I don't know what to say." I said

"You don't have to say anything. At least not to us." Kelsey spoke. With that I started to walk out of my room and the others followed me. I walked tall and proud through the halls of MY ship, to the hanger bay and exited. I didn't stop walking. Some large groups of dragons looked at me walking down to the cave and followed us. The cave was warm and cozy, more groups followed us down into the deep.

After a mile of walking down we came to a massive room that all the rest of the dragons were in. I came to a alter like stalagmite, and motioned all to quite and they obeyed.

"Listen up! Do you know what we are?" I asked aloud but no one answered. "We are a group of warriors, lovers, and sinners brought together to help you fight. I always thought that a dragon was the most majestic, spectacular, astonishing creatures that never existed. Until I met Kiddo Garrus. My dream became real."

They listened in more, "After a few weeks I was told that my home, The Ark, was threatened by the Dinosaur race. I answered the call of duty, to protect my home. Then I came to Ragnarok and I see you sitting within the castle walls doing nothing!" They began to get irritated. "You coware in your homes waiting to die! You've seen us first hand fight the Dino's."

One of the male dragons in the crowd shouted, "But you have weapons! We have nothing!"

"WRONG! You do have weapons of your own! Your fire, your wings, your talons, your teeth, your horns and the the dragon beside you! As a whole you out number them 10,000 to 1! My team and I are trying to help you and you have returned the favor by patching up our ship but, thats not enough. We need more help. We can't fight the entire army by ourselves."

"But your are our Dragon God! You can do anything!"

"Yes I can. But I don't want to do this alone. They took everything from you. So I say...WE TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS!" Every dragon stood up. "RETAKE YOUR HOME! RETAKE RAGNAROK! STRIKE BACK WITH A VENGEFUL BLOW AND DRIVE THEM BACK!" Some began to roar lightly.

"This ends now. Either we die in the fires of battle...OR THEY DIE!" They all roared loud. The walls of the cave shook vigoruosly and 10,000 bodies jumped and cheered.

"With me!" I turned to lead them out of the cave and into the day. Outside waiting for us were stockpiles of weapons and armor fitted for a dragon. "Everyone able bodied to fight grab a breast plate, vambraces, leggings, boots, a helmet and a gun. We will teach you how to use it in groups of 300 after you have gathered your armor." They stood in two lines waiting paticently for their armermants of war.

Throughout the rest of the day, we taught them how to shoot, snipe, plant explosives, hand-to-hand combat, and run fast with their armor on. They were so eager to learn and fight, the looks on my teams faces were of confidence and insparational.

I had gained the moral back and more.